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Everything posted by dexddd

  1. This goes way back years when fdr took over. There was a widespread, across the board reduction in port times. One of the biggest was stops at Port Canaveral coming in early a.m. to one p.m. Put a damper going to Orlando or Space Center.
  2. Lots of different experiences here. We had Delta to LHR. We got info about 45 days out. Due to status, was bumped to C+ right away. Waitlisted for premium select and we got it. No luggage fees.
  3. They have to cool the potatoes so they can dice them up for breakfast the next day. No more heating oil to fry hash browns. Baked potatoes can air cool. Part of sail and sustain.
  4. I'd agree, at least for us. We did a 12 day TA on Prima with adult DD. Probably last time in long time that will ever happen. We spent a lot of time in the room. Also spent lots of time all over ship like Local, Haven Lounge. Didn't spend much time in buffet or atrium or main theater which takes up tons of space. Did spent quite a bit of time, at first, looking for seats at Indulge then if we wanted to eat there just went late. Weather not good so outside, open air Haven area useless.
  5. To add, the bathroom had a great shower where I could get like five different water sources going at once to rinse off the grime.
  6. We were in 12922 with adult daughter on a TA. We only had one bathroom entrance but I do see video of room you mention appears to have two doors but only one sink, not a biggie. Privacy never an issue. Guess it kind of depends who has sofa. I'd say probably one of the best ship sofa beds I've seen but it was also new. It is a nice room, kind of basic, one of the smallest OS we've had. We had lousy weather so spent quite a bit of time in room. Note the room, and as others have mentioned in other threads of other rooms, has a creaking issue even in calm seas. Can't recall if the OS you mentioned were ever mentioned. Typically the prices are very close. OS gets unlimited in room water, soda, and three bottles. Maybe not a big deal if you have FAS but still nice. For us, nice to have Coke Zeros stocked and DD big water drinker. Not really helping much.
  7. Maybe you can get the much younger Mrs. Schmoopie to read for you.
  8. Welcome to CC. Sky one of the oldest in fleet. Must have been lots of Hero cards completed.
  9. Of course those viral videos showed up. One on main MSN page of the humanity of Mera going to Boston and not Bahamas. Showed lots of folks in Bamboo pool which is an enclosed pool area for Gen pop, even has a bar. Whoops, we had one call out here from pc police we can't use that term, guess too many seasons of Orange left us with the term. Had been an NCL ship, no such venue if ship went north with inside pool except Haven. Poor folks on Mera in YC no such enclosed pool area, demand compensation. To sail and sustain though, YC has a large lounge with bar, fancy coffee maker, and eager staff.
  10. Cape Canaveral is about twenty minutes north of Port Canaveral which is where the ships leave.
  11. From casual reading, apparently nearly everyone has made stock gains if you want to believe those reports as E F Hutton told me.
  12. The Dawn and Star used to have a TV by the tub but believe now gone. Toilet stall had a phone IIRC.
  13. Note not many cabs at Port when we were there.
  14. Never heard of them but with that name doesn't inspire confidence. Kind of like Virgin's Resilient, sounds like it was in a wreak and making a comeback.
  15. Will Mrs. Schoompie get her Xmas present returned for letting the cat out of the bag?
  16. Thanks for Mera update. At least the ship is good for cold weather routes. Tons of inside space and venues. We had great weather most of trip with warm weather. Crew by outside bar though, dressed warmly. I often wore shorts but then again if it was somewhere warm the crew would be chill and I'd have beads of sweat.
  17. Definitely noticed they are going to Bermuda many more months than in the past. My guess just a larger fleet than the past. Only so many places to go. Next year shows trips all months except Sept. and Dec.
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