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Everything posted by lissie

  1. It's not multiple steps to open my phone - its my thumb opening the device. If I don't have internet then I will have the barcode in my photos. If I do have access, I'll have already have opened the app and have it ready - its not like I won't have queued somewhere before. What does my head in is people fumbling with their phone and trying to find the app - when they've just had 20 min in line to do all that! I will print paper if I'm leaving from home - but that's rarely the case as we usually have to fly long-haul . We leave home 6 days prior to our next cruise - last year i we'd been away for 2 months prior to our second cruise.
  2. You haven't travelled much with old people then. Was quietly doing some work in a (closed) bar on a different cruise line and a 80+ yo sat down quite close to me and then had a very loud on speaker phone conversation with her travel agent which included her complains about medical conditions (which were utterly irrelevant too) . Went on for 20 minutes
  3. That's what I was going to do - well actually fill my bottle from the tap and use the ice bucket to cool it down if necessary (won't need to in Greenland!)
  4. That's true - but I actually had to go and get some coins in the bank the other day - for parking meters when I don't want to pay the extra fee for using a card. They live in the car. I've not carried coins for years. In fact I normally don't have any notes either
  5. Exactly - the notes disappeared in common circulation within about a week - you could still use them for a few months - after that businesses didn't have to accept them anymore and you had to take them to a bank to exchange them. Total none issue
  6. We're doing a 25 day cruise and travelling carry-on only. We're just going to use the bag option once a week or so - quite a lot cheaper than buying the unlimited plan.
  7. Do you actually need a printed boarding pass - can't you just show it on your phone? We travel prior to cruises and I can't be bothered trying to get boarding passes printed at hotels anymore.
  8. You'll need to clear US immigration/customs and presumably you need to be at the airport an hour prior (at least) and I believe it takes 30 min the airport... I think the answer is obvious
  9. Why don't American's use the $2 note? Its legal tender I believe. It drives me utterly nuts the number of $1 notes I end up with in the US. Every other currency of equivalent value (even far less in the case of NZ) got rid of notes under $5 for coins years and years ago. But even when we had notes getting change involved a mix of $2 and $1 - why the hate against $2 ?
  10. The prices are all over the place - the've now dropped to $95 for 4 hours - I'd suggest peole who have booked check often and maybe cancel and rebook
  11. We sale from Boston 29 July: Portland-Sydney-Corner Brook-Red-Bay-seaday-Greenland-sea day-Iceland 6 ports- sea day-Greenland-seaday- St Anthony, St Johns, St Pierre, Halifax, Bar Harbour, Boston I get sea sick on a lake but after years of experiments I have a solution a patch called Scopoderm (not available in the US). The issue is that if I put it on when the sea isn't rough it makes me a bit sick. And it has to be applied 12 hours in advance (it lasts about 3 days). So I'm assuming that the potentially rough parts will be to and from Greenland and maybe around Iceland. Will be fairly sheltered in the Canadian part of the trip? What's your experience particularly sailing the first part of Boston- Portland- Sydney - Corner Brook- Red Bay? And no not looking for alternatives - my partner can suck a ginger sweet and feel fine - I've tried everything else incluiding chemo anti- nausea meds - its only the patches that work on me.
  12. You don't actually need a pass - I've stopped trying to find a way of printing them when travleling - all you need is your passport and maybe a booking number but your ID will be sufficient
  13. There is an outlet next to the bed - certainly in our inside delux - but in every cabin which has bedside lamps - which is all of them. Its behind the bed head slightly and you have to pull the side table out to get to it but it's there. It was anEU socket from memory.
  14. Use Airtags - you'll know exactly when your bag goes on the ship. I had a tag in a bag we had stored for 6 weeks between cruises in Barcelona. I knew which building it sat in for 6 weeks and then at 7am the morning of boarding Igot a message from the company saying they had delivered the bag and an alert from the airtag telling me it hadmoved from where it had been for 6 weeks to the pier I knew the ship was at. Job done - zero stress.
  15. They don't feel claustrophobic and are a LOT bigger - we always book the inside deluxe - they are like $50 more than the cheapest insides!
  16. I believe the cruise we are on the Zaandam is stopping there - and she seems to stop there quite often on the trips up to Canada
  17. The side is irrelevant you'll get sunrises one way and sunsets the other. Personally I cruise with an interior on deck 1 because I get sea sick - but also we didn't have the a/c issues that some in balconies had on similar cruises in the tropics. The QE a/c struggles a bit in northern Austraila
  18. I'd spend the money on excursions - they can use your balcony if its abig deal - or just use the many public rooms and decks with much better wrap around views
  19. Hello from the Cunard boards! I may be more helpful after August when we get back from our first HAL cruise. We're in an inside cabin too - same as we do on Cunard. Some of the stuff you mention doesn't happen on Cunard now either - particularly #4 and #8 The rest of it Differences I've noticed so far * no laundry rooms (no gossip!) though laundry by the bag seems an OK price * drinks seem generally cheaper * excursions book out really, really fast - we booked our july cruise in Nov - which I thought was early - but many of the better excursions were already booked out an the wait lists have never cleared. Also the shps are much more varied than Cunard so it really depends which ship you are on - we are on Zaandam - what are you sailing?
  20. On the website it says you can take it home with you - but of course you will have an issue if you are flying immediately - you'll have to pack it in checked luggage
  21. It's not a tour - its a rental car - so yes US$275 for a one day hire is expensive. I'm paying C$60 in Sydney NS in comparison.
  22. I can't see it - there are 3500 people coming off the Caribeean Princess plus about 1700 of us on the Zaandam. Sydney's pop is only 30k. No one is going to want a $10 fare across town. I'll take one if Ican persuade one but I'm not confident I'll get one. I wonder if they have escooters? This would be a good moment for one of those!
  23. Ohh I didn't know there were vendors at the terminal that could be helpful! I've now sourced C$100 bill from friends here in NZ - so I just need to break the note . I was going to try on the ship too as they cruise to Canada often I'm hoping I might be able to break the $100 - which a lot of places now refuse in NZ and I'm guessing Canda - then getting change from a vendor should be easy. Yes it's Avis on Welton - same office as budget it looks like on the map. Yes I am sure the bus drivers are used to the infux of clueless cruise passengers 🙂
  24. Thanks for the update - I guess I'll plan on the 40min walk unless I find the local bus and some local cash!
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