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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. I think it's the US government possibility of shutdown in Nov. which can affect airline controllers, cruise ship shore employees and others.
  2. So now you're expected to outbid the (unknown) bids without a slider?
  3. That's exactly, almost word for word, I entered into the 'comments' section of the survey from them received this morning.
  4. Checked MENU on X app for the Silhouette 11/20 cruise and there have been changes ...chocolate dessert seems to be important and it's there each night in some form. The 'standards' seem to be separate from the mains...one night no entree menu (yet) so probably 'coming soon'...😉. Prime Rib first night and there is Lobster on the menu one of the nights. But anything could change in the next two weeks so maybe I'll be offered something other than 3 fish and 2 pasta dishes plus standards.
  5. Maybe they decided to move you up anyway without your bid...? Especially with sign on name such as yours....is the new cabin a suite or higher?
  6. I've booked Jan. 25...I think some of the year's cruises have been posted.
  7. Try asking your agent or X Rep. When we did book early or late dining the tables were assigned prior to boarding; a card was in our room with the table #. Then we'd go to the MDR and check the table location as soon as possible. If we thought we'd prefer another two top, we'd ask the maitre d' what was available and could we be relocated. I think we were asked at the time of booking did we prefer table for two or open table for 4, 6, or 8 as we were always assigned a two top. One time we asked our rep to request a two top under the MDR wine tower (S Class) which has those tables spread out better and more private...I think there's only 4 of them. Request was honoured. Now we book Anytime Dining and yes, those tables are given as you arrive to the dining room; generally that's your table for the cruise if you dine approx. at the same time each night. We only ask to be relocated if the table is not suitable; Some would arrive just before the dining room opens and ask for a window two top. And yes all 2 tops are very close together in most cases.
  8. I think someone putting these options in print slipped up and inserted the word 'select' after early and late dining. My booking confirmation says 'Select' dining because I chose 'anytime dining'.
  9. If they just deleted the word 'select', then nothing has changed....Anytime, Early, Late.
  10. I've never heard of ultra deluxe 'concierge'...and we book concierge class most sailings. Do you mean DV class (deluxe verandah) or Prime Concierge? If Aqua is only that much more than Concierge, I'd go for Aqua. If only that much difference between DV and Aqua...you have a deal on Aqua!
  11. Add Air Canada to the list of 'no seat selection until fare is ticketed/paid'....for our Canadian posters info. Thanks for the breakdown.
  12. Yes...they charge the upgraded gratuities to your Visa card at the time of acceptance.
  13. No mention of a flash sale on my site. I checked and my price shows 20% discount, however, the bottom line is more expensive than when I checked a few weeks ago.
  14. Go to the email X Move Up sent you. There's a link where you can bring up your bid. It'll say pending or if you can't open it, then it's locked. At that point it's either accepted or rejected and they'll send you an email advising your status (could be as close as 2 days before). If accepted, the $$s will have been immediately taken from your Visa account. Hope that helps.
  15. Air Canada won't allow seat selection through FB even using record locator....I paid FB the amount in advance and he was able to ticket which allowed me to choose our seats and still have the benefit (change to flight) of FB.
  16. my guess...you don't know southern ontario very well. 🤔
  17. 🌟 So happy for your family and that you could join them is a well deserved reward for your hard work!
  18. OMG....Even small towns have traffic control and speed laws; some already think Canadians are a bunch of northern hicks....are you validating that? A smart answer isn't necessarily a smart answer....😉
  19. Cynic!...LOL...there are good people in this life you know, despite all the evidence otherwise these days.
  20. OT....How do others feel about January cruises? Never sailed to mid-Caribbean in that month....I'm assuming the ocean will be a little cooler than prior and after months? Lots of rain?
  21. Hi Pinbory....I was waiting for your always interesting reply...LOL. You'll never know what might have happened if you hadn't 'crossed the palm'....maybe still would have had your reservation but these folks are not going to say 'no sir...we can't accept that'. On the other hand I did observe a hostess being plied with $$s in order to receive a 'good' table in the MDR...of all places. She did exactly that....wouldn't accept and the fellow looked a little embarrassed as we were all overhearing while standing and waiting for OUR table.
  22. This is a real change from past sailings, and we've had many. At 3-4 months prior the times were pretty much available. The menu in MDR is now so poor that cruisers seem to be booking up the specialty restaurants, which is probably the X plan. How did you know you couldn't book a package...did they say 'sold out'? Anyway, try when you board...there may be cancellations.
  23. Like you, we book months in advance and have always had our preferred time available, 6pm. But later times do go really fast. When I didn't like the menu on one particular night and wanted to change the reservation date only the earliest time of 8:30 was available on most nights. Decided that wasn't a problem....dining late will be a change.
  24. We had the opposite situation last cruise....booked 6pm reservation well before the cruise. Expected to have some choice in table arriving just before 6pm. Murano was full except for 2 not so well located tables. Maitre d' said people who had packages started arriving and were told to do so IHO, he had a long line up out the door, so he let them in. Not good. Upcoming cruise we might be the pair outside the door early...LOL. Never happened before.
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