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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. Agree, not just Cruises almost everything everywhere. Gas here is double what I paid 2 1/2 yrs ago. Shoot House we ordered/Built last Fall just 9 months later same house, same subdivision 2 blocks over is 27% higher, and that doesn't include the much higher interest rate now. Few Decades ago I couldn't afford take my Kids on a Cruise during Summer or Spring Break, back then passenger 3-4 was higher then passenger 1-2.
  2. Curious what the reason was for playing Tap's... One last Cruises was on before shutdown we had passenger pass away before we even left port, then 6 separate Emergency's during Cruise, speed up to next Port, missed a Port for 2 others, off loaded one onto Pilot Boat after turning around minutes outside the Port we just left. Use to Cruise Labor Day week every yr, Kids were already in School before then just missing 3 or 4 Days and was really cheap for passenger 3-4 compared to other High times, when was High and Low Season pricing. First Labor Day Cruise I did was a record yr for named storms/Hurricanes(up til then) and that week was 4 names Hurricanes/Tropical Storms, we steered around them missing couple stops and was 2nd wildest ride ever did on Ship. Dozens Passengers in Wheel Chairs or on crutches with Breaks/Sprains before the end. Even our onboard Entertainment The Monkees(minus Davy Jones) were Sea Sick, Peter Tork was trying eat some food in WindJammer was looking green with the patches behind the ears and Sea Sick wrist things. Last Cruise took over Labor Day, Me and my 11, 7 and 4yr olds and we got home at 6am, 9-11-01. Leaving next week Sept 2nd doing B4B inc a Repo, followed by Side by Side with Panama Canal B2B getting home on Oct 28th. I like waves and to feel I'm on a Ship but hopefully no Excitement like I've had in the past over the Holiday week...
  3. Same here. As said been Cruising so long back then even for 7niter I needed Large Suitcase and very full Garment Bag for the Formal, Semi Formal and Smart Casual nites. So along with every day Clothes just for Dinner/Nites I'd have 2 Suits, a Sport Coat, 7 Dress Shirts, 7 white Tshirts, 5 ties, pair Dress Shoes plus casual or Docker Shoes. 7 Dress Sox, 3 Belts and at least 2-3 extra long Casual/Docker Shoes. Then my Wife would be able fit all hers in a Medium Suitcase so instead she had a Large Suitcase that I'd use 1/3 of... Last 20yrs since Wife passed away almost always Cruise Solo, dont do Formal but do B4B or longer so 4 pair Jeans and dozen Button down short and long sleeve Shirts and 2 Suitcases, no Garment Bag
  4. Love my Suitcases but 3rd set and even open none have fit under the Bed as Base Spinner wheels stick out couple inch's. Well they will but lifts my Bed off the ground. As last 20 yrs been Cruising Solo really no issue, usually put one in my closet and other out the way standing up at end of the Desk. If instead of 2 large suitcases I'm traveling with a Medium and Large from same set easier as one stores inside the other... I remember started Cruising 4 Decades ago there would see 50+ Golfers bringing their Clubs/Bags onboard and if remember correctly the Ship would store them in between Port stops. But sure that went away like Safe Deposit Boxes, Skeet Shooting, Midnite Buffets and Mints on the Pillows with real Turn down Service
  5. Actually over 100% since last yr and heard lot Ships have been above the 108% capasity they were averaging pre-CV. Reasons I enjoy older Ships sailing longer 10+ niters, not likely have even 100%, almost no Kids/Families with many Solo like me
  6. Agree done FLL getting off Ship on Dec 22 and 23 and when I arrived at Airport from Ship 10-1030 the lines were at and out the Door. I'm always one last off, no rush Flight isnt til 1-230, probably less crowded couple hrs earlier. Fly First Class and Checked Bags curbside so no issues for me, no line to wait in. At least once a yr at Port Everglades self assist didnt even start getting off Ship until 740-745, though this always on a Non-Oasis Class Ship.
  7. Agree, Alaska definitely one Cruise that would matter more. About 23yrs ago while doing same 10+ nite Caribbean Cruises, 3-4 times a yr I had it written down, sun side/shade side, Island side/Sea Side. Majority the time Ship Parked same Direction but every so often, nope. Liked pick with the Sun on my Balcony and in the Mornings. Then Started doing same Cabin every Cruise so doesn't matter anymore
  8. Agree. Grand Parents lived in Florida from 1975-2006. They were in Michigan summertime May-Nov so never worried about being there in Florida if Storms hit
  9. Yup, same going way back with all Classes. Sovereign Class, from same Port one left on Saturday one on Sunday. When Voyager Class came out also
  10. Working for me no issues and I'm checking prices everyday. You do know some dates you can not get the Discount? Does Royal show you have over 340 points? Know my Daughter had issue missing a few Cruises and all my 1980's Cruises were missing at one point
  11. Yeah they were cleaning them out last Oct, probably cleaner now then a non-isolation Cabin 😁
  12. For restart they had installed Doors from Front Elevators, all Cabins beyond that forward
  13. Doing the Repo part of B3B next month, be interesting see if any Changes started even then. Last time was on Serenade they were cleaning out the Deck 3 Covid Isolation Wing
  14. True. As Royal many times waits to release some/all Dates for new Ships could be while before we know pricing and hopefully by then those, and other Sailings will be somewhat reasonable.
  15. True, just pointing out one of my recent experiences. Office gave me a direct ext to call the asst and saved me few steps and hrs on the phone when they even asked if I wanted them to combine and apply 4 FCC to current Booked Cruises...
  16. Yet after I emailed here on a Sat nite had 4 separate issues resolved by Monday afternoon
  17. Know they were Full Size and in Glass last time I had it on Royal, but that was 24yrs ago on Voyager
  18. At least first 1-2 hrs have seen them Checking at Miami and Tampa, though not every week.
  19. Even Pre-CV eating in WJ I was always first in and to use Utensils. Just my thing
  20. Though some that has been common for Decades. Royal started building new larger Ships in late 90's they'd take a percent of highly rated best of older Ships to send to the new Flag Ship. Even couple yrs before CV they were short Riggers and removed Aerial shows from Radiance Class sending them to Oasis Class. Sad but same everywhere inc on other lines...
  21. Nice, these places crossed my mind few times since I Retired from Army. Though last 7yrs been staying/Caring for Mom in Michigan and with Daughters Family in AZ watching Grand Daughters the other part yr. Moved Mom into Senior Housing Apt with extra space for me during stays and just Built House with Daughter and have my own "In-law Suite" Without cost of Rent I'm able travel more
  22. Agree, happens over the yrs and is Summer time. I started Royal Cruises they went out of Miami and rare for Ft Lauderdale, Flipped to FLL, now more back to Miami.
  23. Shoot most my Cruises on non-Oasis Class it's been 8:30 and only a few at 9pm, but even early Main Dining is 5pm on my next 3 Cruises
  24. Agree, or check their Hotel. I stay at one you wouldn't think would have it but had a 8 passenger Van with rest space for Suitcases.
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