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Everything posted by steveru621

  1. The website still works on your laptop. I just used it three days ago.
  2. We used the MDR multiple times around 2 PM on a sea day. After lunch, it was cleared out well before dinner. There are many variables: ship class, MDR manager, or hotel director. It may be just that a Pinnacle asked to use a small section of the MDR. RCI should have more game places. Sea days on a cold weather cruise are brutal. Passengers tying up tables in a packed WJ, or me trying to find a quiet spot to read in the Solarium or the library. I'm not saying you can show up at the door because we have always set it up beforehand. Safe travels.
  3. We have used the MDR plenty of times. You need to set it up ahead of time.
  4. Belize supplies the tenders for the rather long trip to shore. Fortunately, they are quite large so you shouldn't have a long wait. Whether you will need tender tickets is always a mystery. Check out the cruise director channel.
  5. I didn't try to choose an arrival time only. I do not see the point if 90% of my check-in info is auto-filled.
  6. I just checked in last night for B2B Odyessy cruises in January. I used the website, and the arrival times were there. I entered my passport info (no scan option). It shouldn't make any difference, but I used Chrome. Easy...
  7. Have you provided sources? It's a binary choice. Just state your opinion! Do you believe RCI is stealing? You are simply hiding behind my posts. Safe travels,
  8. Because my sister's boyfriend's mother has a second cousin who works for a TA and has a brother who has a friend in Carnival management, they all say RCI is an evil corporation that steals from their crew. I can assure you I have more reliable sources. Why are you even questioning this? Safe travels...
  9. OK, you made it very clear that you believe RCI skims. I told you they don't. Can you say with absolute certainty they steal from their employees? It's a binary choice; you said RCI skims. We pay every penny of every crew member's salary. Doesn't matter to me how. Safe travels
  10. Stop the nonsense. You have no facts yet you continue with the debate.
  11. You don't know that they don't, stop the nonsense. You want to blame the big evil corporation. Frequently, in any tipped environment, the company will deduct the CC bank interchange fee that every merchant pays. No one really knows what they get because this is at least the 5th version I've seen. But I'm convinced the numbers are correct and employees get 100%. I didn't skew the numbers; again, you are convinced RCI is out to screw their employees. You have no proof, I stated fact in annual numbers.
  12. I stand by my numbers. Not even the Captain works for 9 months.
  13. Royal skims nothing. Stop with this nonsense. They work six months on. But even with that, the amount they get paid is likely over the average US employee salary. And finally, that does not include their base pay. This is why most of the staff renew their contract year after year.
  14. This is the 4th one I've seen, All with a different breakdown. So $4.55 x 2 passengers x 7 days x 20 cabins x 52 weeks = an annual salary of $66,248. $4.55 x 2 passengers x 7 days x 25 cabins x 52 weeks = an annual salary of $82,810. Plus additional cash gratuity of $20/cabin (20) /week + $20,800 Plus additional cash gratuity of $50/cabin (20) /week + $52,000 + $82,810 = $134,810 Tell me again that they are underpaid.
  15. Almost anything is cheaper and faster than the RCI shuttle if you have two people.
  16. Nothing wrong with a senior tour. RCI is only an agent.
  17. If they do check your arrival time, that will happen before you walk into the building.
  18. Yes, you can, but I'm not sure it's Wifi to Wifi. I see others' cell WiFi networks all the time. With unlimited Cell data, people are using their Mobiles for home WiFi. That's why networks are restricting cell service hot spots.
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