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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. Congratulations on your booking, we've only done 1 crossing and it was the equivalent in early January from New York. As well as being the start of the World Cruise for some, it's the return journey of Christmas in the Caribbean for others. In 2010 there was snow on both sides of the Atlantic but we got some use out of balcony.
  2. Thanks for your live reports both, it's good to hear that people are dressing up.
  3. I have moved the wine discussion from the dress code thread .... Hope you're all still enjoying your cruise.
  4. Happy Anniversary @Tonopah, I'm glad you're feeling better. It's cool and damp here today. I had a voucher for a garden centre for my birthday (in March) so we finally used it to part pay for lunch out today.
  5. Thanks for your report, it's good to hear that things are going so well. Enjoy your run !
  6. Maybe so they can exceed expectations but yes it does seem very odd. Undoubtedly there are some changes as a result of shortages of staff or products but hopefully this isn't one of them.
  7. Interesting, I wonder if it's just a website error ? Hopefully someone who has travelled in Queens Grill recently can confirm what is on offer.
  8. Do you have a link to the reduced menu ? It's much smaller than the ones shown here (from the Cunard website this morning) and recent passengers haven't mentioned a reduction. QEQV_QGrill_Dinner.pdf QM2_QGrill_Dinner.pdf
  9. That's good to hear, enjoy the rest of your trip.
  10. Oh dear, when do you need it for travel? I didn't get much chance to explore the area around Lake Vrynwy but I would love to go back, maybe for longer than 24 hours next time.
  11. I've moved the wine posts into this thread.
  12. You might be able to buy different packages on board, I haven't tried it but it's been reported here.
  13. I know, I assumed we'd get stuck in the rooms at the back !
  14. It's beautiful in North Wales now but it was rather cloudy earlier. I'm enjoying the view from my room before dinner
  15. Great to hear from you all, thanks for posting.
  16. Sounds good, we've just finished a barbecue in the garden. It's much cooler here now.
  17. I couldn't wear those on dry land, never mind on a ship !
  18. I think the lesson is keep an eye on the expiry date on the barcode. Mine created today expires on 14th January.
  19. Thanks for the update, that sounds like a good outcome. Might see you on board !
  20. That's good to hear, thanks for your report.
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