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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning from Jacksonville. Had a good night’s sleep. Writing this while DH finishes his breakfast. Then we will pack up and be on our way home. @mamaofami Happy to hear good news about Sam. @marshhawk many prayers coming your way for you and Chuck Prayers for all of you Thanks for all the welcome homes. Many things to deal with when we get home today. First of all to the Post Office to pick up the mail before Cruella de Ville sends it all back as she threatened if we did not pick it up today. Second a call to the AC people to find out what is wrong with our HVAC system. Temp is reading 82 degrees at this hour of the morning. Third, food shopping. Might eat out tonight. I don’t know what is fourth, fifth and sixth yet. Will post more later when I get time. God Bless, Terri
  2. Annie, I am so sorry to read this. It makes me sad. You and Chuck are in my prayers. Terri
  3. Everyone on board flight. However we don’t have a pilot or assistant. Just sitting and waiting. Terri
  4. Thanks Sandi. Flight to JAX delayed. Now 7:15 pm.. We’ll see when it actually leaves. Glad to be home. Terri
  5. Good evening from Chicago, O’Hare. We are sitting in the Flagship Lounge waiting for our flight to Jacksonville, Florida. Our flight from London Heathrow was supposed to be on British Airways, but beginning on July 1 BA “wetleased” their BA295 from LHR TO ORD TO Air Belgium. There was a lot of talk about it on Flyer Talk and lots of people made some not very nice comments about AB. However, we stuck it out. We were in Business Class and had decent seats and very nice meal service. We did leave late due to computer problems at Heathrow. Nothing to do with AB. The flight was smooth, I slept for a good part of it, and so did DH. The food service was nice. I had Chicken with gnocchi. We had afternoon tea with very nice pastries and sandwiches. We landed about 45 minutes late due to a late departure, but other from that I have no complaints. The seat was pretty comfortable. If we were on BA we would have had the herringbone seats meaning every other one would have faced backwards. All these faced forward. So now we are waiting for our flight to JAX and will get there at about 10:30. We will stay overnight and drive home tomorrow morning.. Kinda tired so I will post tomorrow. Take care and Good night. Terri
  6. In Heathrow Airport on Air Belgium on BA295 to O’Hare. We have a female Captain. Ready to go it is 10:40 am. Just had my morning glass of champagne. 🥂. Bags are loaded, thanks to my AirTags. Good to go. Will check in when we get to O’Hare where we have a 5 1/2 hour layover before our flight to JAX. Pray that we have a safe flight. God bless, Terri
  7. I’m supposed to be sleeping because I have to get up at 3 am. It is 11:27 pm and I am still wide awake. Still have a cold. Tomorrow is a long travel day for us. We will stay in Jacksonville tomorrow night and drive home on Thursday. Hotel gave me some money off the bill for the luggage situation on Sunday. Will post more when I can. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  8. Annie, You do NOT need to leave Rome at 8 am to go to Civitavecchia. The ride takes 1 1/2 hours at most and you can never board before 11 am at the very earliest. Most times it is later. Most times your room is not ready and you have to wait anyway. I would change that to 10 am and then when you get to the port you will be able to board. That is what we are doing. As for back to back with turnaround in Rome, you most definitely can leave the ship and do a tour. You can explore Civitavecchia or you can take the train to Rome or you can order RomeCabs for one of their tours. If you need more help, email me Terri
  9. Good afternoon to all from Wonderful Copenhagen. The rain has stopped, at least for now. We took a lovely Canal Boat Tour and the weather cooperated. Both of us enjoyed it very much. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the the Daily and Fleet Report. Hat’s off to Amelia Earhart. As for Cousins, I had two first cousins on my mom’s side that were more like my sister and brother. We lived in the same apartment building in NY and I saw them everyday. They were older. So they were married long before I was, but we always remained very close. Sadly both have since passed away and I miss them very much. I also have cousins on my father’s side that I have never met. He had many brothers and sisters who had children, but I was never introduced to them. An unfortunate situation. As for Pioneer Day, thank you Graham @grapau27 for the information on that day. I did not know about it. As for the quote, I think I prefer life to reading, although I do like to read. I used to like Cuba Libres, but I no longer drink carbonated beverages so that is out. I cannot eat Pesto, It makes me sick. i like it, but it does not like me. So I will pass on the meal. Wine looks nice I have not been to Tasmania. Prayers for Carol @mamaofami’s DH Sam. i hope the brain bleed resolves quickly. Continued prayers for Baby Murphy. This child has been through so much. Cheers to those cruising and preparing to cruise. I am happy to be going to home. It has been a long time away. I was happy to get a good night’s rest after not sleeping the previous night due to my cold and then due to all the anxiety producing events of yesterday. I know that by 8 pm I was in bed. Whatever time Jim turned in, I have no idea because I did not hear or feel anything. The next thing I knew it was 7:37 am this morning. 11 1/2 hours. I guess I needed the sleep. Prayers for all that need them. I hope those who are cruising are having an enjoyable time. God Bless, Terri
  10. Well, it is 7:37 am. I just got up. i slept 11 1/2 hours last night. I am not sneezing. At least, not yet. DH is still in bed. I have no idea what time he turned in. At 8 pm I just could not keep my eyes open. Seems the cold is a bit better and there is no rain right now. Maybe I can get my Canal Boat ride today. Will post on Monday’s Daily later. Sweet dreams everyone. God Bless and thank you all for your concern. Terri
  11. Just took another Covid Test. It’s negative. So it is just an awful cold. Hopefully tomorrow will be the turning point. Good night for the second time. Terri
  12. Thank you all for the kind words. @marshhawk i have taken a Covid test and it was negative. Thanks for your concern. @grapau27 Thanks for your kind words. We are happy to have our meds and passports and money back in our possession, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, we have AirTags for all the checked luggage but not for the carry-ons. Even before you mentioned it here, I told Jim that we needed to get them for the hand held luggage. That would have saved us a trip to the port today. I still have my cold. I am tired from sleeping poorly last night and from today’s excitement. Tomorrow promises more rain. We will see what happens. Prayers for all—especially Baby Murphy. Good night. I am beyond tired. Terri
  13. Well, I realize that I haven’t posted yet on today’s Daily, but what an adventure we have had! After getting our room at approximately 12:30 pm I decided I needed to rest. Okay. Then I decided to get the things I needed out of my luggage, specifically my carry on bags. Then reality set in. One of my carry-ons was missing. It was not in my room. When we got to the hotel the bellman took our luggage and put it in storage until our room was ready. I was okay with that. Well, when I went back downstairs my bag was nowhere to be found. They swore that the bag was not in the hotel. I panicked because my meds were in it as well as the passports. They searched the storage room and it was not there. At this point i am in tears. Not only the passports, but meds i cannot skip. They called the port, they could not find it, but would continue to look for it. They assured us that it would not have gone back on the ship. After the search in the hotel found nothing, Jim and I took a taxi to the port. We met the most incredibly kind people who did everything in their power to help us. They brought us into the room where the security cameras were and we were able to see that both carry-ons were loaded onto the taxi. So back to the hotel. The concierge now started to trace the bag from the storage room to its journey to another room. He called the room and the people insisted they had no extra bags. They were sleeping and did not want to be disturbed. The concierge was persistent and asked to go to their room and Voila! There was my bag—untouched. The people had no idea it was there. Meanwhile I was a basket case. St. Anthony really worked overtime today. However, I met the kindest people that went out of their way to help us. We have our passports and I have my meds. I will read the posts later, but had to share our adventure. Terri
  14. Good morning from Copenhagen. It is Sunday. i just got through reading all the posts and am so sorry to read all the sad news. Prayers for everyone who is suffering, especially Baby Murphy. Prayers also for those who have lost loved ones. Mostly prayers for those on the Cares List. Cheers to those cruising. I hope you all have a great time. Bon Voyage! Yesterday was a busy day trying to pack up. Also my cold resurfaced or else i got a new one. I am miserable and right now I just want to go home. However I am sitting in the Lounge in the Copenhagen Marriott Hotel with a good number of other cruisers who disembarked today and are waiting for their rooms to be ready. I had a reservation at both this hotel and the Hotel d’Angleterre. Now i am sorry we cancelled that one. It was more expensive but I think we would have been in our room already. I don’t know where I got this cold again. Tired of this and just plain tired. We got a new HVAC system in January when our old one gave up the ghost. The thermostat is connected to the WiFi in the house. For the last three weeks I have been getting messages that the HVAC is not cooling and the temp in the house is 87 degrees. I had it set for vacation mode at 80. So this is one of the first order of business when we get home on Thursday. Not happy about this. Especially with a system that is only a few months old. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread. Hope all is well. God Bless, Terri
  15. Good morning from the Baltic and our last day on board the Oceania Marina, I have been trying to like the last number of posts but CC will not hear of it. So I am hoping this post will go through. @dfish Debbie, I hope you and Sue have a wonderful time. Glad you got to Boston and are settled in your hotel room. Hope you got something to eat. @NextOne Glad that there is some improvement in Dennie. I hope it keeps up. @JazzyV Vanessa, Hope you are feeling better after PT and @StLouisCruisers I like the photos of Skagway. Today we stay on the ship and pack up. We are spending three days in Copenhagen before we go home. Please pray it doesn’t rain for the whole time. Terri
  16. Too bad we will miss each other. It would have been really nice to meet you. Terri
  17. Annie, Thanks for your thoughts about Jim. He will be all right. We will be in Madeira on November 18. i wish it would be the same day you were there. it would be so much fun to meet. We will be in Italy beginning Oct. 25. first in Venice, then Florence and then Rome. We board the Sirena on Nov. 13. What is your schedule? Terri
  18. Greetings to all from Klaipeda, Lithuania. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Vanessa for the cares and celebration list. Also to Ann for the recipe and to Dixie and Ann for keeping us hydrated. I have been to Skagway but those photos are not on my I pad. We were there in 2007, before I owned an Ipad. Not even sure Apple had invented one at that time. Prayers for Baby Murphy that she makes an improvement and will soon be totally recovered. Also for @NextOne ‘s friend Denny that he will be able to overcome his limitations from his massive stroke. Prayers for @catmando for family issues as well as medical issues and for @summer slope that your medical issues are resolved soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @Sharon in AZ‘s DH Craig. Cheers to those cruising — @Norseh2o —Happy Cruising and to Debbie @dfish as you and Sue make your way to Boston for your cruise. I like the days. i don’t have a dog, and I will not get one. But I like them. I hope I am someone good and someone that people like to be around. I try to stay away from junk food. As for the meal. i probably will not eat Vegan Meatballs. As a matter of fact, i think it should have a different name. Why call it a meatball? Pass on the wine and drink. i like the quote. There is always hope for a better tomorrow. Today was interesting. We originally did not plan to go out. However, there is a water and Sail Festival in progress here in Klaipeda, Lithuania. We started by taking a little tourist train that proved to be more of a disaster than anything else. It started and stopped suddenly so many times and then there was a very sudden stop where a man fell out of his seat and hurt his leg and it was bleeding. DH also got hurt when he hit his head on the seat in front of him and cracked open his lip. Then when exiting the train he hit the top of his head where he had surgery and it started to bleed. So I had to play first aid caregiver and clean him up. Tomorrow is pack-up day. We will be in Rønne, Bornholm Island in Denmark. It is forecasted to be a very rainy day so we are not leaving the ship. We will just spend the day getting our stuff together and sorting through the junk. My takeaway from this cruise is that I did not think I could have so many bad hair days in a row. LOL. That’s all she wrote. God Bless, Terri
  19. Good afternoon to everyone. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like the days very much. I like Ice Cream Sodas, Lollipops and Hot Dogs. That is not to say that I have them often. I do not remember when I last had an Ice Cream Soda or a Lollipop. I have had Hot Dogs recently. I do remember the Moon Landing. What an event that was! The barbecue ribs sound wonderful. i would love to have some tonight but they are not on any menus here on the ship. The drink and wine also sound good. Sognefjord is not one of the ports we visited on this trip. Prayers for all on the Cares list especially for Baby Murphy and @NextOne’s friend Denny. Cheers for all those who are ready to go on a cruise. How exciting. We are ready to start packing. We disembark on Sunday. I am more than ready. Tonight we do not like the menu in the Grand Dining Room and do not want to repeat the Baltic menu in the Terrace Cafe. So we are ordering room service from Toscana, the Italian Restaurant. Our Butler will serve us in our room. We have only done that one other time during this cruise when I had a cold and had to cancel our reservation at the French Restaurant. At that time Jacques came to us. We were in Visby, Sweden today. It was cloudy, cold and windy. We stayed on the ship as most people did. The ship was rocking and rolling even tied up to the dock. Watched a movie. Hope everyone is having a good day. God Bless, Terri
  20. @Seasick Sailor Oliver is very cute. He is fortunate to have found a loving home. Terri
  21. I used A&K Peru for my trip. They coordinated all the stops and got us back to the ship in another country without a hitch. They also promised to get us to the next port if necessary. They are not a fly-by-night organization. Everything went smoothly from the time they picked us up at the port in Lima until they dropped us off in Guayaquil, Ecuador four days later. We have friends who used them in the other direction as you wish to do and finished in Pisco and were equally as pleased. We took out separate insurance for that part of the trip. Email me if you want further info. Terri
  22. We did it in 2012. We booked through a private company and stayed off the ship three nights. We notified HAL beforehand and had to sign a waiver. There was no problem with transportation at all. We had a fabulous time and did it at our own pace for less than half the price that HAL wanted for 2 days. Go for it. Terri
  23. @NextOne Prayers for your friend that he makes a full recovery. @Lady Hudson Happy Anniversary to you and your DH on 54 years of wedded bliss. We had dinner in the Terrace Cafe tonight rather than the Grand Dining Room. It seems like the whole ship decided to do the same thing. It was a themed night on Baltic Food. We had many delicacies such as pierogies, smoked salmon, fried mushrooms, and I cannot even remember. All the food was good. Every table was filled and people were waiting to get tables. First time I ever saw that. I guess the Dining Room was empty tonight. Everything was delicious. I know I should have taken pictures but it was impossible. People were on line three deep and I just couldn’t do it. The only thing missing was Latvian music. Good night. Terri
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