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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. Finally! I was worried the monkey wasn’t drinking this trip. EM
  2. Not working on my iPad on Safari, but Chrome works. Does work on my iPad mini but very slow. It was all exceedingly slow yesterday. EM
  3. For some of us we can’t get into the boards on Safari and had to move to Chrome. Boards were very slow on my iPad yesterday. No boards on iPad on safari but okay if slow on my iPad mini. On iPad now with CHROME.
  4. Thank you, thank you for this. I thought it was my iPad. I can load everything but the boards. And they were very slow yesterday. I can load it in Safari on my iPad mini, but not the bigger one. So I am on Chrome, which I had to pull down from the cloud. EM
  5. On Legend, Miracle and Pride they are opposite cabins 1221, 4233, 5262, 6102 and 7267. See the little dryer icon at the bottom of the pic. Unfortunately the icon doesn’t appear on the Spirit deckplans.
  6. Not the itinerary I would have preferred, but solos can’t pick and choose. Sailing Seashore again on June 23, Ocean Cay and Mexico. Way below the salt this time…Bella OV gty. Chose OV and Bella was only option offered. But I love a gty booking, as I don’t care where I am. Might get upgraded to balcony, but I seldom use a balcony so it doesn’t matter. I’ll do another Live from when the time comes. EM
  7. I remember my first few MSC cruises in the MDR you were handed a folder that had all the menus in it, you leafed through until you got to your language. That was before Covid. EM
  8. Could be the only cabins showing are for two, or whatever they put in for number of guests. EM
  9. They have had them on every ship of every line I have sailed. I used to enjoy crashing the stag party. EM
  10. The days of the $300pp are long gone. Last I heard it was upwards of $800pp, or maybe by now it is the $941 that the OP mentions. EM
  11. They are. It allowed, as posted, even in splash areas. But you will see toddlers in nappies that are almost hidden by a bathing suit. EM
  12. Miraflores locks, still dampish but the diehards are still on the helipad.
  13. There are small roll calls for both of the March sailings. I would plan on a ships tour for Colon. There may be one person selling independent tours online…maybe. Colon is an unsavory place. You can’t go out of the port area and hail a cab for a tour, etc. Not sure is Limon is much better. EM
  14. Canal day, weather is liquid sunshine. You may not like it, but I’m sure the canal people are very happy. Some captures of you in the Gatun Locks. First view you are in the first lock, waiting for the cargo ship to come alongside to help raise you up. Second shows you in the second lock, waiting for the red bunker to move alongside, again to move you up as he goes down. And lastly, moving from middle to third lock. Looks like some folks are braving the rain to be on the helipad. Sorry, CC is slightly ill today and as well as being slow, my upload failed. I will try again in a little while.
  15. It’s been many years since I visited St. Kitts, but my recollection on the sugar train is that it was your choice whether to sit upstairs or down. I thought there was space for most either place. EM
  16. You might go to the Ports of Call board for Aruba and ask which beach is usually used for excursions. Most cruise lines will use the same companies to arrange excursions so cruise line might not matter. EM
  17. Backpack and crossbody bag should hold everything. EM
  18. Welcome to Cruise Critic. There are lots of places to find info here, and one is the Ports of Call boards. There is one for Northern Europe and I am sure you can find info there. Many people recommend the train, which seems to be quite easy and reasonable. EM
  19. I have only been to St. Kitts once, and being a fan of trains I took the tour that includes the sugar train. It is only sold through the cruise line. It is in two parts: half in on small buses and circles half of the island. The second part is on the train. The bus part stops se era, places and I believe there was narration. The train is double decker. The lower level is enclosed and has tables and chairs that will accommodate everyone, and a restroom. A spiral staircase takes you to the upper level which is open air and has benches all around. They mixed a punch and passed it around, or you could have sodas. I took the afternoon tour that did the bus part first. There is a bus for each car of the train. If you are in the first bus, you will be in the first car. I was slow, so in the last bus and last car. I loved it. It’s narrow gauge and sways a lot, so goes really slow. I loved watching the countryside and little villages. The buses stopped in a large field with train tracks, we got out and waited. The train came, the folks on the early tour got off and boarded the buses we had just left, and we boarded the train. EM Google the St. Kitts Scenic Railway.
  20. When the ship is sailing you won’t be close enough to land to see anything but a dark silhouette. Coming eastbound down the Pacific coast, you have the sun port side in the morning, starboard in evening. After the canal it reverses, but may depend on your itinerary in the Caribbean. EM
  21. The last few cruises with my sister, on the way home I would suggest…Sloppy Joe - in our family that was what we called hamburger barbecue. Somehow, that’s what I had a taste for after cruising. EM
  22. It’s been awhile since I did a B2B on Celebrity, but I remember when checking in online they want info on how you are arriving and leaving after the cruise. With the first leg there is an option for ‘continuing cruiser’ or some such, which tells them you are staying on the ship for the next cruise. EM
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