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Everything posted by njhorseman

  1. Since Boston will be your first US port, immigration clearance will be done there. It's impossible to say how long the process will take because you never know how many CBP officers will be working and the thoroughness of the checking they'll be doing that day. Since you're a foreign national you may undergo a lengthier process than a US citizen. You'll clear customs in your disembarkation port, Cape Liberty. Usually that's a perfunctory check unless you're chosen for a full examination of your belongings.
  2. I understand that you were discussing the food in the Terrace Cafe, but remember my hypothesis is that it's inferior to the food in the Terrace Cafe on O ships due to inadequate galley facilities, just as there are numerous other inadequate facilities on the R ships...and I was enumerating some of the other inadequacies. Sometimes I wonder why I'm booked on the 2024 ATW on Insignia...will I be able to survive 180 days on an R ship??? 😲
  3. But the overwhelming majority are. Per this report about 88% of Indonesians are Muslim and the nation is home to 13% of the world's Muslim population: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2010/11/04/muslim-population-of-indonesia/
  4. I'm not suggesting that the executive chef and staff aren't very important, but if you think about it there are any number of facilities on the R ships that are inadequate or lacking compared to the O ships such as: Number of restaurants Size of bathrooms in non suite cabins Lack of concierge and executive lounges on the R ships One laundry room on R ships versus five on the O ships And as I said the O ships were built with so much galley space that you would think the ships were larger than they are. It's a lot easier to cook in a large well equipped kitchen than a small, cramped one that wasn't designed for the purpose it's now serving.
  5. Perhaps the OP is using the Lincoln Tunnel. It's possible that someone from out of town might refer to the Lincoln Tunnel and Manhattan Cruise Terminal as being in "lower Manhattan" because geographically they actually are if you divide Manhattan in half, regardless of what the neighborhoods are called by native New Yorkers.
  6. In my relatively limited pre pandemic Oceania experience I found the Terrace Cafe on Marina to be far superior to the one on Insignia. My theory on why this is the case is that the R ships were built in the days before ship buffets were heavily used dinner venues. The buffet was basically a place to grab a quick breakfast before going ashore or lunch after you returned. If you had the time at breakfast and lunch you ate in the dining room and you never ate dinner in the buffet. As a result the galley facilities in the Terrace Cafe are inadequate for dinner preparation. By the time Marina and Riviera were built the buffet had become a regular heavily used dining venue so they were built with galley facilities to meet that need. I recall someone from the industry commenting that Marina and Riviera had unusually large galleys for ships of that size, being designed to accommodate Oceania's industry positioning as having "the finest cuisine at sea".
  7. If you have more than just some light carry on luggage skip the buses and subways. Either take a taxi or Uber directly from the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal to the Manhattan Cruise terminal or take the ferry from Red Hook to Pier 11 and get a taxi or Uber from there. Take your time disembarking the QM2 . There's no need to get to the Manhattan Cruise Terminal too early.
  8. The port's been open for months. Although it's possible all the work still hasn't been completed, ships docked there back in the winter.
  9. I've done this when I've had OBC that had to be used on shore excursions. NCL often includes a promotional $50 per cabin per day shore excursion credit and this was the only way to use it on something I was going to do anyway. Better to have a "free" trip to Horseshoe Bay than paying $14 . My wife took the $7 mini bus at about the same time and we met in the Horseshoe Bay parking lot.
  10. You should have no problems getting a parking space.
  11. This isn't a nicotine vape pen. Delta 8 is psychoactive cannabinoid and is prohibited on cruise ships.
  12. Official port schedules are more accurate than third party websites although even official schedules have occasional errors. Here's the official 2022 port schedule published Bermuda's Department of Marine and Ports Services: http://www.marops.bm/Documents/Shipping_schedules/2022 Cruise Ship Schedule.pdf As you can see your ship is the only one in port on your arrival day, September 2, and the Norwegian joy will be arriving on September 3.
  13. If the excursion price includes chairs and an umbrella take the excursion . If not a taxi would cost a couple of dollars less, except on Sunday when it would cost a couple of dollars more than the excursion.
  14. That appears to be the schedule to Newark Airport, not Cape Liberty. I don't see anything on their website indicating service has resumed to Cape Liberty.
  15. You're a US citizen. Residency is where you're living, not your country of citizenship. Since you're not living in the US you're not a US resident, and being a resident of the US is necessary to buy an insurance policy from a US insurer for the reasons I explained.
  16. I assume you mean you're a US citizen because you can't be a US resident if you don't live in the US. Insurance in the US is regulated by the states. Policy terms, conditions, exclusions and premiums can and do vary by state. Hence a US insurer can't issue a policy to someone who doesn't reside in the US . Perhaps you can be insured by a company doing business in the country where you are residing.
  17. You can familiarize yourself with the mansions at https://www.newportmansions.org/ . You don't need to purchase tickets in advance, they can be purchased on site. A drive by is a waste of time. You need to go inside one or two of the mansions .
  18. Newport is a tender port, so the ship will be anchored in the harbor. I forget exactly where the tender pier is located but yes, it's definitely within walking distance of the synagogue. Perhaps a half to three quarters of a mile ?
  19. There are other places to visit in Newport besides the mansions that some may be interested in, including: The International Tennis Hall of Fame The (new) Sailing Museum The Audrain Auto Museum For anyone interested in the history of religious freedom and Judaism in particular, the Touro Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in the United States and a National Historic Site.
  20. You would clear immigration in San Diego, but you still have to clear customs in Los Angeles as that's only done upon completion of the cruise. That being said, customs clearance is typically very perfunctory but you can't guarantee that you won't be the person upon whom they decide to do an actual check of your bags. I think 11:15 is tight.
  21. The voters did, but the state quickly enacted a law making the limitation illegal.
  22. The Canada and Bermuda seasons wind down in autumn. You're already past final payment due date for August, September and October cruises under 7 days in length. There would be substantial penalties for anyone currently booked to cancel, so it wouldn't make sense for any of those passengers to change their bookings. Testing is cheap and easy with the proctored home antigen tests from eMed and others so I just don't see it as that big a deal, and there are going to be passengers who prefer to take a cruise where everyone is tested, even recognizing the imperfections of that system.
  23. Only one ship currently deployed in Europe will require passengers to be tested, the Jade, because that is the only ship homeporting in Piraeus. No other European embarkation ports require testing.
  24. You have to complete the Travel Authorization application yourself. Each person over the age of two has to apply and pay the $40 fee. It's a COVID-19 related requirement, not at all similar to entry requirements almost anywhere else with the exception of Canada, but Canada does not charge a fee for their somewhat similar ArriveCAN application process. The Bermuda Travel Authorization process is outlined on Royal Caribbean's website: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/additional-requirements-to-cruise-to-bermuda
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