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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. True, was more difference between Ships Pre-CV, now still some but not much
  2. Funny thing is I only been on one Ship that had them. Not that matters I been carrying on Mt Dew for 35yrs
  3. Agree, only other thing suggest is try a different plug, do Public Bathrooms have one? At least then you'd know
  4. Have seen 2-3 Tables with items on them and this on Radiance Class. Was even more items right after they stopped passengers from bringing on more then 2 cases water/pop per cabin.
  5. My Daughters took about 7wks receiving her Pinnacle Box last month
  6. Agree, Me as a SOLO passenger been able get 1/2 or 3/4 at anytime on some ships, others not until closer to Sail Date. This even on 2 Ships of same class. Yup, don't succeed first time try again. It may work
  7. Same. I price 5-7 days a week on their site and even held cabins often, never have they called for that. And they have my cell number
  8. Reason last 22+ yrs I've always flown in 2 days early, sh..tuff happens
  9. Point was they do happen, so check often. Last one was Friday was on a Sailing this Oct I Booked when first released Feb 2023. Military as I mentioned starting be offered more often now
  10. Interesting as 4 of mine are next Feb and March, must be having slow sales. 3 others added Military Discounts
  11. Though think I'm at 8 price drops just in last 7 months, $130-$850
  12. Whats the Fee for? Have huge Family, Mom had 6 Sisters, I have 10 Siblings where we have 41 Kids/Cousins, not counting my 4 Grand Daughters that have around 25 cousins so far. A lot of Restaurants have mandatory Tip for large parties. First time saw this we had just 12(10 Adults/2 babies) and I almost Tipped again after already having 15% added to our $340 Bill
  13. 2+ years ago right after restart was on couple only had about 1350 and 1450, sure beats a full ship of 2400
  14. On the longer 10-16niters I've done on Radiance Class typically 1750-2000 passengers at most, more SOLO travelers like me, few Families and even fewer Kids(10-25). This when Royal typically now runs average 120% Capacity now, enjoy the 80-90% on my Cruises. For me this is perfect size Ship and with few passengers. Get your point and thanks for sharing your experiences on your segment. Would Loved to done the whole World Cruise, but just Built new House with my Daughter and her Family. Its one the new Multi Generation Family Homes where have my own part/wing but connected to theirs.
  15. Irony is when the Specialty/Extra Cost Restaurants started on Royal with Voyager 25yrs ago the $5ea for Johnny R's and the $20ea for others was the Gratuity...
  16. Shoot some of my currently Booked Cruises now are $500 just for Port Taxes/Fees
  17. Think It's the 3rd time Ships been stopped going there, this one will be the longest for sure
  18. Hoping if Timed right I can do both, this one would leave Sept 19th, with PC running 13-16nites last 2yrs. And way things get canceled at least can do one..but hoping for both, yes I'm Greedy
  19. Even on same Ship times can Change between sailings, 6 Cruises and it was 5, 515 and 530.
  20. Seems to be lot of GF in WindJammer, Daughter always finds lots of choices
  21. Another Reason I prefer Radiance Class, doing longer 10+ niters usually about 1750-2050 passengers, few families and even fewer Kids(10-25) Easy on easy off and no masses of people
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