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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. @brillohead I am truly enjoying your writing of your family research. And some of the findings Thank you for sharing. Be safe
  2. I never knew what the downside was to drinking significant amounts of variable types of mixed drinks/beer until I unfortunately consumed to much on a trip to Myrtle Beach in my first life. When I was young and between boyfriends and I wanted to do something I would ask my brother, because I never wanted to miss a movie or concert or what-ever. Somethings you just do not do with the girls, gotta be a MAN. So, we were both in graduate school and the mid summer break came up. After carrying 28 summer semester hours, and my brother in his second to his last semester in Electrical Engineering, we packed our bags, loaded up the car and left town. Oh the first few days were tons of fun, dancing till the early hours, sleeping by the pool, just plain safe fun. Then came Friday. Never ending Happy hours. The local watering hole was next to our hotel. I drank so many drinks and never spent a penny. It is nice to be young in shape and sociable. Now, it was a long long outing, and I never did shoot shots till that night I was introduced to one of the bars specialty shooters..............A Bionic Beaver.... Now, I have no Idea what was in it but it went down so smooooth. So now its 1:45am, and I think it was last call. We decided that 8 hours of drinking was enough for my liver. We got back to out hotel.........I thought, hmmmmm I am hot. I'm going swimming. Big mistake Land form of sea sickness.................. I spent the next 20 hours in the bathroom hugging the porcelain bowl, praying that I would never drink again like that if I can survive this. It was so bad the last few hours I was throwing up greenish slime. The only reason I would crawl out of the bathroom was if my brother had to P or he took his shower. He must have primed his liver, he slept all night, never threw up. Looking back I am sure I was darn near close to alcohol toxicity. This is the brother that when we went to a movie I had to have a purse big enough to hold his beer cans. Yup if you pop the top during a movies quiet time it does draw attention. And as the years have gone on and I grew older, and always being on call, and drinking just does not fit into the picture, my tolerance is way low. When I am out, then 2-3 drinks a day is my limit. D+, means happy husband he gets 7-8. Plus I am signature in the casino, so in the event the limit is reached.....casino bar here we come. Anyway On the Bella cruise, Water will be my best friend Saving my toast for the Bella-lites when we meet. Stay safe
  3. We have eaten in CK on over 8 different cruises on 3 different ships. Allure, Oasis, and Symphony. We have always done specialty dining at least once, and WJ as well once on every cruise for dinner. So 5 days each cruise CK. Only once in our dining experience did I have to send a plate back. And it was BAD! It was some kind of fish, late in the week. When it arrived the smell.............was bad. I immediately sent it back. The waiter, the Matre'D as well as the chef came out and talked to me. I just said the smell does not at all appeal to me. The promptly served me the dally option of chicken. Now, that chicken is also not one of my favorites, usually over cooked and dry. I usually select one Entre from the daily choices with no problem. And, the worse case scenario is ordering off the kids menu. Be safe.
  4. OMG, seeing this my husband would be on cloud 9. Even though his favorite is his GTO, going to an event like this would make his day. This could help expedite our re-location to the "retirement state", if more happenings like this occur. Great pictures, Thanks for sharing.
  5. Your advice is right on! And with all your mentorship in all the activities you cover, as well as your practice truly reflects the role model and great leader you are. But more over I personally respect your professionalism that you display here on CC. Taking it one step further. We all have those not so loving teen moments even when you know your child is under so much peer pressure, where we are the meanies. My daughter was in High School, senior year and was invited to a house party for New Years Eve. Now, I knew something was up when she first asked if she could drive and pick up her BFF. Then, she goes change of plans, can you drive and when I call, can you pick us up? Then it became a sleep over. At first I figured its ok, Mom and Dad are prominent at the school and are hosting the event in their "heated" barn. So as we moms investigate, we find out that the son, had a little problem with lets just say, alcohol and street drugs, and often smokes marijuana, and this party was honoring him for completing rehab. Well, say no more............. I told her she could not go. After being the worst mom in the world, and her telling me, "And you never buy me anything" This went on for a week or 2. Then she was involved in a school project shortly afterwards. They took turns going to each others house, working on their project. At our house we set up the down stairs family room. I let them use my large craft table. All my art supplies, crafts, pens, paper, poster boards everything they could need. Pizza, munchies, salad, pepperoni rolls, home made cookies,and brownies and a cooler of soft drinks. The next week it was another students turn. So I took her to the "other" side of Warren aka "The hood' to Kennedys house I was afraid to go far, so I went and parked my car a few blocks away at McDonalds, out of sight. She would give me a notice on when to come back. He lives with his mom, no dad in the picture. Small home, not to shabby. Neighbor was shoveling snow. When she came out, at first she was quiet. Then she asked if we could stop at McDonald on the way home, she saw one around the corner, she was hungry. I said oh, really, I didn't know there was one here. ok. On the way home, she opened up seeing how Kennedy did not have much in life, but was happy with what he had and loved his mom. The worked on the living floor, small, close and really could not get a lot of work done. She had PB & J for snack. Then, she apologized for ignoring me, and was sorry if she upset me. And she opened up about the New Years Eve Party She then told me, she heard, that a group of kids at the party left early, because, "Well mom, it got down and dirty". I wish I could have gone, But I would have left too when the drinking and smoking started. I go how do you guys get the "drinks". She goes, "mom, really.....just listen......" She squelched that info rather quick. She did say a few of her friends that did go, were grounded for a few weeks for "partying" The host of the party, well to this day as a 28 year old is still a professional student. He has had the opportunity to attend over 7 colleges/universities, after flunking out of most. And has vacationed at a few rehab centers. Dads money. My daughter and her BFF's All have their Masters, Married and started reproducing grand kids for their parents that were the "meanies" She still says at times, I could have been a little more lenient, but over all is extremely appreciative for all we have done, and continue to do. And I was a pretty good mom. Just saying
  6. Here are a few of the before pictures taken when the outside deck was removed and house structure damage over time. Soon. As the finished repairs are completed. I will share after. Not able to post picture of carpenter ants residence due to chemical warfare and re located to the woods. Always something. Be safe.
  7. Has anyone heard from tree_skier (sp)? I have not seen a post from him recently and I know he has a cruise starting very very soon. Hope all is well. Take care and safe travels.
  8. So, when we built our house in 1993, we were so thrilled we saved for 3 years and got exactly what we wanted. Now to the current situation. We want a concrete patio, and concrete walkways, driveway and concrete pad to the man cave. Back in 1995 we added on a deck. That was built so strong, that you could drive a tank on it. Support beams, tons of them, and it lasted 28 years. It needs to go by by, old, looks trashy. The current situation. So, as the old deck was torn down, and all those support beams removed and prepped the area for the future patio, the contractor informed us that he had damaged one panel of siding, and he will replace at his cost. When he had the parts, he removed the panel and here underneath was an area 5 feet by 10 feet with no underneath insulation, and/or anything you prep the area with before the siding goes up. So our original builders pulled a fast one. He did find a large home of carpenter ants.And a large hole that led into our family room, underneath the base floor. So back to the store Ant killer spray and whatever else. Insulation The prep stuff And more siding. So unless you watch your builder, document with pictures, you never know how they save money. Oh we have pictures of every aspect of this construction..............or should I say destruction. Oh Bella cruise...........................I need you..................take me away................ Be safe
  9. So our “kitten” soon to be “cat” ( Lizzy) is going thru the toddlers stage and testing authority. This morning as I awoke I found someone on the dresser just staring at me. She loves mirrors. I put pillows up there in an attempt to stop the behavior. ( lol). Spay bottle works better.
  10. Debbie how exciting for you I know you cannot wait to meet and to discover your family members, these situations are new to all involved. Just think, as they find out about you, and all your accomplishments how proud of you they will be. I pray for great outcomes Be safe
  11. We did it on our Symphony cruise. It was nice. We got it for $69. The food, well they served tons of appetizers and then your meal. So much was wasted. Enjoyed the meal. You got to pick your time and a table was reserved for you. The beach area was clean, spacious. Water was crystal clear. The floaties were available and I drifted with the current way way down the beach. The local small shark came to visit, and apparently he resides their, no harm from him. Took the tram to get their, had to wait the line was long. Coming back, we left a tad early and did not have to wait. This year, just slumming it at the freebies area. Wanting to try it out. Take care Enjoy
  12. That's a thought. A live review. I wonder. But, knowing all the Bella friends on that sailing if one was done it could be "Epic" Be safe
  13. Last night we watched it live, because we were waiting for something we like to come on TV. In the future if I will not post my thoughts about it. But for this episode. We usually record and watch the next evening skipping through commercials. I must have been daydreaming, I cannot believe or figure out why Maddi was picked. I thought it would be Brandon, or the girl who went on the other island for awhile.( Remember I cannot remember names for heck). Anyway, this season might be known as "Season 44, survivors Boo Boos" Hope no further injuries. Take care
  14. Greg, how exciting. I am thrilled for you being able to continue using your talents. It is great being retired, but, when you can selectively do what you are best at keeps you young. Also I am glad your wife has the opportunity to keep busy with what she also enjoys. To think, both of your offers come from people who know you are great at what you do. I must congratulate the both of you. Enjoy and have fun. Be safe
  15. Good morning. Reading the thread, as some talk about concerts, I have to thank Bruce Springsteen for his song lyrics to "My Hometown". In my college days being a student at Penn State. I was able to do some of my electives close to home at the Shenango campus, but my Nursing classes at main. Well, anyway for our senior thesis, we had to do write up and present in person a total analysis of the town you grew up in. For me it was Youngstown. Back then computers were not readily available to obtain the data.... And the presentation had to be done at main campus. So letters written to many government offices as well as personal interviews to obtain the data. Then you had to defend your paper (This was just for my under grad). You had to talk and posters were your visual aides. (I told you I was old). And you had to prepare and present for 45-55 min. As I set up, posters on their display boards and plugged in my tape recorder. I started by introducing myself and where my presentation would encompass. Then I turned on the tape recorder and good old Bruce sang "MY Hometown" I caught the attention of the review board, smiles and approval was obvious. It was enough to calm me down. My presentation was spot on, and my evaluations and grade that game a few weeks later had comments that my presentation for originality and content received the highest marks, thus recognizing me as the best thesis. The reason it took weeks to obtain your grade, is our papers were scrutinized for correct data and for wrong information. Randomly a section of your paper was verified and you did not know what would be selected. Funny, one student was caught plagiarizing, she admitted to it, so had to repeat the course. When I put my mind and love what I am doing, I seem to have fun, and do it the best way I can. I think this helped me graduate with honors from Penn State. Well excellent grades helped too. Now, with all those techno savy equipment, I do not know if I could do it. I'm still trying to do folders on my IPhone. As far as TV shows, Looking forward to Survivor tonight. and I have the TV set to TIVO episodes of M.A.S.H. (Yup, the spouse did it for me). Be safe
  16. We just booked Freedom for next year, it was one of our earlier cruises, and cannot wait to go back. Thanks again for taking us with you. Following your thread, your doing a great job. When is you TA? Be safe
  17. So yesterday I went bumming around with my Friend, who I wish was the sister I never had. We are so close, and we have so much in common. She has a short died red haircut. I have shoulder length colored hair, this month brown with highlights. She wears contacts I wear glasses She is 5 feet tall I am 5 feet, 4 inches Se is 10 pounds overweight I am not going there. She is from Belarus and speaks one of the Russian dialects as well as English I was home grown USA, Polish/Slovak heritage and used to speak Slovak and Spanish, but a lost art. She drives a Porsche I have 2 Chevy's She is still working as a Nurse Anesthetist I am retired as a nurse anesthetist Her favorite appetizer is prepared cow tongue (always ask what is cooking before I eat at her home) I enjoy Chicken She will have NO PETS!!!! We have pretty kitty, a fish aquarium and 2 turtles (and seasonal mice in basement) She celebrates Hanukkah We celebrate Christmas She has 3 children, 2 boys and a girl I have an only child. She just got back from 4 weeks traversing the Netherlands We just got back from WalMart She is going hiking in Reykjavik and then going to Israel this summer I am going on a summer cruise on the Allure and sitting by the pools edge. She unfortunately has the family history as well as the gene for Breast cancer and monitors it. I have the family history of high BP and Diabetes She is in her 40's I am not Her husband is a few years younger than she is I am a cougar and a couple years (😉) older than my spouse She loves chocolate I do not I consume mass quantities of potato chips (Lays to be exact), however none since last August, had to stop that bad habit. ( Now my occasional treat is home made plain popcorn), with a very rare chip. So now you see why we are so close. So yesterday as an outing we traveled to Ravenna Ohio to visit my new found store (new to me). an antique store. It has everything from furniture, to stop signs, to actual traffic lights, old magazines. Some overly priced items and a couple bargain sections. I went looking for a cheap crystal dish that I could use as a butter dish, as well as walking the aisles up and down and up and down, since I did not walk the mall yesterday. If you walk every nook and cranny there twice you walk a tad under 2. miles. I found my butter dish for $2 and it was %10 off. So it was $1.80, What a Bargain!!!!! Well the dish was. But when I picked it up, the globe 1 1/2 vase next to it came tumbling down. ((((((((((((CRASH, SHATTER)))))))))))))) Damn, the price tag had $40 on it. So I picked up the pieces and humbling took whatever I could pick up to the front of the store and notified the desk, I broke it. The manager was very kind, and told me he would contact the seller an tell him it was broke by a customer. So this customer walks shamelessly back and now is afraid to go near anything, as my friend continues to shop. I am so frustrated, here my $1.80 lovely glass butter dish, just went up in price to $41.80. There is nothing I can do about it. Just frustrated. So I walked the aisles as my friend shopped Yup I was afraid to touch anything. Kept walking and walking.................... When all was said and done, I walked 3.14 miles. Now time to go check out my beautiful glass butter dish that I got for under $2.00, I was going to pay in cash because I am not going to use the debit card for that amount, and since the butter dish is now costing me $41.80 debit card it is. So I humbly walk up to the counter and the manager is there. and he goes. I did not even call the owner of the broken item, accidents happen, you just owe for the glass piece, in your hand. So, moral of story. Be careful in antique stores, And be compassionate and forgive when something happens to others, because it can and does happen to you. Oh, My friend She bought crystal and did not break anything in the process I well..................................... Be safe
  18. @DaniDanielle Praying for health and better days ahead. As you share your love and concern as well as taking Charlie for all his appointments, please remember to take care of yourself. Now, more than ever he needs you to get him back on the road of recovery. If you need an outlet, make a cup of tea, and come back here to us, and we will provide a friendly place to re-charge you. Be safe All my love in thoughts and prayers
  19. Looking forward to your travels. Hoping for a fun, relaxing adventure for you. Take care Thanks for sharing your time
  20. Following, excited to read about your travels. Love your introduction and pictures. Thanks for sharing Be safe and Enjoy your cruise.
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