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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. All good days. I salute most men, lol, and women entrepreneurs . Being adopted, I'm a big proponent of adoption. Not sure on the meaning of the quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink. Maybe on the wine. I have been to Fairbanks. We took the McKinley Explorer from Denali to Fairbanks. Brrr. It's cold and windy today. We're at 29, but the sun is out. Our holiday light up night is downtown tonight; I suspect some will stay home due to the cold. I'm feeling pretty good, but of course woke up with my eye being red and light sensitive. Luckily I jumped right on it with the strong drops, and it seems to be getting better. I didn't have to wear sunglasses indoors since I caught it early. Otherwise I'm trying to pack 2 bags, one for the road trip travel and one for the cruise. Also taking sheets and towels for staying in a friend's condo in Myrtle Beach a couple of days on the way home. At least in a car you can take as much as you can fit in it! @marshhawk That boss sounds like a real jerk. Good to be rid of him. @kazu I hope disembarkation went smoothly and safe trip home. @rafinmd I'm glad your foot is feeling better. Thanks for doing our lists while on your cruise. @Cruzin Terri I hope the work on the house proceeds smoothly. Prayers for Joanne. @StLouisCruisers @summer slope @GTVCRUISER Bon Voyage! @ottahand7 Lots of snow! Be careful. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the pictures. @lindaler Nice photo! @Cruising-along Thank you for sharing your photos. I'm glad DH is stable and keeping up with his follow-up care. @luvteaching Great to hear that DH is making progress with rehab. That heel issue sounds serious; I hope wound care can come there to help with it. @bennybear Prayers for you neighbor. Love that photo! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. Some pictures from Fairbanks. HAL train car going to Fairbanks Steamboat Landing River cruise in Fairbanks David Butcher with the Iditarod dogs Chena Village Caribou and Post Office Preparing fish for smoking Chena Village demonstration of Alaskan Parka Tribute to Granite, Iditarod dog
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like apple cider, Mickey Mouse and not sure what Princess day is. Interesting quote. Hard NO to sardines. I'll pass on the drink and yes to the wine if someone else buys it for me. I haven't been to Kushiro. Another 27F morning today; we may not make it up to freezing. Some flurries off and on. OMG on the snow Erie and Buffalo are getting! I'm feeling ok so far today. I just had coffee. I'll be doing laundry and trying to pack 2 separate bags. One for the road trip and one for the ship. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels and have a wonderful cruise! @summer slope Safe trip and Bon Voyage! @Cruzin Terri It sounds like you got a lot accomplished toward your new bathroom. @Crazy For Cats That sunshine looks awesome. @rafinmd Thanks for adding me to the list. @ottahand7 Wow on the snow! I'm glad your meeting was cancelled. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry to hear about the wheel and tire incident. Thankfully you were ok. I'm glad you have the 2nd car to use. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  3. Well, no dinner out tonight. I started feeling unwell around 3PM. All I'd had was my morning coffee, and a spoonful of peanut butter around 1PM. BFF came over at 5, and I just felt nauseated and uncomfortable. I made some peppermint tea and sipped on that. By the time he left around 7 I was feeling better. I hope I can get this figured out. Otherwise I won't be eating much on the cruise.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I hope that people will try to become smoke-free. A salute to students and I like baklava. It's also National Homemade Bread Day! I haven't made as much bread lately. Typical Wilde quote. Yes to the meal, drink and wine (a bit pricey though). I haven't been to Nathon. One of my college roommates was Thai and wants me to come visit. I hope to see photos. Brrr. It was 28 this AM with a windchill of 19. We're up to a balmy 33F. I was surprised to see snow on the roofs and lawns when I looked outside. I challenged my stomach yesterday with spaghetti for dinner, and did ok (yay). BFF wants to go out to eat, but I'll likely just have soup or something mild. Some of the meds I was prescribed yesterday were so pricey. I was able to use GoodRx for one, and got it for less than half. The other I'll have to bite the bullet I suppose. I have a lot to do. We'll be heading to FLL on Wednesday, for the Caribbean cruise on Apex (BFF won it). I have my trepidations, but hopefully will remain healthy (I'll wear my mask indoors and on tours). @cunnorl Hang in there with the itinerary changes; I'm sure it's frustrating. @StLouisCruisers Safe travels to FLL and enjoy your cruise! @rafinmd Thanks for the lists. Nice sunrise photo. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got everything moved with help. Good luck with the tile. Prayers for Joanne. @Cat in my lap I hope you can get the medication without too much hassle. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. Wow, on Sue processing the deer herself - impressive! @Lady Hudson That's very kind of your DS to help out. @Ichiban Nekko Lots going on there! And Bon Voyage! You deserve to relax and have fun. @RedneckBob Oh my on that performer's accident; hope they are ok. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos! @ottahand7 Good to hear that DB is making some progress. Ugh on having to shovel snow! Be safe if you have to go to your Garden Club. @aliaschief Enjoy that family time. @kochleffel I'm glad you're feeling better. @Cruising-along So good to hear that DS and DDIL will be getting their furnishing delivered and get to move in soon. I hope your neighbor's insurance company does right by her. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Clarinets are ok. I have my Mother's button tin. We should all try to be more tolerant. Interesting quote. Yes to the meal, drink, and the wine. I haven't been to Kiritimati. Another cloudy cold day, with intermittent snow showers. I had a GYN appointment this morning and blood work done. Now I have to have an US. But, I slept well and feel better today. I didn't eat for 24 hours and my stomach didn't hurt, but can't keep that up. And I'm back on Gabapentin. So nice to feel better for a change; I hope it lasts! @atexsix Bruno, prayers for you and DD. You are to be commended as his caregiver. Please try to take care of yourself too. @MISTER 67 Good news about your finger. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos. And I was glad to read about Steve's accomplishments in PT. Maybe his prior inactivity led to the BP issues, and now that he's moving more it will stabilize. @smitty34877 I'm pleased that the extra help is making life a bit easier for you all. @rafinmd Thank you for sharing your cruise and keeping the lists going. @marshhawk I hope Irving doesn't have cancer. @dfish It's wonderful to hear that you like the area you moved to. @StLouisCruisers Yay for negative tests! @Crazy For Cats Looks wonderful. @*Miss G* Happy Anniversary! @grapau27 Dinner looks great and I'm sure you enjoyed Sarah's company. @summer slope Congrats on the negative tests. Prayers for the Care List and a Salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I think we should all try to recycle, although I have to go out of my way to recycle glass, as it's not picked up with the rest of the stuff. I haven't made a bundt cake in a while. I am working on cleaning out perishables from the fridge before going away. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and can't afford the wine. I like Roy's meal. I haven't been to Broome. It's cold with snow showers. I had another bad morning. I'm waiting to hear back from GI and Neurology. At least I feel better now, for the time being. @Lady Hudson Good news about DH's progress with the dental issues. @RedneckBob Enjoy your cruise. @cunnorl I'm pleased your tests were negative. @Cat in my lap I hope you get a good report at the Cardiologist. @MISTER 67 @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos from Broome. I'm glad DH is starting to do better and that you feel more comfortable with him there. @rafinmd Lovely sunrise. @ottahand7 Great news that DB is doing better today. @Vict0riann Good that Pat is feeling better. @luvteaching Prayers that DH's heel tissue injury is slowing him down; he's lucky to have you to advocate for him. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear that the insurance company came through and that you're getting help with packing things up. Prayers for Joanne. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute Girls and Children. I like dill pickles. It's also World Diabetes Day - so many are affected. Strange quote. The meal sounds interesting (sans potatoes), but carby. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine (but too $$$). I haven't been to Cobh, or anywhere in Ireland. Brrr. It's cold with flurries. It was 33F, now up to 38F! Another bad night last night due to my stomach issues and neuropathy. I need to call GI and the neurologist. @seagarsmoker Welcome home. Sorry to hear of the embarkation issues. @grapau27 Thanks for the pictures from Cobh. @Crazy For Cats Nice photo. Too bad the turnaround was discombobulated. @smitty34877 I hope the new aide for Tana works out, and that you feel better soon too. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry to hear of Steve having pain, but I hope it only means nerves are healing. @StLouisCruisers Great photos. @HAL Sailer Unfortunate to hear the effect of travel on DH; I went through that with my Mother. And I understand the effect on you as well. @MISTER 67 Good luck with the hand surgeon tomorrow. @marshhawk I hope the vet is able to help Irving. Unfortunate about the contract going backwards. @rafinmd Thank you for our lists. And congrats on finding socks! @lindaler Congrats to your son on his Chili wins! @Cruzin Terri Continued prayers for your neighbor. Sorry to hear your PMR flared up and that you have to restart the Prednisone; hopefully a shorter course this time. Good luck with the packing. @Cruising-along Lovely photos. Cool about Captain O'Driscoll's reception. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I miss my musician friend, who left us too early due to cancer. Didn't know what a pupusa was until I looked it up. I was too shy for Sadie Hawkins Day. I like the meal, but will pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Recife. It's quite chilly still (38F) but at least the sun is out after 2 days of clouds and rain. I think we had some flurries earlier. I'm not feeling well. My stomach is quite upset. I still think it relates to my injections and I'm trying to record events in a timeline. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon on Remembrance Sunday in the UK. @MISTER 67 I hope the infection is gone and you get only a small bandage, if any, on Tuesday. @rafinmd It sounds like a ship is conducive to walking for you. Enjoy! @ottahand7 Sorry to hear DB has a rash now; he can't get a break! @GTVCRUISER Welcome home! @Copper10-8 Cute picture! @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope things are going well for DH. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Not really a French dip fan. Pneumonia can be deadly and all who can should get vaccinated. I'll drink to Happy Hour! (theoretically, still doing no alcohol). Camus can be hard to interpret. I'll pass on the meal and wine. The drink sounds good, I haven't been to Fukuoka or anywhere in Japan. We got almost 2.5" of rain yesterday! Today it's cloudy and cool. No specific plans, but I do need to do some trying on and laying out of stuff for my trip. @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to DS! And DD is very talented. @rafinmd My condolences on the passing of Firefighter Andy. And congrats on reaching 5-star Mariner! @lindaler Looks like a fun time in Mobile. Good luck with the chili cook-off. @Crazy For Cats Happy Birthday Jake! @marshhawk Thinking of you today as you go to Shari's life celebration. @ottahand7 I hope DB is starting to feel better. @Seasick Sailor I needed that reminder to turn off the water to the outside spigots and put the covers on outside! I keep forgetting to do it. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  10. So sorry to hear about the passing of Andy; my condolences. Congrats on making 5-star !
  11. Valve issues can cause the atrium of the heart to develop fibrillation, although fibrillation can be independent of valve disease. The disorganized quivering of the atrium predisposes to blood being somewhat stagnant there, leading to clots forming. The clots can then go to the brain or block a coronary artery.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Thank you to all Veterans worldwide; we are in your debt. A salute to Angolan independence and Education. I like origami but have never tried it. Strange quote. Thinking of those who suffered due to Nicole and those condo owners who have had to leave their homes. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Manaus, Brazil. We're getting rain here all day, 2-3". I need to have my gutters cleaned out after all the leaves falling, but it's nearly impossible to get someone. I used to go out on my front porch roof and do it, but those days are over. @MISTER 67 Thank you for sharing pictures of yourself in the service. @smitty34877 Happy birthday to your twin grandchildren. @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your friend on the loss of her DM. @rafinmd I hope you're relaxing and enjoying yourself. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm sad to hear of the confusion at the hospital regarding DH's care; not acceptable. Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DM. Thanks for the Manaus photos. @ottahand7 Prayers for DB. How are they treating the bed sores? Do they have a wound care nurse who is doing something for them? @NextOne Oh my, that had to be a shock, but good that this was discovered before it caused more issues. @Sharon in AZ Sorry to hear you're still feeling ill; get better soon! Prayers for the Care List and a salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  13. @Cruzin Terri I think I used HTML language to make the link in my signature. It's basically <a href="mailto:insertemailhere@xyz.com">Email</a> where you put your email where it says insert email here and the link will say Email. Maybe give that a try.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to injured veterans, Accounting is important, and I only like vanilla cupcakes if they have chocolate icing. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal (I don't like coconut due to texture). I'll take the drink and pass on the wine. I have been to Cartagena on my PC cruise, but only went to the little park near the docks, as my knee went out and I couldn't do my planned touring. It's the last warm day before the cold sets in. I did get the grass mowed yesterday, and the borough came and vacuumed up the leaves. So not a lot on the agenda today, although I do need to start getting things laid out for my upcoming trip. @HAL Sailer I'm glad you made it there safely. Glad to hear of no major issues, and hopefully water didn't infiltrate. Wow on all that debris still there. @rafinmd Bon Voyage! @cat shepard Thanks for mentioning @JAM37 . I saw a report on the news about those condos. So sad. And prayers for all in Nicole's path. @Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck with DH's transfer to rehab and I hope he hasn't lost much progress. @smitty34877 Good to hear the shot is starting to help. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. From my November 2021 post. I couldn't go far from the ship, unfortunately, as my knee didn't permit walking much that day. The Castle of San Luis de Bocachica, a military fortress that defended Cartagena. Entering the Bay of Cartagena Park by the dock with animals and performers Sunset
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. All good day. I was recently at an Art Museum, World Freedom is important and a salute to Carl Sagan (billions and billions of stars was not what he said!). Interesting quote. I like the meal, drink and wine (a bit pricey for me). I haven't been to Ilfracombe, England. Another chilly start to the day, but it's going up to the 60's from our start of 37. I hope they come and vacuum up the leaves today; my pile is huge. I want to mow the lawn a bit later. Also it's injection day. Prayers for all of those in Nicole's path. @Crazy For Cats Nice scenery! And lovely flowers. Very nice of DH. @HAL Sailer I hope the home in FL has minor damage. Safe travels as Nicole approaches. @rafinmd Stay safe today and I hope boarding goes well tomorrow. @ottahand7 Continued prayers for DB. @dfish Good going on the unpacking. Thanks for the recipes. @grapau27 Lunch looks good. That's the only way I'll eat fish. Nice decorations in the restaurant. @marshhawk I'm glad you enjoyed the symphony last night. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm pleased to hear DH's procedure went well and that most of the clot was able to be removed. @Ellencruise Welcome to the Daily. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  16. @kazu Thank you for sharing the send off for Jose at sea; very touching. I'm glad you got to the Flamenco show and the special song was a lovely gesture.
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