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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. @kazu Thanks for the great pictures of Sagrada Família and Montserrat. My cancelled cruise in 2020 was to start in Barcelona and visiting Sagrada Familia was to be a highlight. I'm glad you're continuing on the cruise (better than being home in that 2 story house alone), but sad to hear your BIL and niece have to fly home.
  2. Following along. Have a safe trip and great cruise, Roy.
  3. Good afternoon. Thank you @richwmn for the Fleet Report/Daily. A salute to Dominican independence. No one around to give a dollar, but I need to amass some for my upcoming trip. I've tried to like stout, but generally no; I do use it in some recipes. Funny quote! The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and wine (due to price). I visited St. Thomas on my first ever cruise, on Princess, which was to celebrate my 50th birthday. Again there was dense fog this morning, but it's now sunny and in the 60's. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. It sounds like you're ready to go, and I hope all goes smoothly! Don't worry about the recipes, we'll survive. @rafinmd Safe travels getting to FL. @MISTER 67 Sorry to hear they messed up your prescription and I'm glad you're going in person to get it. @aliaschief I'm glad they found Sue's iPad and are mailing it. @Rowsby Beautiful Hawaii pictures. @Sharon in AZ Safe travels. @Cruzin Terri Good news on finally hearing from your insurance adjustor and getting money for rent! Let the repairs commence! I would think despite the family emergency, there should have been some message on his voicemail to alert his clients of his absence. @ottahand7 Sorry to hear about DB's pain and the bed sores; it all sounds awful. Hopefully rehab will be very helpful to him. Good news about Frank. Enjoy the wine dinner tonight. @ger_77 It sounds like you're enjoying Barcelona. @Quartzsite Cruiser I was in St. Thomas on the Golden Princess in 2004; when did you sail? @HAL Sailer Prayers for your DSIL, DH's DS, on this new medical problem. @kazu I hope every day that the foot is somewhat better. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. St. Thomas, VI View from Paradise Point Blackbeard's Castle on Government Hill Megan's Bay from Mountain Top "World Famous" Mountain Top Banana Daiquiri Shopping area near the dock Sunset
  4. Jacqui, good to hear you can put a little weight on the foot. I hope there is daily improvement!
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Remembering the faithful departed on All Souls Day and Dia de Los Muertos. I'll have to think about my epitaph. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal and wine, and take the drink (although I've had no alcohol for about 2 months due to the liver enzyme elevation). I haven't been to Ishigaki Island or Japan at all. Another nice day, although there was very dense fog this AM until almost 11. Now the sun is out and it's 60F. About 10 degrees above the average temp for this time of year. Otherwise, doing some tidying and laundry. The Orthopedic doctor's office called to move my final Synvisc shot to an earlier time and with a different doctor, since mine won't be there. @ger_77 I'm glad you made it to Barcelona. That was a quick departure from home! @MISTER 67 I'm glad you're seeing the doctor about your finger. @grapau27 Thinking of you and Pauline on your late Mam's memory day. @rafinmd Thank you for your diligence in keeping the lists. @dfish Good luck with the final packing. Thanks for the recipes. @ottahand7 Continued prayers for your DB's recovery. @aliaschief Welcome home. @smitty34877 I hope DH is doing well. Continued prayers for Tana and it's great her friend is coming again to help out. @durangoscots That personnel issue sounds tough. Good luck! @luvteaching I hope DH continues to progress. Unlike acute care hospitals, things are slower in rehab, unfortunately. He's lucky to have you to be his advocate! @mamaofami Prayers for a good report from the oncologist, and I hope the steroid shot works. @Quartzsite Cruiser Woohoo on DH's continued improvement! @AncientWanderer When my Mother passed in 1993, I bought an additional plot for me. Lately I've been thinking I should make some plans, since I don't have any family. @Sharon in AZ Have a safe trip to Charleston. @kazu I hope the foot is starting to improve. Your hotel sounds like just the right place! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Take care everyone. Dia de Las Muertos decoration along the Malecon in Puerto Vallarta
  6. I could not log into CC today. After a few tries my account was locked. Then when I finally did get in, my profile picture was gone. Finally in! Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. A salute to authors, I've no pet to cook for, and family literacy is important. True quote. Yes to the meal, the drink and wine. I haven't been to Lerwick, Shetland Islands. It's going to be milder here as the week goes on. If it stays dry this AM, I may try to blow leaves to the curb. Usual stomach ache this morning, but it eases off when I eat something. I've resumed taking Omeprazole, thinking maybe too much stomach acid. @ger_77 So glad you finally got your flights! But such stress to get to your cruise isn't any fun. @kazu I hope the foot will start to feel better soon. Thank goodness you have family with you and that the hotel is being so helpful. @smitty34877 Prayers for DH undergoing his cath today and the stent placement success, as well as open grafts. @aliaschief Safe final leg of travel to home. @MISTER 67 Take care of that finger! @dfish Thanks for the recipes. When is actual moving day? @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Lerwick photos. Aww, Sadie is being such a good girl! @marshhawk Safe travels to visit MIL. @Quartzsite Cruiser So good to hear of DH's progress. Excellent Lerwick pictures. @kochleffel Interesting information. Thanks. @ottahand7 Oh no on DB's new medical issues; prayers for him to recover. @Seasick Sailor So good to hear of the compassionate doctor for DH's evaluation and his equally compassionate friend and fellow veteran. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  7. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! No pumpkin here to carve, I'll try to be more psychic and a salute to founder of the Girl Scouts. Excellent quote. I like the meal and wine. Pass on the drink (shredded coconut). I like @rafinmd's meal too. I haven't been to Banjul and by the photos, not sure I want to go there. The day got away from me. I started out early with a Rheumatology appointment. It was too early for breakfast, and my stomach was quite upset a good part of the day without eating. Still trying to get some answers. The PA doesn't think it's the Kevzara, but said I could stop it to see. I think I'll just record my symptoms in relation to timing of the injections for now. Then it was doing some online education for child abuse clearances. @dfish No worries on today's meal. I'm glad the closing went smoothly. Sorry to hear your sister has Covid and I hope a mild case. @StLouisCruisers Good news about Linda improving. Thanks for the photos. @Lady Hudson I hope DH's oral surgery goes smoothly and hope you two can go on your cruise. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Banjul pictures. @ottahand7 Since the YF vaccine is live attenuated, I'd think besides age, people on any immunosuppressants shouldn't get it either. @marshhawk Thanks for the recipe! @Seasick Sailor Congrats to your niece and fiance'. @kazu Oh no about your foot! Not sure about that doctor and she "thinks" it's not broken. Take care, rest up and I hope things recover soon for you and the pain lessens. (((Hugs))) @ger_77 Hoping to hear good news about your travel plans. @mamaofami I hope the cortisone shot fixes you up. @smitty34877 Prayers for DH's cath tomorrow. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  8. @ger_77 Unbelievable! I hope the flights get straightened out pronto! This would give me no confidence to trust FE ever again. @dfish It sounds like you got some great deals while shopping for your new home.
  9. From the PTZ website: Update 1/28/2022 : Cameras have been removed from the Pier 66 site today. We hope to return them once construction work is completed, possibly 2024, and have been enthusiastically invited to do so. In the meantime, if we can find a temporary home for an elevated view camera then we will. So it could be a while.
  10. Some pictures from Puerto Quertzal. Approaching Puerto Quertzal, with volcanos in the distance. Volcano Fuego near Antigua, Guatemala Destroyed buildings near the volcano Colorful Cemetery and Farmland near Antigua Museo de Arte Colonial, Antigua Woman selling textiles to tourists A little entrepreneur Fountain in Parque Central, Antigua Santa Catalina Arch Iglesia de la Merced Church, Antigua Jade Maya Factory and Museum I was surprised to see a US Coastguard ship in Puerto Quertzal as we sailed out.
  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm not a fan of candy corn, don't like mischief night (one time home from college my car got egged and they tried to sugar the gas tank but it had a hard to remove gas cap) and I do like checklists to keep me on track! Good George R. R. quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the wine, although a bit above my price range. I have been to Puerto Quertzal on my Panama Canal cruise. It's nice today at 65 and partly sunny; rain tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm still doing things around the house, and started laying out some clothes in a spare bedroom for my November trip. @Sharon in AZ Sorry to hear you're still waiting to find out about the medication. And that you have to be referred and approved for the Rheumatologist. I waited a little longer to see mine, but that's because I wanted to see the chairperson of the department for my initial evaluation. I now mainly see her PA. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon today. @4966and556 Sounds like a good meeting your new cat. Congrats! @Cruzin Terri I hope you hear from the insurance company soon and don't have to threaten legal action to get them to do something! Good idea to contact GEICO directly. @AncientWanderer Congrats to DH on his golfing wins! @ger_77 Safe travels tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers You mentioned DGS perhaps attending the same college as DS; here Pitt gives tuition discounts for family members of staff (or at least they used to). Thanks for the photos. @0106 Nice pictures. @Quartzsite Cruiser I had to laugh at the a/c temp of 75 being cold! Must be an AZ thing. Great photos. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for the family. @Overhead Fred Thanks for the photos. @Vict0riann My condolences to you and the family on the passing of Vicki. @aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow. @ottahand7 Good to hear DB doesn't have MRSA. @NextOne Feel better soon! @kazu I'm enjoying hearing about your time in Barcelona. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Sometimes I felt like a hermit during the past almost 3 years, especially living alone. Many here will salute Cat Day. I feel for those who battle psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Very good quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I like Roy's meal as well. I sailed past Colon on my PC cruise, but didn't stop there. It's sunny and almost 60, after starting at 39F today. A good day to work outside, but my street leaf vacuuming doesn't start until Wednesday. I'm doing decluttering, ebay stuff, and paperwork tracking medical expenses. @richwmn Congrats on reaching 5 star status! @rafinmd Good to hear the news that you don't need to see the Radiation Oncologist again! @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad DH got to rehab yesterday. It sounds like he's got his work cut out for him, but I'm sure he's motivated to get back to full functioning. Thanks for the Colon photos. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I can't believe that treatment at the VA for DH's bloodwork! I'd have been sooo upset. @kazu I'm glad you made it safely to Barcelona and that DSs and BILs did too. @0106 Thanks for the important reminder about World Stroke Day. @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Tana is having a hard time and that appropriate assistance is not easy to find. Prayers for DH on Tuesday. @lindaler Wow, that bike ride sounds like a recipe for disaster. Good for DS for helping out. @marshhawk So cool about the composer patron! @aliaschief Enjoy your last full cruise day. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  13. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will certainly celebrate Statue of Liberty Dedication Day; it's my favorite iconic sculpture. I visited as a student, went for the rededication weekend in 1986 for her centennial, and have several small sculptures here in the house. Chocolate is a close second love! Plush animals are fun. Awww on the quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), but take the drink and wine (if someone buys for me). I have been to Chile, but not Coquimbo. It's cloudy here, but not bad temperature wise. So far no reaction to the vaccines other than some arm soreness. I went to see the Ortho doc this AM for my 2nd Synvisc knee injection. Only to find out there was a shooting not that far from where I was at the medical center; we've been having a rash of shootings, some with innocent bystanders struck. Something needs to be done! @luvteaching Good to hear DH is making progress. @marshhawk Sorry to hear of not enough job hours. So sad that Jesse is having such a tough time; you're both good friends to Penny. @rafinmd I hope the infection is clearing up. @summer slope Good luck with the YF shots. @0106 I didn't know that. I've never read the Winnie the Pooh books or seen animated versions. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photo of Sadie! I love her expressive eyes. And the port photos of yours and Lenda's. @aliaschief Thank you for sharing your river cruise with us. @smitty34877 Praying that the cardiac cath comes out well for DH. @dfish An exciting day! Safe travels to Michigan and good luck on Monday. @Cruzin Terri I can't believe the insurance company is being so uncooperative. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad DH will get transferred today. @HAL4NOW Great photos. @ottahand7 I'm glad DH is feeling well. It sounds like he'll have some work to do to get back to normal functioning. @Copper10-8 Thanks for the memes! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. An old scanned slide from the 1986 festivities
  14. Bon Voyage and have a wonderful time! Thanks for taking us along with you.
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