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Posts posted by YoHoHo

  1. 13 minutes ago, SATaxman said:

    So Jacques stays?

    Sorry, seems my speculation of where Aqaumar venue will go I started this rumour


    I did not realize Aqaumar would have such a small capacity (as would it into the La Reserve space vs Jacques). I had assumed (oops) it was a full size dining area like the specialties.


    And the idea that Jacques was on the way out came from reading previous threads on CC when Vista was revealed. There were posts that Jacques as a dining room (vs items featured on the GDR menu) was on its way out. I am hopeful it will survive.


    26 minutes ago, EJL2023 said:

    According to the article it will be where Le Reserva is located and those pairings will now be in Privee. 


    Ah, thanks. I enjoyed those wine pairing dinners in that area but as it used to be only in use a few nights as per week, converting it to an every night venue is a good idea and though it will not hold many, the new venue will help to even out the load on the other venues. 


    I'm curious to see how they manage the La Reserve concept in the Privee space. Does that mean no more Privee dinners when La Reserve is not offered. Though I was never a fan of the décor we've certainly enjoyed dining with cruise friends there.

  3. 1 hour ago, shepherd really said:

    You would think if that was the case it would have been mentioned.  But it was not, so I think you are assuming something that is not the case.

    The article is from a PR piece. Those usually mention positive additions not things being removed.

    29 minutes ago, SATaxman said:

    Jacques is still on the Riviera. Why would you think they will remove it on Marina?


    Jacques is not on Vista which has the new dining areas such as the Aquamar venue. I wonder where they are Fitting in the new dining area in this renovation?

  4. While I did not notice direct mention of its removal I am thinking sadly, Jacques will be gone. With its lower food cost I am sure Red Ginger is O's preferred choice despite its rather nondescript fusion offerings, the Watermelon Salad excepted.


    BTW @MikeandBobNC, in most links the final part of the URL, from and including the question mark, is not required to get to the page and can contain somewhat personally identifiable information. In this case, while not human readable if contains a unique id identifying to F*book (fbclid) so FB can track your web activity, even when you're not logged in. When someone clicks on that URL FB thinks you have checked that page again. And again. You might get some new stuff in your FB feed :).  In some links the data prior to the question mark can be parameters such as data=****, mo=Jan, etc. and those are parameters passed to the web page you are loading so it can get you what you are wanting and usually are necessary, the rest is not and sometimes can reveal some info you might prefer to not publish.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Blackduck59 said:

    So I managed to bring up POSH on Julie's thread and rather than run amok over there let's discuss it here.

    Years ago in discussion with some seafaring friends I was told it meant Port Out Starboard Home. My memory isn't what it used to be. One recollection was travelling from Great Britain to the Raj that would put you on the shady side both ways. I guess it depends on winter or summer. Of course who on earth from GB would willingly go to the Raj in summer.

    Sailing from Great Britain to India portside outbound and starboard return would have you on the land side both ways. The other side would always be just views of the ocean.


    As for your summer travelling comment, "mad dogs and Englishmen" comes to mind.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, davencl said:

    I am 70.   DW had no reactions,  I think I may have had a reaction to the Typhoid fever shot.  A week later I had a low grade fever for a day but don't know if that was a reaction.  The reason I think it may have been the Typhoid fever shot is because it is a live vaccine.  

    Wasn't your yellow fever vaccine also live?


    Like the OP I've been struggling with this YF question. Hate to miss out going to some bucket list places. Seems the chances of contracting are not so high (depending on precautions and where and when travelling) but the outcome of contracting unvaccinated is severe. 


    I'm going to go along with medical advice from a travel medical clinic.

  7. 1 minute ago, denims said:

    I was able to change everything, but I am still getting the "Alert....stickie

    If the "stickie" you are referring to is the same one displayed in Host Kat's screenshot above I suspect that alert is just a splash that is added to many page types (i.e. all of the threads) and not aimed at anyone in particular.


    But the big takeaway is that you were able to update your address successfully and receive email to it so *maybe* the problem has been resolved but they have just not completed testing or the page designer has not yet taken down the alert. Maybe a resolution is close at hand. Congratulations at being the first.

  8. Sorry @debbiejohncruise, I don't know why you get 0 results. I have some ideas on why you could get too many results or not relevant results but not 0. Host Kat's tip of using quotes to search for a phrase is excellent. But without quotes you would get more results not less. 


    As @gnome12 and @Host Kat point out, if on a desktop there is a drop down next to the search input box. That drop down can narrow the search to This Topic (aka. the thread you are currently viewing), this Forum, etc. After the search and the results displayed there will be a small button to select more search options titled Content Search if wanted:




    I am showing this because this "Content Search" is what I get on my tablet (vertical and horizontal display) only and NO drop down to be able to select the range first. Consequently, I get results from all of CC which has little use to me. So if I want to do a search I must use my desktop.


    I never browse CC on my mobile so cannot comment on the options on that device. Maybe on your device you will see the drop down to choose the areas to search or maybe not. Just mentioning this to set the expectation that CC operates a little differently on different devices (and orientations) 




  9. Closing this off for me, now that I know this "unable to chsnge" is a recent issue I'll just check back later so thanks for the clarifications.


    What lit a fire under me was that I received an email to an address that I did not realise I had associated that address with CC and it would now be used for logging in. So I needed to get it changed immediately and hoped I was not too late with concern that an email address as part of the login credentials could be awkward to change it. Hence the rush. now it seems I can wait and ignore the email they sent for a while anyway.

  10. 1 hour ago, Essiesmom said:

    I you carefully read the notice, you are not changing your username.  you are changing your login credentials.  And also careful reading of previous posts here #7,8 explained that is was currently not working since Monday.  EM

    If you carefully read my post I did not say I wanted to or was trying to change my username. And I did mention  changing the login credentials (which I stand by that this is weakens my online security by now using a more common email address instead of a unique username for that login credentials).


    But yes, I did not pay attention to your reply to another poster who was also confused by the date displayed at the top of the notice. Thanks for pointing it out again.

  11. 1 hour ago, gnome12 said:

    No, it did not exist in April. That thread was originally about how to change your email address. It was updated last Monday, and the title was changed and the sections that are highlighted were added. The problem is new, not months old.

    You can see in my screenshot the date and the red highlighted notice below the date re: email address change not working. I can see now at the bottom of that post that the "it's not working" was added recently as you say. Thank-you for that info. The April date (of the original post it seems) is confusing. If they had dated the "it's not working" addition it would have been clear.

  12. For days I have been waiting to change my email address in anticipation of their change-over to new login credentials. Just now I received email from CC that I am now required to use that email address to log in. I absolutely do not want that address used for my security credentials and do not use it on any site for that purpose.


    As they are moving forward with this change-over I assumed the problem being unable to correct an email address was resolved. A little panicked I opened CC but knowing I was still logged in so felt okay that I would be able to access my profile. Clicked on the "change" button and a not quite clear to me message popped up: "Proceed to Account Information section to update your email address."

    So okay. But that logged me out and presented me with a new log in screen. Fortunately I was able to log in with my original credentials and can access this Help! forum.



    From the sticky is seems this problem existed a long back as it is dated  April 4 and yet they are moving forward with requiring the an email address as the new account login security.


    Email address updates are not currently working.  We will advise when they are again available.


    We'll shortly be requiring you to use your email address to log in, so please check to make sure you have a current, valid email in your account today!



    And in that sticky they advise they cannot change them for us manually. Not sure what I am to do now.


    I was hoping hey would not continue with the change. Removing a username to replace it with an email address is counter to the "use a different username on different websites" as the better security profile. Hopefully they will get the problem with unable to change our addresses before they really do enforce the change-over.




  13. 1 hour ago, basor said:

    I just checked on the O website and can book this cruise without air but with Simply More in a B2 for $1699.00 per person so this is the fare available for anyone but it is Simply More without air and a promo that O is offering to anyone.

    I took that to mean you saw the $1700 price on O's site and is available to anyone. Not from a TA's site. I posted to just say it is not displayed for me (as an anyone) so guessing you saw that offer because you were logged in or it likes your cookies. No soup for me is all.


    I don't normally use O's site for shopping for a cruise as the UX design is not well suited to browsing. I use some TA sites that of course display more than just O and get distracted (other shiny things). So I checked one of the TAs and do see that price. 


    I looked as I was only curious on the offer but not interested in a 7 day out of Miami through am interested in trying Vista (despite no Jacques.)


    All good.

  14. 3 minutes ago, basor said:

    This cae from our TA so perhaps you need to contact your TA but the pricing is availableblockquote

    Argh, this new CC quote is frustrating at times. I'll try again as cannot delete that block

  15. 56 minutes ago, basor said:

    I just checked on the O website and can book this cruise without air but with Simply More in a B2 for $1699.00 per person so this is the fare available for anyone but it is Simply More without air and a promo that O is offering to anyone....glad you were able to grab it and can enjoy the O experience....


    Value Fares Promotion

    Special Pricing Offer on select Sailings/Categories


    VIS240309 PH-B

    VIS240316 PH-B


    NEW BOOKINGS ONLY. Combinable with standard offers - SimplyMore Amenities, Oceania Club Loyalty Amenities, ConciergeAmenities, Grand Voyage and ATW Amenities, and Casino $/% offPromos


    Not combinable with Onboard savings, OCAPP, American ExpressCPP amenities, Premium Economy Air, Oceania Club Certificates,Business Class Air promotions, Back to Back Savings, CovertDeals, Consumer Events, Private Sales, Partner of the Month,Groups, Key Account Promos, National Account Promos, NCLShareholder benefit, Casino Specials, Single Specials, PastGuest offers, Kids Sail Free, Tzoo/Value Fares, Close the Saleoffers, Net Rates, Extend your Voyage, Canadian ResidentSpecial, Olife Ultimate, International Specials, Flash Sale,Holiday/upgrade promotion or any other special offer.


    Maybe geo-located offer or perhaps based on your login. Not logged in I see only SM listed under Special Offer and a B2 under the "PROMOTIONAL FARE W/O AIRFARE " column is CAD$3949. No Value Fare offers on O's site displayed.

  16. 16 hours ago, YoHoHo said:

    Not the transportation aspect of the Terms but addressing the part of the discussion of having to cover the cost of the entire trip. I recently checked my credit cards for coverage terms as the card that I wanted to use for part of a travel purchase has no foreign currency transaction fees. The previous part of the trip I had already purchased on a different card but that was not in a foreign currency. In my case the first card, with the major purchase and the better coverage, would allow a partial purchase as long as the dollar amount was no greater than 20% (or such) not charged to the card. I might be recalling wrongly but think it was 20% . I will recheck and report back.  @ak1004 mine was on a TD First Class Travel card not the same as your Visa Aeroplan but is a CDN card. 


    On 10/27/2023 at 5:51 PM, ak1004 said:

    @Cruzin Terri very helpful thanks for sharing!


    Any Canadians who read this, any idea if this is true for Canadian credit cards? I read my Visa Aeroplan Infinitie privilege card, as far as I could see, it covers all expenses paid by the card. It doesn’t mention that all expenses including air has to be paid by the card.

    I was wrong / confused. I DID see that at least 75% had to be paid on my TD First Class Travel Infinite (whew) Visa card but that is not fully applicable as it is for the flight / trip delay coverage; not cancellation. I had looked at a "what has changed" pamphlet and it only addressed the delay coverage. For the cancellation 100% does need to be paid on the card (though that could change and I cannot speak on other similarly named cards)


    flight/trip delay
    "Covered Trip means travel on a Common Carrier, the fare for which at least 75% has been charged to Your Account and/or using Your TD Rewards Points."


    "Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance
    Use your Card and/or TD Rewards Points to cover the full cost of your trip, and you’ll have coverage for: ..."


    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, ak1004 said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong. There is no mentioning that the whole trip has to be paid with the card.

    Yes, it is in the first post: Well, more correctly the full cost of the TRANSPORTATION (vs the full cost of the trip)

    On 10/27/2023 at 10:08 AM, Cruzin Terri said:


    What I failed to notice was that AMEX says that a Covered Trip is a period of round trip travel 1) to one or more destinations other than an Eligible Traveler’s city of residence at the time of departure where 2) the period of round-trip trave ends when the Eligible Traveler returns by Common Carrier to the city of departure: 3) the trip does not exceed 365 days away from the the Eligible Travelers city of residence and 4) The Eligible Traveler charges the full amount of the cost of the the transportation by Common Carrier(s) to your Eligible Card.  The period of round trip may consist of round trip, one-way, or combinations of round trip, one-way tickets with Common Carriers.


    and that is a major part of the issue. The points conversation drew away from the insurance issue. Didn't matter whether the OP used points or used a different credit card for the outbound flight the problem was that they did not not purchase that flight as well on the card they are trying to claim the insurance.


    Thank-you @Cruzin Terri for starting this thread and helping everyone learn something from this.


    Not the transportation aspect of the Terms but addressing the part of the discussion of having to cover the cost of the entire trip. I recently checked my credit cards for coverage terms as the card that I wanted to use for part of a travel purchase has no foreign currency transaction fees. The previous part of the trip I had already purchased on a different card but that was not in a foreign currency. In my case the first card, with the major purchase and the better coverage, would allow a partial purchase as long as the dollar amount was no greater than 20% (or such) not charged to the card. I might be recalling wrongly but think it was 20% . I will recheck and report back.  @ak1004 mine was on a TD First Class Travel card not the same as your Visa Aeroplan but is a CDN card. 


    Importantly I did see something about "round trip travel" but just glossed over that thinking A. it does not apply to this purchase and B. how often would that occur anyway - a one way trip to Europe?? I did not consider the OP's scenario and could easily have easily, unwittingly done similar as I have long been playing with taking a TA cruise both ways with land travel in-between and could easily have put one of the cruises on a different card. Or pay for a cruise on one and the flight on another. For me this is a valuable thread.

    • Thanks 2
  18. Suffering cold feet standing out on the ice and snow for an hour or so was a concern I had too. Even brought light insulated insoles that came back unused. Our feet were comfortable on every landing. 


    The boots we were loaned are made by Muck. Excellent boots. I was very impressed with the design and quality.


    We wore thin sock liners followed by thicker thermal socks from J. B. Fields (also excellent). Both designed to wick moisture which I think is very important. With the socks and the boots our feet were warm and comfortable - never gave them a second thought. 


    Their supplied boots are not made of cloth/fabric and not lined. I don't know what snowmobile boots are like. These boots are made of a thick, rubber or such material. They come high up on the calf for wet landings. The sole is ribbed, very thick and very stiff so they are not flexible and can be slippery on ice, compacted snow or wet rocks. Once on shore the excursion team provides walking sticks which were very helpful.


    The boot size matched my usual shoe size. I wear a 12 1/2 shoe. The 13 boot was a teeny bit large despite the heavy sock but better than a too tight fit. The size 12 would have been okay though.

    • Like 1
  19. Thanks for this first hand report @gold1953. We have an upcoming A.C. flight and I was reading the thread on the new laser measuring system. This is timely additional information.


    Yes, happy to hear rules are being enforced. That laser sizer rejecting a carry-on's flexible handle that is a half inch too tall or a soft-sided daypack that bulges in the middle but is compressible and otherwise is under dimension limits is excessive. Though I do understand them wanting to automate this but a little leeway would be good.


    And yes, my small daypack bulges and DW's carry-on is 3/8" too tall from floor to handle. So what to do? Maybe don't fly A/C, or do we buy two new carry-ons in-person with measuring tape in hand (where is my laser guided measuring device when I need it), or no longer use my fully fabric daypack as carry on but instead pack my pack in my checked luggage, or do I take the chance the laser will not reject me but he prepared to stuff my pockets with meds and documents so that they can stow my oversize carry-on in the hold?


    Being as we already have two flights booked on AC (first in a long time with them and was hesitating from the start but succumbed to the good take off slots they have bought up) looks like I'll be out shopping soon.


    I agree with @rodndonna that the gear approved for the bins should be tagged not the other way around. Not only is it simpler but means an all-about-me could not simply remove the tag from their second item and place it in the bin. Oh, wait. Maybe I do have another option .

  20. Thanks @cswhistler.  I've seen the offer but never paid attention to the details so this is helpful. I knew they offered transfers in various times slots but assumed (oops) the ones with tours were fewer such as one at 8 and one at 8:30 ( I don't know what their current latest "get off" time is. ) . 


    If objective is to fill some time debating at 7 for a 4 hour your would not be too beneficial. 


    Do you recall how long the tours are (so I can anticipate suitability for airport arrival time) or cost?


  21. Pre-Covid we would receive in our cabin the form to declare our disembarkation plans such as requested time, walk-off with luggage, purchase O's airport transfer and also an offer to purchase a short tour then transfer to MIA airport for those with later flights.


    I don't recall seeing those tours offered online prior to sailing, same as nothing currently being offered, so I don't know if they are a possibility. Trying to fill a few hours before mid-afternoon airport arrival.


    I am wondering if they are still offering a post cruise tour with luggage stored below and transfer. Any information such as timing or cost would be appreciated.


    I don't expect a great and grand tour given the limitations. Filling a few hours rather than sitting at the airport would be more enjoyable.

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