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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. @Sea Dog Thank you for all your updates. Now, I wish you a safe journey, and tons of fun. By the way, you look great having lost your weight. Take care and share updates when you can. Be safe
  2. Bob Safe travels Heard on the news chance of snow in some parts of Alaska with this storm, do not know if that is in your forecast. Be safe Had Hula Pie in Waikiki at Dukes on their lanai, patio, deck, whatever they call it at sunset. It was awesome Which amazed my how early sunset is because of location in the time zone. When we were there one August it was before 7pm. Also, I remember the town folks seem get home early, since the majority of their jobs are in tourism. Difficult time finding a bar open past 11pm I am sure that could have changed in the last few years. Also when we were there last time there is a way that all the Islanders know you are not local. Yeserie Bob, all the rental cars were red white or blue. The islanders stay away from those colors. Be safe Take care
  3. I noticed when you posted the picture of the blue message directory board the temp was 82. It has to be a default temp on Oasis class ships, when we sailed the Allure early August, every day the temp was 82. Great review, Thanks for sharing. Take care
  4. Good morning. I could not sleep so I started looking back on local news stories that I have not had the time to read. To begin with the state of Ohio is home to the best of the best construction of certain housing venues. No expenses spared. The plumbing, the unique glass windows and the concrete work cannot be beat. You see, we have so many new prison facilities in our state. Not the super duper big bad boys. Although we have one high security prison for those that could move up in the ranks if the continued to put revenge in their own hands. Where they are house the get private time in their room (cell) for 23 hours. And get to go to the playground (fenced in area) one hour a day. Just common felonies. Some murderers and some that no one knows what there in for. Most of our guest are from Washington DC. And Ohio makes those soon to be released or serving time for lesser evils, work what used to be called. β€œChain gangs” So when I read this article on what one of the prisoners found by a freeway a mere. 2 1/2miles from are house I thought. β€œ omg. What next”. I guess it could cause no harm and did not come from the reserve base that is located very close. See article below. On a side note. Before I retired our hospital would provide surgical intervention, and when I was approached to be on the team to do this I said sure. They always came with two guards Handcuffs. Leg chains and their cute jumpsuits The guards were always at their side. We were provided with β€œJohn Doe’s” medical record. I never treated so many John Doe’s because no real names were provided. We were not permitted to ask what they were in for. Or when they were getting out. They were cuffed and chained even after they were asleep and paralyzed. And the guards then called their boss to seek permission to remove chains. The guards set their timers for 15 min. To update their boss. Whatever type of care they needed they got and the hospital was eager to provide services because whatever they billed the got full reimbursement. No family memo were notified of the surgery. Did not want an unplanned visit , revenge from victims if word got out or jail break. Once the guards informed us that our patient at times acts out and keep your distance. Kinda hard to do when you have to interview them, start an IV for drugs and put monitors on. I let my anesthesiologist know. He went and got me a syringe of anectine ( paralyzing agent). And he goes one wrong move stick the needle in his arm shoot the medicine in. Then get a bag and bag him. He will be fully awake but paralyzed. I kept that syringe on me till he was asleep. Now. Let me see if there is any other unique news stories. Be safe.
  5. Something that was posted caught my attention. The hospital I practiced at had a unique rule. When interviewing or discussing private patient matters only with the patient and no one else present, the patient was not permitted to use recording devices. If it was suspected (we could not search or accuse someone) we were to ask if they were recording. If they said yes, we asked them to stop. If they said no, but we still suspected it, we stopped the interview, waited till they passed off their belongings to loved ones, or locked them up with security. Then we completed their pre surgery interview. It is such a gray area, is it legal, or is it not legal. I do not have the answer. But there are case reports of personal information given out either by family members and/or hospital workers, and for privacy information, the hospital did not want to be accused of any violations whether real, or just a fall guy for a potential money gainer. (by a recording) I was placed in this situation once. I stopped the interview. Called the hospital liason. She backed me. Patient got the care they needed after they provided family members their phone. Oh how did we know that they gave the phone away and did not hide it. Well, when going to surgery hospital gowns if you ever had the opportunity to try one on. Are one size fits all with big arm holes and a nice sexy slit up the back, with ties to close. Underwear is not permitted and if a person refuses, they can just go home. Then they ride a gurney and are place in a private area near their operating room. The interview is completed there. After they enter the room and are placed on the operating table, and monitors are applied, we are able to determine if any recording devices are hidden under their gown, or if they are laying on it. Then the cart leaves the room. I must say our facility is very patient proactive and respect there needs at all times, and social conversation by staff is not permitted. The focus is completely on the patient we listen to whatever they say. Nothing un professional verbally happens and if it does , you are reminded of the need for all attention on the patient. Now mind you once they are asleep. The radio goes on, surgeon picks the station, anesthesia picks the volume. Surgeon usually peeved because he wants it (((((((((LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!))))))))))) Anesthesia wants it on the mild side to hear the safety monitors. Anesthesia wins........................... Surgeon reports anesthesia Anesthesia spoken to. But Once you make a comment like "...I did not want to place the patient in jeopardy, I just needed to hear the monitors and alarms if something critical would occur". Anesthesia--1 Surgeon ------0 Oh side note once I was working 3-11 on Good Friday. and got a gunshot wound to the chest, it was ugly. Once he was on bypass and the blood letting calmed down, we turned on the radio and guess what the song playing was? Yup HIghway to Hell. HHHMMMMMM He survived. 14 units of blood products After an extensive hospital stay he went to rehab (drugs not physical). And he came back to visit. Not to thank us. But as a repeat performance This time gunshot to the abdomen. Cannot remember the song on the radio. After a short hospital stay, He was safely discharged home. Guess he has 9 lives, and to my knowledge just used 2. Oh, I could write a book. Take care
  6. Probably someone that got a great bonus. But it did little for Pontiac. May they RIP. Pontiac that is. Also Jade is beautiful! Does she have run of the house or do you limit her access to some areas at night? Lizzy is just 15 weeks old and still very inquisitive. She has her own comfy bedroom at night and family room kitchen and mud room when were home. Just wish she would stay in this kitten phase for awhile. Take care
  7. Well it happened. Pretty kitty has a new nickname. Her good cat name is Lizzy When the little ball of fur mis behaves it is LIZARD. Meet Lizard. Playing clawing curtains Time for second pedicure.
  8. I do not know if I shared. But these FOB for GTO do not give you the option of changing the batteries. When there done you throw them out I was still able to use the original from 2006. There supposed to last 5 years. We got 16 years from first owner and me. We heard that there is a lock specialist in Columbiana Ohio that replaces FOBS. Gotta find out if he programs them. If he sells them they should. Wish me luck.
  9. That actually was the first thing I did. After they got done laughing hysterically at my request, they told me they are not available any more. Thanks anyway.
  10. Thanks for saving me the time. You guys are better than google search. To start with the Video One day I too will learn how to post videos. TY Cannot go to a dealer. Pontiac went out of business awhile ago. And on line parts, well just got to page 45 and they should be organized!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will try the battery place and look for the closest battery place. With my luck will be a road trip. Thanks again.
  11. Been busy here lately and when I finally get to respond on the thread, my responses go waaaaay back to much earlier post on the thread. Just trying to find time to read CC. What is keeping me busy? Baking for a fundraiser. I was nominated to be church coordinator for developing and managing our soon to be fund raiser and at first bi-weekly event BINGO. When I was 13 I started working our church BINGO, and did it all the way through nursing school. Then you got a small ($ gift for working, $5 a week). So I presented my experience, and after all those years I was the only one who had a clue. I guess you can say, at the meeting, father and fellow volunteers were impressed with my knowledge of gambling (Go figure--- gambling must of started at an early age, guess it is in my blood). Planning the Halloween themed baby girl to be shower for the daughter. I was supposed to leave for Twinsburgh Ohio to meet with the florist but we are currently fogged in and I cannot even see past our woods. So waiting to see the light of day to travel. And, right now I cannot remember who posted a picture of their raised gardening beds (Mom moment), but I showed them to my husband and we are in the process of tearing down the whole garden, plowing and preparing to copy). Need I say the spouse was impressed with your skills, and design. But what bothers me is his response of " I already got this, no problem looks easy" You see we do everything twice in our house................................once his way and the second following instructions or watching videos by others who have had success. Now enough spouse bashing.......................what may you ask is one of my "claims to shame??" Well as someone posted many post back they cannot remember a name for anything. Well I will join that club. But what I do, is the minute I meet someone I make it look like I got a text, and put their name in my phone with something about them to associate name to them. For example Jean Walker....................My street walker partner Sue Mall..........................My mall walker partner Debbie BINGO.................My bingo understudy Father Ryan.....................My priest...........(no brainer, but I did it) Cara evil step daughter..My daughters Maid of honor. She is not our step daughter just my daughters best friend. To those of us who do not have a picture of themselves on their circle thingie by their post it may take me awhile before the Bella Cruise to remember your name.....just saying On a side note. Being very careful of what I put on my phone because I am one of those people who use a easy pass word to access it in addition to thatfacial recognition (The person who developed that should win a NOBEL PRIZE -----speaking for my generation). I do this in case I lose my phone (Misplace) and never want to be lets say embarrassed if someone found it and saw anything incriminating.......................so I am boring. But I have almost all of my DD's contact best friends numbers in my phone, you know when she was growing up, a momism thing. I would use lame excuses like "In case DD loses her phone can I have your number to get a hold of you".......................yup, never failed. So not only do I have to protect my contacts but hers also. And finally what occupy s my time.......we have had the honor of taking my DH's 66-GTO to a car garage on the other side of town (feels like the other side of the world) weekly for its long over due mechanical work. You see the engine wiring was the original, and over the years between aging wear and usage as well as mice, somethings work at times and sometimes they don't and when they behave something else does not work. (In fact it looked like a spaghetti map for a hurricaine) So I follow him in my car to drop off his GTO and bring him home, then I take him to get his car back So Our travels over the last couple months. June 20 Take him to shop to get a complete new wiring under the hood. Car there for almost a week. ($$$$$$$) June 27 Take him to get car Bring car home I was following him and tail lights do not work. They did before. Did not have cell phone on, told him when we got home. He goes, guess I will call, I am thinking if you would have had your phone on we could have turned around and gone back. July 5 Followed him to take car back over night visit. July 6 Drove him to get car Bringing it home he turned on head lights up front.....yup they do not work. He thought they were on When he pulled in garage, no reflection, damn.... Called and got another appointment. Jul 12 Followed him to take care back. July 15 Finally while there he decided to check everything out..............(My attitude probably brought this on) Tail lights work Headlights work no charge Heading home. Very light rain............turned windshield wipers on.......you guessed it, they joined the club of how to piss off the wife................no wiping. We get home and he tells me, he has to make another appointment. July 27 followed him to take care back over night visit Wipers easy fix, July 28 took him to get car back. He checks everything out. tail lights, head lights, wipers all work. Praise the lord We drove home and everything works. No car cruises till after our Allure cruise. First car cruise He was so excited, everything worked His car was perfect. Won an award as one of the top 4 cars that night. Driving home, you will never guess what happens The speedometer does not show the current speed above 0 MPH Oh when we get home he says nothing. I go and take my shower and he tucks the cars in for the night. Now after my shower he is sitting at the island with the cars manual, that book that has everything you want to know about a 66 GTO and will never know. I wanted to cry. So now he tells me about speedomer I go make another appointment August 11 Followed him to take car back to get speedometer fixed August 12 Drove him to pick up car That was easy, took it for a test run, it worked. But I made him check all the other things that acted up and while we were there you guessed it..... The wipers did not work. So the rocket scientist lifts the hood and some type of motor that connects to a thingie died. No problem, they ordered another and bring back next week. August 22 Followed him to take car in. New thingie put in, it was bad. Did not work Ordered a new thingie, Would be in by August 24. Told him we would leave care there. August 29 Went to get car Unable to locate part Bring car home No functioning wipers. Searching the car sites and trying to get a new part. In the meantime Front headlights do not work..................all the time......they are like the wipers that used to work (Intermittently). So, currently we go to car shows that end before sunset on sunny days. Guys you cannot make this up. Oh. It gets better. My 2006 GTO key FOB's just died. They stopped making them 5 years ago. I have to have one person push the button in the glove compartment and have someone else open the trunk, (no key hole to put key in to open, the FOB that does not work now was the only other way). This is my story and sticking to it. Take care Catch you after I follow him back to take the car in if they ever locate a part. Oh Just an FYI This garage and mechanic we use repairs all historic cars and people bring their cars to him from all over the states. He has the highest BB ratings. He has won awards from car clubs for his service He just cannot fine the gremlin in the spouses GTO. Damn Gremlin. @HBE4 May I be the first to wish you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY, next year that is...... (In other words sorry I am late this year). @A&L_Ont Congratulations to Owen, wishing him a successful and safe football season.
  12. Lizzy is now 15 weeks old. Becoming a significant lap cat β€”spontaneously the minute you sit anywhere. In her free time she enjoys zoomies through the kitchen and attempting to eat fish out of the aquarium. But cannot figure this barrier called glass between her and a snack. When she is done playing she just falls down goes β€œboom” wherever she may be, as she recharges her batteries for next adventure. She was a trooper for her first pedicure. We cannot believe the kitty we got!!!
  13. Just checked my local news stories, that one of my friends shared from a social media site. Never a dull moment. I used to work with the girl that shared this. Mark and Susan. Don’t know if they can travel fast. But be careful.
  14. Good morning HAPPY SUNDAY. Raining here in Oxford Ohio. Going to breakfast at one of the locals favorite spots. Patterson. Then spending some quality time with DD and SIL. We now are planning to leave around noon to head home. Storms will make our travels a tad longer. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. KENZIE. Lovely pictures. Stay healthy. Glad some of our absent friends are returning. Hope to see more soon. ❀️
  15. There is a first for everything. Finally attended my first football tailgate in Oxford Ohio at Miami university. Oh the food And BEER. Tons of beer. Miss 26 weeks expecting mom ( daughter), is designated driver. But I’m backup. I do not drink beer. Pass the water. GO REDHAWKS. BEAT ROBERT MORISON
  16. @h20skibum Mark and Susan...................so much happening. I wish there could be someway somehow your current events would be on the brighter side. But I want you to know we are praying for your daughter and your whole family for better times. I am so sorry for Lucy, I know your grandchildren will miss those loving purrs. @A&L_Ont Our condolences to you and all our fellow Canadians, Londoners and Countries world wide. With the loss of a GREAT leader, we are only left with awesome memories. May her legacy live on. GOD BLESS THE QUEEN MAY SHE REST IN PEACE. Take care
  17. In regards to helping others in need. Yes, I am sure I have been taken by those with a hand out saying they are in need. But, with age comes experience, some good some bad, some good judgement, some bad judgement. But with that experience who is to say, you really learned from the past. Do we really become wiser with age??? I think it is a combination of learning from the past and adapting that knowledge to the future. Oh please do not take me wrong. I am far from being a saint and made many a mistake in life, that I am not proud of, but, at least I learned from my mistakes and did not ruin my future by doing something really stupid. My biggest claim to shame is what is called the "NURSE CURSE" Before becoming a Nurse Anesthetist, I was a Critical Care Registered Nurse and 8 of those 10 years I was a Head Nurse. With the stress, came the smoking. Yes, I never started smoking till I was 23. Looking back on it I used to buy a carton of Cigarettes ever other week. By the time I quit smoking 11 years ago, (noon, on May 20, 2011) I was spending $150 a month trying to kill myself with the dangers of smoking. So, now that I can live free of my addiction, I daily Thank God that I was able to quit cold turkey. No drugs, no patches; just will power. So since I wasted money on my habit for all those years, I figure I can be thankful and help those with that money I trashed for years. It balances out over the 12 months. Between helping the rescue mission, can food drives, donating basked to for Chinese raffles. Thanksgiving meals, as well as donating our schools scholarship funds. It is my way of giving back. For me it is like a breath of fresh air. Once again, thanks for letting me YIP on. Take care Be safe
  18. @George C I am so happy for the results of your scan, that the brain tumor is behaving, and not growing. I cannot believe they waited that many days to inform you. It must have been hard waiting, but worth the wait. Sorry with the news about your mom. Those times are so hard when we see our parents age, at least you are able to be there for her. I remember those days all to well, I would just sit at the bedside and listen when they talked and when they were quiet I just reminisced about our lives growing up. At times I do not know if they knew I was talking, (Yup I have the gift of not shutting up), but if it did not comfort them, it did a world of good for me. Take care
  19. Happy birthday to Toby (Belated). Last night was the first night since we came home from our cruise on August 14th. that we slept with the air off and the windows open. Had it not been for the chorus of sounds like crickets and things that go bump in the night I would have gotten a better night sleep, but I did sleep. Today house cleaning and bonding with Lizzy. She has become a talented young lady with the best hiding spots. Be safe
  20. Because of some sort of government act...........The family leave act, (Cannot remember the name of it) and the number of employees her company has. She is entitled to a total of 12 weeks off. But. You have to rely on your own disability insurance for pay. Um, she did not read that part of her employee manual. (She will only have a few months over one year of service with this company, since they moved up from Kentucky after she was married). Only has "sick" days, which are few in numbers. They have been trying to save, but things get in the way. Like food, gas, bills, rent insurance.............. co-pays. They did go to Alaska in the spring but that was paid for last year when they found a great deal for that week. And they were not expecting at that time. They are trying so hard. I will not enable them, but we have to help them survive. They do not ask, or expect us to help, but helping is what we do. A year ago, I witnessed an act of kindness in Kentucky that opened my eyes to sharing. A Homeless man was standing at a corner with a sign, " I do not ask for much, but if you can find a way to provide me with food and water I will greatly appreciate it". The car in front of us at the redlight opened her window and handed him a bag of carry out and water from Chick Filet. He was very greatful. She did not know the man, she had out of town license plates like us. She gave not knowing his circumstances. But she gave. Since then I randomly and on occasion help those in need. At least every few months if I am behind someone at the grocery store and will pay ahead. I just hope if I ever need help, someone will help me. LOL, once I paid for a nuns order, man, she told me she would pray for me! I remember when I was pregnant, (after 2 miscarriages), how your mind always is thinking and planning ahead. I want her to enjoy this time and have one less thing to worry about. Oh, she did share how much she has been able to start saving for when the baby is born, by our small act of sharing. Thanks for listening.
  21. On a lighter note: We will be visiting the DD and SIL this weekend and going to the Miami game (go redhawks). She is 25 weeks pregnant and the emotions are hitting. The SIL is very busy with football season here, and she is getting quite overwhelmed and thinking to much about the baby to be in December. All of her friends live far from their and social media alone is not enough, so we will go down and spend time with her. We did a Boscos' run for her on Maternity clothes. In stores today so few carry clothes for a growing belly except Target and Boscos' Everything else is on line and she returns more than she uses, just does not like them. Well I knew I would make her happy because I was actually impressed with what I found and I know she will be happy. Great business casual for work and also bumming around clothes. Boscos has a return policy that as long as you have the receipt and tags are on they will refund the money if you do not like. So I did a "mom" run. Also, when she told us she was pregnant this past April, she was so excited and we were not allowed to share the great news till she was 12 weeks pregnant, well, we waited, it was hard but we did it. At that 12 week mark and every week there after I mailed her a "mom to be cards" I found this cards at almost every store, from Wal Mart, to Target, to Dollar General, Dollar tree, Hallmark, Publix. They are hard to find, you just got to look for them. In them, I write some encouraging comments and sneak in a gift card a little "mad" money. I mail them and she gets them on Thursday of each week. But, this week, no card.........................Parental units visit...............take shopping...........refill their shelves and freezers. Her company has the worst health insurance coverage I have ever seen, and deductibles and co-pays are astronomical. They are surviving and not asking for help. But life is too short and we at this time can help, so we do. When we go shopping, they are not greedy, and buy what they can eat in the healthy mode. Chicken, veggies, meats, milk eggs, they make excellent choices. She had a second cart and put in their the dog food for the two German shepherds, she said you will not pay for our pets...........................lol. we said yes..............their our grand pups. Ok, gotta get ready to go shopping Wish me a safe outing
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