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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Windjammers breakfast very interesting. Boom box man. Very loud. Awesome guitarist. Then the public service announcement to do your survey about how great and wonderful the windjammer is with service and food. Gotta go. Gotta sign up for womens international cannonball competition. Wish me luck.
  2. Windjammer breakfast as always well organized. Went to made to order fresh over easy eggs. Only 5 min wait. Delivered to your table. Today resting packing going in hot tub by solarium. Very crowded. Easily got a table. later
  3. For those of you who in the past spent the day on Barefoot Beach. Today we asked where is Roberto the gate keeper? We quickly got a response. “ he’s gone” Now no one would elaborate but we hope he is not gone gone. All of the helpers were new. We did not recognize anyone that was there in May. Take care.
  4. Actually the line. The heavy rope was frayed all the way to the ship. In real time seeing it for yourself it shows it’s wear and stringiness.
  5. A novel for lack of a better heading. OK Now our day in Labadee. We enjoyed the dragons breath coaster. I forgot how fast it goes. Loved it. This was the clearest and most minimal amount of rocks getting into the ocean. The new loungers are nice. And we did not have to lug our towels back. The buffet included hot dog hamburgers jerk chicken all the condiments corn on cob salads cookies and chocolate cake Rick had a labadoozy I had frozen strawberry daiquiri. Now to the interesting part. And I am trying to be professional. OK I am floating away on my floaty and a dad with his son (son had no bottoms on). I mean literally butt and balls naked. But he had a swim shirt and hat. Now I realize swim diapers are not required in the ocean. But maybe in the future put shorts on him. I have seen many creative bathing suits on women. Some should not be worn by those on the “ fluffy” side. Yup. NO! But I guess they feel the way I feel. I’ll never see these people again. So who cares. Finally. I guess Barefoot Beach can be a topless beach. Well it should not be. I saw a young girl about 8-9 years old topless. She should have worn a top. She was not a young 8 year old. Of course I will never post picnic children. Even if their parents are stupid. Some pictures from the day. Frayed rope Pretty ship prettier ship Life guard at sea
  6. Good afternoon. Story time. So when we got to barefoot beach the ocean was like a sheet of glass. Barely a ripple. It was like so mirror like. Then as I was minding my own business relishing ever moment of solitude. The waves came in. Now mind you I am not talking white caps. But more like puddle jumpers. I thought that’s weird. So I did not think much of it till I was back in the cabin. I thought (yes it happens on occasion) I wonder if it was disturbance from an earthquake. So back on the ship I googled earthquakes near me in last 24 hours. (((((((((((((((BAM))))))))))))) The waves had to be from that earthquake!!!!!! Arn’t you impressed !
  7. Good morning from Labadee. Breakfast via room service. Ordered to be delivered 7-7:30. Arrived at 6:59. very hot😃. Calm waters. Doing Dragons breath coaster. Then perching on barefoot beach. Stay safe.
  8. In honor of tonight’s dress your best we decided to remain casual but classy. Suite lounge half full. Catch you later Oh Keep forgetting to share our other scheduled concierge Thaties is recovering from being sick?????? She has other duties and will remain there till her leave. We have a sub concierge with Junior. Later
  9. Good afternoon. Story time. So I found out some interesting facts. First of all the Allure is almost back to complete staff numbers. Post COVID. The problem getting workers back from some countries is more of a legal issue. To leave many counties and work on a ship you must attain a special work visa. Take for example Marva our cabin attendant. She is from Trinidad and their is currently a 3 month wait to get your permit. The minute she lands when going home she speed dials and makes appointment for her return. Because of this if a worker has trouble getting on board. Then Marva has to stay. Her work period is extended 1-2 months. But COVID played a major role affecting workers who for whatever reason cannot get cleared to leave their country. Finally On a different situation. After 3 phone calls to me ( regarding the excursion) from head of excursions. Resolution was obtained with compensation. It really wasn’t a biggie. But is taken care of. Since it is no biggie I will post later. Have a sun headache. And going to take a nap. later
  10. Finally able to access WIFI from our cabin. Either bad location or it is a sea day and all are on it. Last night we went to the skating show which we saw before. We still enjoy it. We left a tad early to get a seat in the Amber theater for love and marriage. We sat in back and although our chances of getting picked stayed safe. If you wanted to be on stage it was like a tryout for a TV show. After the longest married couple (60 years) got the first of threes seats they went to the next group and the newly weds next. About 12 couples stood up. The had to show how much love they had for each other. The couple that won was intense. They would probably win any contest with their nothing held back , nothing sacred routine. Let’s just say it left nothing to your imagination. The third spot went to the wife who screamed screamed TARZAN,TARZAN where is my TARZEN. The husband beat on his chest and did the loud perfect call. After that we decided to make it an early night. We just went back to cabin. Seeing the moon last night from the ship was amazing. Today Pool day. Be safe.
  11. It was so organized and between the yelling and screaming we had a blast!!’ Left with no $$$. But I would definitely do it again. Stay safe
  12. When we arrived back to our cabin. Someone was knock knock knocking at my door. In honor of our anniversary we were presented with champagne and a cake. The delivery man forgot the card. But I know the casino hostess sent to.
  13. Continued The previous comments on the snorkel over a sunken ship I would not try this excursion. So now we get back to the ship I gather my supplies to wash/ dry swim ware. 2 find the days dishwasher soap 3 place stinky sweaty bating suites and wraps in water. 4 Hand was and rinse. 5. Place on towels 6 cover with towel 7 walk on it to get excess water out 8 place on hangers 9 place on balcony securely by tucking in top part of hanger 10. Let the solar powered sun to dry. FYI Having difficulty getting CC to load. It could be that many are using their smart phones or just plain slow. Also pictures were messed up in sequence. But you will get the drift. To be continued.
  14. Good afternoon Temp today supposed to hit 99 degrees with humidity. We had room service for breakfast Egg omelet. Over easy eggs wheat toast OJ. Bacon, and sausage. Also one item was hot. And that was the coffee I really do not know how a person could screw up coffee Also provided was cream salt/ pepper. Silverware. Napkins. We got dressed and walked down the gangway and our bus was about 350 steps from 4 min from Allure. Pick our bench for the day. Got our face masks and fins. Engine started and off we went. We passed the Scientology ship (Free Wind) One of the workers information talk was more on the humor side. Not really professional. Joked if a.disaster struck jump off the side. Did not go any type of presentation about life vests , muster or safety. Just briefly stated to wave your hands if you need help. We first dropped anchor at the smooth area to snorkel. I went to the assistant and asked if I could have a boogy board or a noodle when I go in He said we don’t have them. ok So I asked if I could use one of the orange life preserver. I was ignored. Just then the other worker goes give her a noodle. Yup they had them on board. Side note 2 catamaran sailed together. We were group A and B was other So I venture out and the waves and current were very strong. I had enough. Trying to get back on board was painful. The ladder to go up was very narrow and the ship was rocking. As I struggled the fins and snorkel man just watched I got out getting ready to go inside the catamaran and a big wave knocked me down on the stairs. And my upper back took the full force 😔 Again the the fins and snorkel man just watched My major concerns No real safety drill was presented Being lied to regarding floatie devices Lack of assistants Excursion was over crowded. I’m guessing 50 ish people were on board. Not many spots to sit down , some just went on strapped bedding in the front of the catamaran. I was ready to get off the catamaran as a middle age man swam upto me and was yelling he needed help. once again after I screamed for help they would definitely hear me. Finally they assisted him out. Here’s a couple pictures Allure Underwater at the second location To be continued.
  15. Just docked in Aruba. Last visited in May. This port does not do much for me. Our excursion will be snorkeling to a sunken ship. Daily activity with pictures to be posted later. Be safe.
  16. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY HUSBAND. 31 years and counting. On this day in 1991 I said “I do”. And everyday I am so glad “I did”.
  17. Total Crown and Anchor members on board. 2879 Pinnacle 48 Diamond + 214 Diamond. 426 Emerald 280 Platinum 503 Gold 1408 Still trying to get captains name.
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