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Everything posted by windsor26

  1. I just hope we will have some warm weather I came to Australia to get warm but they lied!!!! 8 weeks in UK this year were superb and too hot to sleep a couple of nights
  2. I agree about the island but we have been there 12 times already so would have liked more of Fiji Vila for a change On a different subject has anyone done the Behind the Scenes tour which they say is on the last sea day of a cruise I want to know if it is usually in the morning or the afternoon TIA
  3. This morning we were advised by Carnival that Isle of Pines and Mare are closed for the foreseeable future and they cancelled a couple of cruises this year and changed the itineries for next January Sadly we are doing 2 days in Mystery Island and Lifou instead I would have preferred a double day in Fiji but at least it has not been cancelled (for what would be the 6th time)
  4. In a doorless helicopter we did a flight from San francisco and flew under the Golden Gate Bridge it was fabulous
  5. Carnival have cancelled a couple of their cruises to the Pacific Islands during 2022 and changed the itinery of the January cruise Mare and Isle of Pines are closed so we have been given an extra day in Mystery Island and a stop in Lifou wish they had stayed overnight in Fiji instead
  6. No you are not correct - I will give you that due to the length of the cruise we did not have any stage or hen parties on board but otherwise the usual crowd we have encountered
  7. Misleading comment We were on a Carnival cruise Sydney to Hawaii then going on to Alaska Normal fun and happy cruise (as we also find on Princess) 2 days out from Hawaii we were advised that the ship had a load of Australian preference beer on board which USA clients were not keen on so that night everyone could have free beer!! It was true the were tables lined with large glasses of beer and everyone could help themselves (in a side note we do not drink beer and the waiters kept us supplied with free wine instead) There were no noisy sessions no fights and no drunkeness we saw at all all night - just happy cruisers
  8. Great if you have the cash no assistance to those of us who do not
  9. Both the Coral and the Sky had a portion of one restaurant as club class and you went in the right hand door to get to this instead of checking in with the steward on the door on the left and being assigned your table
  10. I appreciate your trying you did get me a little further Thanks
  11. Unfortunately not on my page so I will keep trying tomorrow and see if it changes
  12. Thank you this link on my computer got me a little further I can see my bedding configuration and a different cabin number to the on the TA told me (only 1 number different) However still nothing about choosing dining times and places?
  13. Still no luck update the hub and tried everything but they only give me the itinerary no bed arrangement or chance to book meals
  14. I could not get past see us in 50 days when it is 60 days from cruise I will try again All I get is the itinerary and no ability to go elsewhere to book dining etc
  15. How do we book the dining we require Is it on the Hub as I cannot find it , do we ask the TA to organise it or will I have to wait until 60 days before the cruise? TIA
  16. surely it should be grandfathered for those who booked it ages ago on the original premise
  17. Perhaps we should all e mail Princess and ask as I agree from many and I mean many of those I spoke with on both cruises they would love to have the choice of Trad dining
  18. He told me that now it is nothing to do with him you have to organise it with the dine phone line people I did speak to people who had organised it (as I had before it disappeared) and they had the same table with the same strangers every night! And on another point on the Sky Princess last month a sharing table for strangers (THEY SAID) did not exist but again this could be an easy way to not have to organise it just tables for 2 or 4 if you were a family
  19. Its the foul language that sends me out of the venue
  20. I understood tour companies could be mention but not Travel agents
  21. Hi Evon Unless there is a problem disembarking the previous cruise (late arrival etc) last week we arrived t 11.05 nd were in our cabin at 11.30 The checking in is somewhat protracted to what it used to be but if you have used the app[ you can sail right past the GUARD on the door and get in the line to be vax and covid detailed and receive your medallions There was a line for xray baggage carry ons and they split us into those with booze and those without then to the naughty table to have labels put on the bottles
  22. Yes but I wanted a group of the same people I have about 40 couples still as good friends met on dining tables under traditional dining over the years. In fact we wer on th Coral with you last week and were joined by table chums from 2008 cruise
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