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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Labor Day! I've nothing to be late for today, and I'm usually early for things any way. I'll be having cheese pizza later (with pepperoni on it). We should all try to be charitable. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Icoaraci. It's raining off and on here and in the low 70's. I've been busy this morning, trying to do a bit of deep cleaning of my bedroom in preparation for the new bed coming on Thursday. Next I think I may take the lace curtains down in there and wash them. The insurance claims person is working even though it's a holiday; she called and they only want to pay for replacing some shingles. Well, I hadn't even planned to try to put in a claim due to the age of the roof. So I'll just take anything they give me, to help offset the cost of replacing it. They'll also pay for the plaster repairs inside. @Seasick Sailor Joy, continued prayers for Allen. @luvteaching Enjoy the Eurodam cruise. @Cruzin Terri Oh no on the toilet issue and flooding at your house! Sorry to hear so much will need to be replaced. @ger_77 Awful what happened with the stabbings. I'm glad you're safe, but certainly understand your unease. @marshhawk I'm glad Jesse is home, and sorry how tough it is for his wife. @kazu I don't blame you for getting someone to detail the SUV; that's a lot of work! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  2. Prayers for Allen. Probably a good thing he was at the VA when it happened. I hope the tests can help so that any further issues can be prevented. @bennybear Great pictures of the aurora, "Steve" and the shooting stars.
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. Every day should be bring your manners to work day. I'll salute newspaper carriers, although our papers have gone mainly digital, and the carriers are adults in cars. And I hear lots of complaints about people not getting their twice a week delivery. I make my own spice blends. I'll have to think about the quote. The meal is interesting. I'll take the drink and can't afford the wine. I haven't been to Mamoudzou, Mayotte (unfamiliar with it). It's cloudy and warm here. Maybe passing showers later. I had trouble falling asleep last night, then a weird dream, then I was awakened around 3:30 am by thunder. We had an overnight storm. So I'm a little tired. I don't think my new glasses are right, but I'll give them a little longer before going back to complain. @kazu Great wine memes! @StLouisCruisers Great tree by DD. And Sadie remains cute! @grapau27 Have fun! @marshhawk Good to hear Jesse's surgery is done; it would seem awfully early to release him home given the nature of his surgery. Prayers for him. @ger_77 That key blank was perfect! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I like cinema, although I rarely go anymore. I've tailgated once or twice for football, but usually just watch games on TV as ticket prices are outrageous. I like skyscrapers, but not the ones with clear glass floor observation areas where you can look down! True quote. I like the meal, but without pesto (not a fan). Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Mendelo. Thanks for the photos. It's partly sunny and 80 here, but humid. I wanted to get the lawn mowed this AM, due to a threat of rain and also to watch the NASA Artemis launch (now scrubbed). I was dripping wet by the time I finished. Now I'm starting to deep clean the bedroom, as my new adjustable bed will come next week. I also bought a recliner yesterday, but it is being made to order and will take about 5 months due to "supply issues". @rafinmd Sad news about Captain Workman. @luvteaching My condolences on the loss of your friend Wayne. Prayers for his family and friends. @cat shepard That was an awful lunch and HAL should hear complaints about it. @aliaschief When the repair costs almost as much as a new appliance, I'd get new too. Nice pictures. @kazu I'm glad you got some help for the garden. Sorry for the other issues that popped up. @grapau27 Yummy looking dinner. @kochleffel Safe travels tomorrow. @1ANGELCAT Sorry about the microwave, but you got a great deal on a new one. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Great days. VJ day is an important historical day. Scarlet and White are my BU colors. Food banks are so important, more so now than ever. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal (big no to eel), drink and wine. I haven't been to A Coruรฑa, Spain. Thanks for the pictures. It's warm and sunny here. Another sleepy morning for me; I had to take a Benadryl for a hive and itching at my injection site. Odd how that happens 48 hours after the shot. The field adjuster came back today, with someone to go up on the roof. He'll submit information, and then I guess I'll hear from the office claims person. I had planned to go out looking at a recliner today; if I wake up a bit I still will go. @Rowsby Enjoy your stay! @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to Austin! @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary! ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ’Œ Wow on all the rain. @luvteaching Oh no on DH's tumble out of the scooter! I'm glad he's ok other than bumps and bruises. @rafinmd @marshhawk mentioned yesterday that her anniversary is 9/9. @St. Louis Sal Thinking of you and I hope you're ok. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. I'll try to appreciate ginger cats. Haven't had a cherry popover. No to tofu from me. Interesting quote. Interesting meal. I'll take the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Boca da Valeria. It's a lovely day here. It was 59 early this AM, and now in the low 70's, with low humidity. The water damage guy was just here. All was dry, as I knew, due to the daytime 90F temps on the 3rd floor (the AC doesn't come on until about 6PM on the 2nd and 3rd floors, as I'm not up there all day). Now to wait for the final decision on what the insurance will cover. I plan to go pick up my new eyeglasses this afternoon, and stop again at the mattress place to try to decide between 2 mattresses for my new bed. @Cruzin Terri Happy Birthday! I hope you're feeling better today and enjoy your dinner out with DH. @Horizon chaser 1957 Safe trip to visit DS and enjoy the visit. @luvteaching Prayers for your friend Wayne and his wife Karen. @kazu Enjoy your lunch out with your BFF. @0106 Great job on the recipes! @marshhawk Congrats on all your sales yesterday! Good luck to DH with the car. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos. @lindaler Lovely sunset photo. Prayers for the Care List. Yay for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  7. Many, many years ago when I was a teenager, my mother and I took the auto train to Florida. She didn't like highway driving. It was a holiday train for Christmas and I remember there were movies and games going on during the trip. This was when it was privately owned, before Amtrak took it over. But I wasn't happy once we got to our destination, as I didn't like Santa in shorts and no snow!
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I eat outside if available, since the pandemic. I like trail mix; I'd like to make my own, but I'm too lazy! I like reading some memoirs. Agree with the quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Manta. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers @HAL4NOW @Cruising-along. It's partly sunny, mid-70's and less humid. I'm sleepy. I took Benadryl about an hour ago, and just took my shot. I was up early to drop a couple of packages at the PO, then on to the lab for blood work. The insurance adjuster came around 11 and did all the inside snooping. He couldn't coordinate with someone to go up on the roof, so he'll come back on Friday. I don't have to be here, but I will be. The water damage person never came, and when I called their number around 3PM, no answer. I need to pick up my new glasses, but don't want to dry while right now due to the sedating antihistamine. Maybe tomorrow - the area I have to go to is always busy, and will only get more so as the holiday approaches. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I think I'd like the soup or the one in tomato broth. @marshhawk Good going on the sales. @rafinmd There's been a lot on the news here about Overdose Deaths, as PA has some of the highest numbers, sadly. @dfish I was looking today at the very high ceilings in the staircase from the 2nd to 3rd floors. No way I could tackle those, even if much younger. Prayers for the Care List and a Cheer for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  9. I'm not happy. The water damage person never showed up! When I called their number, all it did was ring, with no answer. I stayed home all day, when I had things to do, grrrr. @Vict0riann I hope your GI system quiets down, so you can enjoy food on your cruise. @durangoscots Praying the heart monitor doesn't show anything untoward. @kochleffel I've usually been addressed as Miss Vanessa on cruises. As mentioned it shows respect without being too formal. @dfish That's a great picture! @HAL Sailer It's sad to hear that DSIL's biopsies weren't good. Prayers for her, and DH and you. @CrabbyPatti Congrats to your grandsons on their success at the fair! It's good that your Dad's caretakers did well, and hopefully you do get to really go away for a bit. @dfish Good for you on getting someone to do the rest! I'd love to find a good and reliable painter for this house. @Norseh2o Oh, I'm jealous of that view. Enjoy!
  10. Finally getting in after the site update kept me out for a while. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. We should try to be aware that many around us may be grieving silently, in addition to those we know are grieving. I like the ocean and grew up at it, but am not a beach person as in laying on the beach. We should try to touch hearts daily. True quote. I like the meal, but try to limit pasta. Pass on the drink and wine. I was in Bridgetown, Barbados, on my first ever cruise, on Princess, for a milestone birthday. It's cloudy and rainy here, with high humidity. I originally had lab work scheduled for this morning, but the water damage restoration people are coming today. I moved it to tomorrow, and the insurance adjuster person just called to come tomorrow, but moved it back in time so I can get my tests done first. @Rowsby Beautiful scenery. Have a great trip! @kazu Fingers crossed for good weather for the Celebration of Life. @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear of the poor sleep and leg pain. Hopefully not to recur. Good to hear that Linda and David's dog is safe. @aliaschief Sorry about the dishwasher. Enjoy your house guests! @gigianne Welcome back to the Daily. Great pictures. @Cruzin Terri Sorry the PMR flared up and you had to restart prednisone. Hopefully the dose can be reduced soon. Cool plaque. @smitty34877 Prayers for you all during this difficult time, and strength to endure. @Heartgrove Sorry for the PCC issues. From reading different HAL threads, that unfortunately seems to be a common issue. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. Arriving In Bridgetown on the Golden Princess Parliament building Careenage River Inlet The Chamberlain Bridge and local boats Open air sellers Inside Harrison's Cave Orchid World Gun Hill signal station Shipside band
  11. Just had a humdinger of a storm here. Dark, very windy, lots of lightning and thunder, and downpours (at times sideways). My power winked off, but only briefly, thankfully. More overnight storms probable. @dfish Oh, I wouldn't be happy with that Endocrine surgeon. @rafinmd Good news about the tests, Roy.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Bats are important, but I had one in the house and that wasn't fun. More herbs, less salt is a good thing health wise. I don't use much salt, but do spices rather than herbs. I wish motorists would have some consideration; people are so aggressively driving any more. Good quote. The meal sounds good, but carby. Yes to the drink and the wine. I was in Montreal way back, as a kid, for Expo 67! I don't recall much other than the Exposition. Never there on a cruise. Thanks for the photos. It's another hot one today, near 90 and humid (feeling like 95). I'll do stuff indoors. More sorting and making a donation pile. @kazu Good luck with planning Jose's Celebration of Life. I understand about the stuff everywhere and having someone in to clean; same situation here. People will be coming to be with you and celebrate Jose, and won't be using white gloves looking for dust! @marshhawk I hope DH's meds help him, with no bad side effects. @aliaschief Welcome home! @Horizon chaser 1957 Good to hear you're back to feeling well today. @cat shepard Thanks for checking in and the photos. @durangoscots Love the get well cards idea! Good luck with the Cardiology appointment. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  13. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll pass on racing my mouse around icons. I haven't had a pet, but know the sorrow others experienced when one crosses the rainbow bridge. I will celebrate red wine day, as that's 99% of the wine I drink. Great quote. I'm a big Jane Austen fan, and still re-read many of her books. Maybe on the meal. I'll pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I have not been to Baie-Comeau, Quebec. I'm late today. It's hot and sunny and almost 90F. I went out early to Sam's, thinking I'd beat the Labor Day rush. Wrong! It was pretty crowded. I had my mask on as usual. Then I got a call from the claims person with my insurance. An adjuster will be coming out to assess things (I told her they need a drone with my very tall house). Also someone will inspect the plaster and carpet inside to see if I need mold remediation (I don't think it was that bad, but it's a free service). Then laundry after I post this. @rafinmd That was a very touching story you reported regarding the memorial. @grapau27 I too wondered if you pick the elderberries and did something with them? @cat shepard Have a wonderful cruise! @Cruzin Terri Safe travels and I hope the hand surgeon visit is helpful. Good to hear your situation is resolved. @Cat in my lap I can relate on the joint pain. If it persists, see your doctor to get checked out. @StLouisCruisers Good news that your leg is feeling better. @smitty34877 Tana being stable for a while sounds good. How are you and the remainder of the family doing? @TiogaCruiser Good job on today's wine! @Cruising-along What a nice family photo. @kochleffel Enjoy the cruise. @kazu Sorry the knee is still impeding your doing things. @HAL Sailer Thanks for the photos of Baie-Comeau. @Horizon chaser 1957 Sorry to hear of the stomach issues; I can relate! I hope you feel better soon. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll have to play some music on my porch. I try to speak kind words daily. A salute to the pony express. Great quote. I like the meal, but try to limit pasta even though I love it. Pass on the drink and wine. I've been to Greece, but not Mykonos. Thanks for all the photos. It's going to be mid-80's and humid today. I'll stay inside and do some vacuuming and tidying. Finally I feel better. Yesterday I mainly ate applesauce, rice and toast. I managed to get about an hour nap around 5PM when I could barely stay awake. By 9PM I was so tired, and went up to bed. I barely remember my head hitting the pillow, and I was out! I got about 8-1/2 hours of sleep. @irishjim Great news on the skin surgery results! @jodi58 Welcome to the Daily! @luvteaching Bon Voyage! Have a great cruise. @rafinmd Condolences on the loss of your church member. @kochleffel Sorry to hear you needed to see a dentist in Copenhagen. Hopefully no more dental issues while on your trip. @Cruzin Terri Good to hear you may be nearing a resolution to your situation. Great that your appointment with the hand surgeon got moved up. @StLouisCruisers That was a wonderful gesture by your neighbor to visit Linda. @cat shepard Safe travels and have a wonderful time! @marshhawk Prayers for Jesse (and Penny) that his surgery and treatments goes well. @ger_77 I'm glad you're feeling better. @Overhead Fred Lovely sunset. @Heartgrove Enjoy your travel planning. @HAL Sailer Prayers for your DSIL; she has some important decisions to make. Prayers for the Care List and extra for Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. All good days. Many here love dogs and thanks for all the photos. Yay for Women's Equality. Toilet Paper Day is appropriate for me. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink and take the wine. I've never been to Aqaba. Thanks for the photos. It's sunny and warm, although we're to get showers later. Well, not a good evening or night for me. I don't know if it was eating something fried, or food poisoning, but a few hours after my early dinner with BFF, my stomach started to hurt and then intestinal distress. I finally got to bed and barely slept, I think between about 5 to 6:30AM. I'm trying to follow the BRAT diet today, although I don't have any bananas. I was even afraid to have my coffee this AM; maybe soon. I'm not a nap person, but maybe I can try later. @StLouisCruisers Great photos, thanks. It does sound like some type of medical emergency happened to your neighbor. Prayers for Linda. @Heartgrove I just filed a claim this morning for my plaster damage and roof wind damage. I figure it can't hurt to try. @grapau27 Cute video. @kazu Good to hear the doctor didn't find a medical malady. Beautiful flowers. @Cruzin Terri I hope things are going better for you today. @ger_77 Fruity tasting wine is definitely better than metallic tasting! @aliaschief Nice pictures. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I guess kiss and make up is a good thing. I haven't had a banana split in many years. National Park Service founders are to be saluted; love National Parks! In 2015 and 2016 BFF and I did driving road trips over 5K miles each, visiting many NP's, as I'd seen none before. I don't agree with the quote; some people are happy as loners. The meal sounds good; I've never had it. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I've never been to Kobe. Thanks for the pictures. It's sunny and going to be hot and humid today. I managed to get the lawn mowed yesterday, with taking a break due to the heat. Today BFF wants to go out for late lunch/early dinner. We're trying again to find a local restaurant; a couple of years ago we tried to eat there and couldn't find it even with the car's gps! @marshhawk It sounds like big changes are on the way for you. @aliaschief Wow, never heard of such a thing! Sad for those looking forward to tours, but hopefully people were able to walk around the town and see things. Also sad about the wandering person. @StLouisCruisers Prayers for a safe trip home for DS and family. Such sad news about your neighbors. @kazu Sorry to hear about the knee and the fall. I hope your doctor can figure out what's going on with your issues. Prayers. @Overhead Fred Great photo! @Seasick Sailor Sad about your friend's DB. And as @dfish said, a concern when one lives alone. Although I know if BFF didn't hear from me daily, he'd be on it! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and wear your mask if needed.
  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like iconic American restaurants. There was Isaly's here in PA, now gone, but some of their sauces and other products can be bought in grocery stores still. I've gotten to see Vesuvius and Pompeii. I'll pass on strange music. It's also national waffle day! I like the quote. Not sure about the meal. Yes to the margarita and wine (If someone buys it for me). I haven't been to Fujairah. It's warm, sunny and no rain today. I'm late as I had a haircut today; I was the first appointment and everyone was masked (only two stylists, one other customer and the receptionist were there at that time). Now I'm contemplating mowing the lawn as the sun gets a little lower in the sky. @Rowsby Congrats on the Hawaii trip! Good job on uploading the picture. @rafinmd Thanks for the lists. @Quartzsite Cruiser I have fond memories of HoJo's. @smitty34877 Kudos to Tana for continuing to fight and doing something challenging daily! @aliaschief Thanks for sharing your voyage with us. @dfish You're making great progress. Way to go! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  18. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. No riding the wind day for me. I like daffodils. No sweetheart to hug. A true, sad quote. Maybe on the meal. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I've never been to Nukuโ€™alofa. It's cloudy here and low 70's. Maybe a sprinkle later. The grass has grown from the recent rains, so I need to get out and mow soon. @Vict0riann HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ๐ŸŽ‚ @grapau27 Cute picture of you two! Have a great dinner tonight with Pauline and Sarah. @rafinmd I hope the lab tests come out ok. Sometimes a diuretic can cause a lower sodium. @ottahand7 You're busy! The tomatoes look great; mine were a failure this year ๐Ÿ™. @kazu Fun to have 2 boarders in the house! @aliaschief Enjoy Oslo! @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels to Dallas today. @ger_77 Hopefully your appetites improve soon. @HAL Sailer Sorry to hear DSIL's surgery was so extensive, but hopefully that will improve her prognosis. Prayers for her and for her son's recovery. @Heartgrove Thanks for the picture of adorable Lily. @HAL4NOW Wow, quite the flying adventure! @Horizon chaser 1957 Thanks for the great photos. Prayers for the Care List and those experiencing flooding. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  19. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll try to be an Angel for someone today. No tooth fairy visit for me hopefully! Hoodie Hoo! Interesting quote. I like the meal and drink. The wine sounds good but a little pricey for me. I have not been to Cartagena, Spain, only Cartagena, Colombia. Thanks for the photos. It's cloudy and less warm today, after a stormy day yesterday. We got over 1.5" of rain, which we needed. No big plans today for me. I didn't feel well over the weekend; stomach upset and headache. I even took a home Covid test (negative). I think it's the new cholesterol pill that was added; my symptoms are listed as side effects. I am going to hold it for a few days and see how I feel. @grapau27 Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline! ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ‘จ Lovely wedding pictures of you two. @superoma Happy Birthday to your DH! @StLouisCruisers Good luck at PT and I hope they can help. @ger_77 Good to hear you're feeling better. I know Wayne appreciates you and DH being there for him. Don't overdo it. @Cruzin Terri That was nice of a neighbor to fix your mailbox. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you're not having any flooding in your area. @Cruising-along Great photos! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  20. I couldn't find any Boston pictures. I have lots of non-digital ones from the 70's, although as a poor student I didn't take many pictures. I'm surprised I can't find any from my 2009 visit. @kazu I'm sorry to hear you're having so much pain. I hope it feels better soon. @dfish I used to do all my own painting. Then I developed some imbalance issues, and with my 10 foot ceilings I've been reluctant to get on ladders. It has improved though, and I really need to paint my kitchen since the renovation. But going around all those cabinets would be hard; I'd like to find someone competent and reliable to do it instead.
  21. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I don't care for spumoni, even though I love ice cream. I'll salute senior citizens (what age defines that?) and poets. Good quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I've never cruised to/from Boston, but went to school there for 6 years in the 70's. I was back in 2009 when I had the arbitration after a cruise injury. I'll look for any pictures. Before I went to bed, there was great thunder, lightning and rain. Same during the middle of the night, and early this AM. We're under a flood watch (I'm on high ground, so no worries). More storms tonight and the next 2 days. This should green up the lawn! @grapau27 Thank you for Father David's sermon today. Lovely scenery. @kazu Thinking of you and I hope Shadow got settled with the foster. @aliaschief Enjoy the 2nd half of your cruise! @cruzn single Prayers for you on what would have been your 51st anniversary. @smitty34877 Prayers that you all continue to improve. @lindaler That's awful the seller was dishonest about the house. Good luck to DS moving in. @ottahand7 Great photo by DH! @ger_77 My condolences on the loss of your friend Melodie and to her husband and family. Prayers for your and DH's continued improvement. @Quartzsite Cruiser I drove my first car in Boston! Prayers for the Care List and a Salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  22. Funny, I have that same photo from my cruise in 2007, that I didn't post earlier.
  23. @ger_77 Sorry you're still testing positive and that you're both still very fatigued. Just rest and recuperate. @grapau27 Pauline was a beautiful bride on her wedding day. Great picture of her and her Father.
  24. Good afternoon. Thanks @richwmn for the Fleet Report/Daily. Honey bees are important and hopefully making a comeback. I don't listen to the radio much, except in the car. The health department was just spraying for mosquitos around here as West Nile VIrus has been detected in some; and mosquitos love me so I try to always use a repellant. I think the quote is sadly true. I'll pass on the meal and wine, and take the drink. I've been to Nassau once by air (in college) and on a Disney Cruise. It's warm and sunny here today. Maybe a shower tonight, but serious storms tomorrow. I'm trying to tidy up around here as it's quite messy right now. My knee is not feeling good at times; the steroid injection helped some, but not great. I may look into the gel injection next month. @aliaschief Thanks for sharing your journey with us. @dfish You're quite the worker bee with all your painting! @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're starting to feel better after the booster. Thinking of you as you attend your neighbor's memorial service. @ottahand7 What a pretty landscape up there. @superoma I hope DD's ok and the pain and swelling subside quickly. Early Happy Birthday to your DH! @HAL Sailer I interpret the quote the same way. Many prayers for DH's sister. Sad to hear this news and I hope the treatment is effective. @durangoscots Fingers crossed for no more roof leaks! Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. A few pictures from my stop in Nassau on Disney Wonder in 2007. Atlantis Interesting Decor inside Atlantis Paradise Lagoon Ships in dock in Nassau
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