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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. THANKS for your thorough and interesting review...ship sounds like it's aging gracefully...🤩
  2. The approach was poor for sure IMO. But....if a server sees a usual diner from their area who is dining often elsewhere, wouldn't it be ok to ask if something was missing in their service, the food is not to their liking, or what can we do to rectify? The up-shoot of this is the server is most likely paid his grats by how many he serves each dining period. This may be lost wages to him/her. Too bad this server didn't have the social skills to approach in such a way it wouldn't be offensive. We had a similar experience in Luminae....not impressed with the menu and dined in specialty restaurants often. At breakfast we were approached, in a nice way, asking us if we were visiting them this evening and what could they offer (me in particular) to entice us back more regularly. We weren't offended at all.
  3. From experience, if you go to the IT room, the host will add back the minutes you lost not logging out...they have a record and no doubt will see the long login time. Helped me out so hopefully will do so for you.
  4. I agree, this appears to be a form letter. In the recent past, I have had email and phone conversations with Aurora Godfrey and found her to be honest and as open as she possibly could be while maintaining a professional response. She DID 'get things done' for me. The menu criticisms changes would be beyond her pay grade but IMO this response seems to fully explain that this menu concern is subject to change. Doesn't help those presently or soon to be on board while they continue to receive blowback, so we'll have to wait and see if those changes are forthcoming.
  5. Equinox was partially refurbished. SOME sky suites had new carpeting when I passed them by on the way to the elevator and I understand SOME concierge also. Process interrupted during or just before covid. There are posts with an explanation on CC.
  6. We were in a sky suite Nov. '22...not refurbished. Same 'old' colour scheme but not shabby either.
  7. I think Hcat was referring to the loud rap music being heard while dining in Le Petite.
  8. I didn't mean Georgia Peaches was being sardonic/sarcastic re her comment "not understanding" yours at all; it was an explanation for your somewhat confusing/odd post.
  9. Sardonic sarcasm....🤔? After posting these terms, I thought I'd better google it...... "Sardonic and sarcastic both describe someone or something derisive. Sardonic suggests something mocking or cynical. Sarcastic generally has a layer of irony, while sardonic doesn’t."
  10. They will accommodate if the preferred time is open. Best not to chance it IMO. Easier/safer for each couple to book the same time on their reservation online, pay for it, and arrange their group table upon boarding.
  11. The Select Dining website times for pre-booking start at 6pm but dining room opens around 5:30...so we arrive early. An another note, we booked Murano for the 1st available website time, 6pm, and when we arrived they had opened the times to 5:30 for those without reservations and who had booked onboard or were a 'walk in'. Not a happy camper when only a few tables were available. Will be sure to arrive 'earlier' than 6pm on our next cruise. Lesson learned.
  12. I've no experience with that but maybe if you go through your TA or Celebrity Rep? They can note your reservation(s). Do you have the 3 cabins linked on the X website? May be doable that way as well. The easiest would be for all 3 couples to book independently and then request your table when you board. Go right away to the Maitre D' to set up date and time.
  13. Concierge has sparkling wine and canapes delivered.
  14. No....it's a joke...which is allowed on CC.
  15. Grey might be 'going out' but Orange was popular in the far distant past and IMO should have been replaced when wear was evident in the older ships. The S class cabins with orange everywhere, blond wood, and brownish carpet made the cabin look dismal and shabby as it aged. I find the grey/blue/white combination in the renovated and Edge class cabins cleaner and sharper looking. BTW...we're scheduled to sail Eclipse in 2024 and concerned with postings of its apparent condition. We were last on her in 2017 (8344 aft) and she looked just fine to us then. Guess a lot of wear can happen in 6 years on the ocean.
  16. And more for some hotels in Miami and Ft Lauderdale, depending on the class of hotel...and then, for us, it's in Canadian $$s!! Oh well...part of the vacation package IMO. 🌞
  17. These are rather definite comments, but I can't speak for everyone. Not ALL those who are/were dissatisfied are shifting; they still find the product worth the $$s. The one cabin area I have an exception to is the cost of suites. Sailing in these I don't find the exaggerated pricing worthwhile. They have their reasons I suppose, but I, for one, won't pay the price. Inflation is a concern everywhere and across the cruise lines. Reading other boards and exploring options, I'm finding much the same tone and complaint and support as we read here on X board.
  18. OT...BUT.....In this age of AI and chatbots....sometimes I think I'm reading an artificial response. Clues seem to be that one's style of writing has become much clearer and grammatically correct whereby, in the past, it was sort of difficult to process the point being made by the poster. So...I'll take some of what I now read on CC as possibly a computer telling me what they want me to believe...that X is less than it was...or...that X is much better than competitors. Kind of expensive to 'find out for myself' whether the particular cruise is up to snuff, but will be the only way for me to assess changes up or down.
  19. Problem solver and efficiency expert....to the max. DH was very involved in process.
  20. The only difference in dining experience would be Aqua and Suites with their designated dining rooms. All other cabin classes from inside to concierge 'enjoy' the main dining room. I should also add, the dining experience doesn't differ 'greatly' IMO, having dined in all rooms. The menu is different, but in Luminae, on occasion, I've requested the MDR menu and Blu if possible.
  21. Maybe a group sing-a-long would work much better! Or one an hour...LOL. I do have to add, when they sang to us it was a choral group sing and some part of it in their particular language. Very enjoyable.
  22. Anniversaries and Birthdays celebrated at sea are meaningful and it seems all diners in the room enjoy the serving staff singing at the 'honourees' table. Although we've mentioned our b'day and anniversary in each booking made over many years, the experience has skipped over us; that is, until the suite life...then a lovely effort was made to decorate the cabin with balloons and petals on our bed. A card with flowers, chocolate strawberries, and champagne appeared signed by 'the cabin staff'. I asked who sent this, response was "It's from us...". This was very nice, however it was our son who had paid for the Anniversary package! I never had the heart to tell him the staff took the credit. I think any special marking of your personal event is dependent on the TA or X rep making the reference on your booking.
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