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ski ww

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  1. ski ww


    EU/Schengen Canadians Will Need to Apply for a Travel Authorization to Visit Europe from 2023 March 14, 2019 Has anybody else out there heard about this from their travel agent, airline or cruise line? Subscribe to our daily news digest Share
  2. I received a D7500 for Christmas two years ago & could not justify getting a new camera. This one takes great pictures, has video. I'm still trying to figure out all the bells & whistles on this one. Would I take better pictures with a new format??? I'm a picture taker not a photographer. I'm very happy with what I have. I'll save my money and take a cruise instead & shot pictures for my memories with what I have.
  3. Was out on my bike on our local trail when I saw this Blue Huron only had my point & shoot so couldn't get closer & the Canada Geese.
  4. It's up to you to make the most out of your cruise. I would not believe everything I see on YouTube. Take into consideration on who posted it.
  5. Thanks for the update. The quote is true, meal suggestion doesn't sound very tasty. Lots of mosquito's up here.
  6. That is an interesting itinerary. We're doing something like it, 14 days out of Copenhagen.
  7. Here she is arriving, doesn't look like a great day to be a tourist in Juneau. It's also raining here at home.
  8. I'm pretty sure it is per cabin
  9. Wasn't aware that the policy was or has changed. It would take some of the stress of cruising away.
  10. I think the best thing to do is stay at home for now, better to avoid crowds.
  11. I agree I leave mine on the desk along with my camera, have never had a problem.
  12. I called to check what was happening & was told I had it. Our TA emailed me my confirmation with my $100 OBC, thanks HAL
  13. I've been looking at hotels for our pre cruise next year. The Tivoli looks like it's close to the major tourist things to see & do. Price also looks good.
  14. I was surprised that it took them this long to cancel stops in Russia. I'm glad we got to see St. Petersburg years ago. Beautiful city, great sites.
  15. Never good to hear about a man overboard. Hoping it turns out well.
  16. Kind of gray & over cast but still dry so far.
  17. This weekend is our annual Steam Punk Festival. There was a demonstration of sword fighting, they are using real steel swords.
  18. We don't have smartphones either. Do everything on the computer print copies of what we need & have no problems.
  19. I eat three meals a day when I'm at home. It's not how many meals you eat, it's how much you eat at each meal.
  20. I think if all air lines started to enforce the carry on limits of seize, weight maybe the message will get out & people start to listen and follow the rules.
  21. Find your roll call & ask there.
  22. He at sea again? He must have more time at sea them some Captains. You're right I enjoy reading about his adventures. Got a chance to cruise with him years back on a segment of a world cruise.
  23. Thanks for posting, couldn't remember what went in one. It looks like a lot of booze but it's only 2 oz. Very refreshing on a hot day. You do not want to drink a whole bunch at on time.
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