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Everything posted by edgee

  1. If you don't like the "speculation" tune out. We already have enough credible information to have some discussion. I just turned "silver" and recently completed a 25 night cruise at PH level. I already know that had the new "no more SM" been in effect under same pricing I would have theoretically lost at least $250 in value with having tips included and getting just $250 in OBC as a replacement. Also would have lost beer and wine with meals and excursion credit. In principle I love that the SM excursion credit is going away because the restrictions on it caused resentment and confusion. So cruising with Oceania will now be more expensive, period. We will see how they do in the marketplace with their new higher pricing/less value scheme.
  2. So does it look like wine and beer with meals is going back to a purchased package or will that remain included?
  3. We also just disembarked Marina last month and agree with your comments.
  4. It certainly is fine according to "protocol" for guests to go to the coffee machines in the Terrace and get a fresh cup of whatever they want.
  5. Wait to be served for boxed cereal. Can grab yogurts yourself if you wish IME.
  6. After three cruises totaling 53 nights on O in last 8 months, I found the opposite to be true. Although we enjoyed evenings in the Terrace Cafe a few nights, the lines at the grill area and confusion and delays with orders was frustrating. Since over half of those nights were on the new Vista, I was especially disappointed that there was zero improvement in the layout of the grill area and the (very) nearby dessert area. Some love the "safety" of Oceania's staff served vs self service buffet area on other cruise lines, but the Terrace design which creates a crowded food service with guests standing close to each other seeking attention from staff to serve their choice of dessert or steak/lobster is far from ideal.
  7. We enjoyed it twice on Marina over the past few weeks...back to back cruises. They move the art around after every cruise, so new game each time.
  8. No longer IME. Only way I know of to avoid the fee us to charge $75,000 per year on the card, then you can bring a guest at no charge for the remainder of current year and all of the next.
  9. Viking has its roots in river cruising and is an exception to point I made above about microphone and speaker systems ot being common on ocean cruise excursions.
  10. Not normally. They are dependent on local tour providers and listening devices are not the norm in most of the ocean cruise industry. Regent is no exception.
  11. We crossed Miami to Barcelona on Splendor this past Spring. Our cruise started March 31, so a little later, but we had warm gorgeous weather with zero rain and calm seas the entire trio. Loved it so much we are booked on the March 13 Rio to Lisbon trio in 2025.
  12. I respect your viewpoint. GM told me all insulation is same throughout the ship and that they get complaints from all locations. I disembarked Marina last week and was told by the concierge that he and many crew members who have been on Vista also have noise problems with poor sound insulation between crew cabins. He reiterated that when he was on Vista he dealt with complaints and occasional arguments between neighboring guests on Vista due to the noise issue and they came from locations all over the ship.
  13. According to senior officers I spoke with on the ship, soundproofing is equally problematic among all cabins. IME and from talking to both senior officers, reception staff, concierge and other staff, they get complaints from all over the ship. It matters who your neighbors are, not which cabin you are in.
  14. I assume they will have to better insulate the walls. Someone posted that Vista senior crew told him they would be working on it "soon," but I would guess it would have to wait until a major drydock which could be years away. NCLH really has a two ship problem with this issue. Regent Grandeur, bult soon after Vista in the same ship yard is reported to have the same problem with lack of soundproofing between cabins.
  15. Not true. It is absolutely pervasive throughout the ship! Makes zero difference where your cabin is located. What makes a difference is whether you have neighbors who speak in tones that are not very quiet and whether they turn on their tv, even at low volumes. Vista GM, Concierge and Concierge have confirmed to me that lack of proper sound insulation is equally a problem for every cabin on Vista. I have had crew tell me that crew cabins have same problem and crew often has trouble sleeping. I have spent 28 nights on Vista in two different cabins on different decks. Same problem. One of my neighbors had TV on at all times he was awake in the room. He showed me his volume was only at 7%. He turned it off only between 11:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. and only then could I sleep. Will never travel on Vista again unless they remedy the problem.
  16. Unfortunately this Costco more affordable coverage is not available to those of us in NY state. Grrr.
  17. Plus my TA offers additional value in the form of rebates and cruise credit, sometimes gratuities. By not using a good TA who offers extra value, you are in effect paying ten to twelve percent extra for your cruise. Why would anyone want to do that?
  18. Best way to avoid paying 'list" is to use a good travel agent who offers additional value. This avoids paying ten percent or more for every cruise as some do by booking direct with the cruise line.
  19. Problem seems confined to Vista and also Regent Grandeur, NCLH's other very new ship built just after Vista in same ship yard. We just disembarked 25 night cruise on Oceania Marina. No such issues for us there.
  20. Nope, the problem is absolutely pervasive throughout the ship. Spent 28 nights on her in two different cabins earlier this year. General manager acknowledged to me it does not matter where your cabin is, you will have a problem unless your neighbors are exceptionally quiet and rarely watch tv. We had a UK sports fan in cabin adjacent to us who watched sports channel at all times while in his room. Turned off TV at about 11 pm every night and it was back on at 7:30 p.m. in the morning. That was when I could sleep. He showed me that his volume level was just at 7% and TV still could be heard in our next door cabin. Reception desk offered to move me to another cabin, but said that I would still be dependent on luck of having a "quiet" neighbor. I just disembarked Marina and was told by a crew member that he had experienced a noise issue between cabins in his Vista crew cabin. Said that many crew have trouble sleeping on that ship due to the problem. Popular YouTube reviewer Gary Bembridge has a full video entitled "I test Oceania's New Ship to see Why Cruisers Are So Unhappy," which concludes that the noise between cabins problem is a major issue.
  21. Yes, but not announced in advance. We received a note a couple of days into the cruise announcing that we would be doing it. We had great weather that day and enjoyed it very much, although nothing as remarkable as glaciers on an Alaskan cruise IME.
  22. We dealt with it for 25 nights..Copenhagen to Reykjavik!
  23. All good. Just respectfully explaining. Am currently on Marina in Greenland. Will definitely be easy to "chill out" and have a great day!
  24. I prefaced what I said with IME...meaning in my experience. Further, I put the word "thin" in quotes to indicate it as a euphemism for poor sound shielding. However, after 28 nights in two different locations on Vista combined with extensive conversations with reception team, concierge, and the wonderful Vista GM, I am convinced the problem is pervasive and it is a priority to correct it eventually on Vista and make sure changes are made to Allura to be sure it does not happen there.
  25. Naming cabin you were in is an Irrelevant point IME. All walls on Vista are equally "thin." You just were lucky in that you happened to have quiet neighbors.
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