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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. Absolutely....just showing what you get for what you pay. So if AC goes on strike during our Nov. flights, the options are few and will cost more. Anyway, DH says we can always drive if necessary.
  2. Just checked...we don't have the option with Porter from YYZ for a non-stop....Delta/WJet prices are out of sight. AC seems to have lots of open seats on our outbound flight...guess people aren't taking a chance on a pilot strike and looking elsewhere. We've had our flights changed once, wouldn't surprise me it will happen again (or no flight at all if this labour dispute isn't sorted out). Pricing on Porter is higher than AC with a charge for bags etc..so less included is more $$ and longer travel day. Maybe a flight out of Detroit will work better than Toronto for us.
  3. I shouldn't have said no discount on excursions so quickly....when I checked back there was one which qualified with a savings of about $50. 🌞 It was hugely overpriced but something we wanted to do...guess others weren't that enthusiastic..😉...so it warranted a discount.
  4. OBC refunded immediately...surprisingly, the Visa balance was credited in about 3-4 days...really fast for X refunds.
  5. All these posts seem to seriously reflect the opinion there will be a pilot strike. If negotiations open in Sept....then talks...then more negotiating....it could be a shutdown in Nov. That will affect me. So glad I hopped on the Canadian forum. Didn't know this was in the works. I'll take others advice and check out 'options'.
  6. Select sailings are the operative words....no discount on our Nov. '23 excursions but we did save on specialty dining..
  7. I also added the wifi....it appears to be an improvement on basic. Re excursions...I suppose I got the best rates in the last sale.
  8. Couldn't save anything worthwhile to cancel on my excursions for the upcoming cruise...but did save $98 on dining...Murano and Lawn Club....Tuscan was more $$s. Good sale on top of the last sale. Are they trying to send a little kindness our way considering the recent 'hot' topics here on CC? 😉
  9. My OBC was immediately showing on the Plan my Cruise page and then I rebooked using it.
  10. Before I cancelled I checked available times....only later times showed. I rebooked right away after I cancelled and my 6pm time was there. It's timing and a roll of the dice.
  11. Hi...JMHO...but I've checked these lines thoroughly, but not sailed them. They may consider themselves Premium, however their boards sometimes don't agree and some think X is better than they. Also some of their cruisers complain as much as X cruisers here...there are ups in menu and downs in entertainment. Each has their own 'appreciation contingent' and also their 'complaint department'. For now and after ALMOST booking Oceania due to our cancelled booking I realized we were loyal to X over 30 sailings for a reason and not enough has happened for us to change our continuing to sail with them 'for now'.
  12. The OBC allowed should show on your booking confirmation..it doesn't online. Or sign in and the OBC and/or balance will show in the shopping area at the top of the page.
  13. Ahhhh! therein lies the rub...haha. We ARE charged daily for the tips onboard and will have a reckoning at check out time. I forgot that and had the impression there would be no inclusion in AI and there would be no daily charge, so that left it up to us to fill the breech. I prefer the AI inclusion as well....and thanks for reminding me of the 'daily' charge.
  14. Your opening summary was great....'sources' can still be subjective or spinned or not carved in stone, but thanks for sharing! Comprehensive food for thought. My questions ideally were aimed at Celebrity to answer in time (or never as you say) and were rhetoric. I should have realized that posting these would just add to opinions. And yes, some outside those we interact with DO receive a portion of the gratuities....as your summary states: " Gratuities for stateroom and restaurant services are shared by dining, bar and culinary services staff, stateroom attendants, and other hotel services teams". I, for one, liked the tips included in my cruise fare. It sounds, however, there may be a procession to guest services deleting those tips and/or a high % don't go the AI route. This will all settle down in time just as many of the CC issues blow up then settle down into a new blow up.... Seems to be circular logic.😉
  15. Since we've been on both ends of the many tipping processes over 30 years we're aware how rumours prevail. But as to your comment quoted above....How will they 'remove' what isn't there? You said grats will not be included in AI so that leaves it up to the cruiser to tip those they interact with, leaving out all those NOW included. No doubt the answers will be forthcoming officially.
  16. I cancelled 3 dining reservations then rebooked them at the reduced rate and at my 6pm time ...it wasn't showing before I tested the availability. Maybe it will help if you sign out and back in for a refreshed booking screen? Your prior booking may still be registered and not cancelled. Or you're missing an element in the booking procedure?
  17. I just have a concern re gratuities being removed from AI. With gratuities included we knew that servers, attendants, etc were receiving at least some grats and we would add to that for those we felt overextended themselves for us. Now, will some cruisers skip on grats? Will the galley personnel etc receive grats in some fashion? Will staff now question if/when they'll receive their grats? Will that non-inclusion affect their service or improve it? Will the cost of our cruise stay the same and the grats are still 'in there' hidden from us but still going to their staff? I'm sure X will have all the answers to these questions but will they share that with us?
  18. When we first sailed Celebrity, Horizon seemed to be a premium brand. Being a smaller ship with less passengers, the attention to even the smallest details...quality of service and menu, was possible and appreciated. Migration to the bigger ships changed our experience, some for the better...eg more entertainment, balconies for many, specialty restaurants ...but the 'little things' went by the boards. Now I'd say it's still bordering on premium but not quite there for those of us who've experienced the best days on X....IMO. Re balconies....the E class seems to have gone backwards...😉.
  19. Hopefully this is a nice restaurant area...we had to use the patio for dinner and the conference room for breakfast as they said this was on the way. When was this done? We were there last Nov. and really didn't notice any major construction.
  20. Sorry to hear......What happened that they were rude?? We've stayed numerous times without incident. Yes pricey, but most hotels around the pier, with any kind of restoration, are so we accept the increase(s) over time. Wouldn't put up with rudeness, but wouldn't condemn the hotel for it either. Speaking to senior mgmt might help OR a direct letter to President's Office (maybe file 'G') but sometimes they listen if you politely name names and occurrance.
  21. This is X IT 'normal'. Been that way for years. Takes about 2-3 days for the system to back out the tip charge from your total on the website. Just go by the booking confirmation you received. No point in deselecting the tip 'option'...it'll just go right back on until their accounting dept. aligns with Systems.
  22. Yes....most likely inventory. Our sailing has only a Celebrity Suite, a Sky and an Aqua available. And priced very high to bid.
  23. Maybe that's why. We're Elite plus...maybe they think they have us where they want us...sailing with them. You being a newbie...perhaps encouraging you to stay with them as long as us?
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