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Seasick Sailor

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Posts posted by Seasick Sailor

  1. Good morning Dailyites. 


    So far it is a calm morning. Hummingbirds humming and cardinals are eating their breakfast at the feeders.


    Last night we had 2 couples with 3 grandkids. They are very energetic and wanted to pet/hold Oliver. Oliver tolerated it for 3 seconds.


    We were in Malta on the Norwegian Gem somewhere around 2006. I love  history about Knights of the Templar and Knights of Malta. Enjoyed as many museums and cathedrals we could get to and made it back to the ship just in time.


    @Denise T a very happy birthday to you.


    Thank you for your prayers. @JazzyV Vanessa I am on the mend, so please remove me from the cares list.


    Praying for our Daily friends and family and our soldiers and those who are homeless,  helpless and in need of medical help and food. War is hell.


    Blessings to you on this beautiful Monday. Be kind. Xx

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  2. Good afternoon Dailyites 


    I had to leave in the middle of the Daily this morning. Now I'm reading my news feeds and FR.


    @Sharon in AZ, Sharon, after the dreadful cottage cheese looking lobster, I made sure to always ask for broiled. And I'm so happy you @dfish and Sue will join in Boston. (Great lobster!) 😉


    @kazu Jacqui praying you make the mindful decision when you feel the time is right. My stepmother's mother had to go to an assisted living and fought it like Granny Clampett going to California. She wasn't there but a few weeks and told my stepmother she was too busy for her to visit as she was learning a new game and didn't want to miss it. She loved it and wish she had done it earlier.


    Goodness, need to run again. 


    Blessings to all on this beautiful Sunday!

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

    Hello all,

    So here is our update.  i am still trying to figure out why we did this trip.

    After breakfast we went to the Medical center.  They cleaned up the wound and re-wrapped it.  Another $150 please!  Come back on Tuesday.

    After we returned we  were told that we were moving to the room right above us.  That sent up signals to me.  Our house keeper asked me if I thought it was a good idea for my husband to climb the stairs.  While I was not happy, my other concern was:  hmm does the phone and TV work there? So the housekeeper and i went upstairs and sure enough it did not.  It appears that the whole block of rooms is affected.  So they were going to move us to a room with the same problem. NO WAY JOSE!  So they then wanted to downgrade us to a lower class room.  i said no.  I said “Let’s make a deal”. i will stay in the same room.  Give me a cell phone or something to contact you in an emergency and either a ton of Marriott points or a rate reduction.  Okay, we have to get in touch with the manager.  He will see you on Monday.  

    We are staying in the room we are in.


    The housekeeper told us to go to lunch and she would tidy up our room.

    Okay so, we started out and JIM FELL DOWN ON AN UNEVEN PAVEMENT.  Jest what we needed.  I just screamed at the top of my lungs and everyone came running.  They patched him up and a wheelchair appeared out of nowhere.  i just burst into tears.  How much can a person take!   it turned out that he scraped his arm and and that is it, but he was quite shaken.  I, on the other hand, am a basket case,  If I could go hom right now, I would.


    i am still trying to figure out why we did this trip.  It is the trip from hell.  If it could go wrong, it has and it will.  I have yet to sit at the beach or go in the water.  i am exhausted.


    Thanks for listening.



    Oh Terri, I don't know what to say! What hell you and Jim are going through. I can only send prayers,  but believe me, I am a prayer warrior and will keep Jim in my heart.

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  4. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I had the world's worst lobster at Pinnacle Grill. It was horrible. Out of our 50+ days on Rotterdam this past year,  I loved Tamarind and Canalletto the best. The last few Morimoto dining room lobsters were very good.


    The worst:









    Meh in Pinnacle 




    Very good




    pretty tasty 




    Canalletto great!




    Great sauce!




    Next night, the same. Very good. 




    Sauce not as present as previous dish.




    Little taste.  Overdone. 





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  5. Good morning Dailyites.

    Looks like the next week will be 90 and above. Maybe I'll go to the market and stroll the freezer section..


    Not good news on MSH check up yesterday. Kidney numbers are still concerning, atrophy is concerning, but biggest concern was unexplainable weight loss. 176 to 160 since February. So our goal is to eat heartily and see the doctor in 1 month. He needs to gain at least 1 pound, not lose any. Before we leave for Japan, Allen has the basal cell removal on his neck, follow up on weight loss, labs, Nephrologist, and a new primary doctor visit in August. Our current doctor, who's wife is also a doctor, says our school system is sorely lacking even in the private schools, so they are leaving August 2nd so they can get their 3 kids in a new school. He told us he wholeheartedly wants us to go on our trip and to enjoy every moment. I'm a softy, so cried myself out of the office. 


    Today we are heading to Farmer's Market,  lunch, shop, then have a few friends over tonight. Just in time to celebrate National Best Friends day!


    Have a great weekend,  be kind, stay healthy and enjoy life. It's the only one we have! Blessings..



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  6. 57 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

    Shavuot decorations



    The decorations represent four loosely related themes of Shavuot. Chronologically, they are the festival of first fruits, a harvest festival defined in the Torah, seven weeks after Passover; the revelation at Sinai, calculated to coincide with that; the Book of Ruth, one of the readings for Shavuot, perhaps chosen because the denouement takes place during the barley harvest; and eating dairy foods, on the theory that the Hebrews, after receiving the commandments, realized that any meat they had wasn't kosher.


    From left to right: a giclee print of a painting of Ruth and Naomi; the Ten Commandments (bookends); a sheaf of wheat, since I haven't found the barley, but wheat is another of the Seven Species of biblical food crops; a box of Lactaid, representing the hardship that Shavuot imposes on those of us who are lactose-intolerant; pomegranates, figs, and grapes, three more of the Seven Species; a 19th-century French painting depicting Moses and Aaron at Mount Sinai; and olives, another of the Seven Species. I'm told that the fruits are supposed to be in a gold or silver basket, which I neither have nor want. This is a hammered-aluminum tray that was a wedding present to my parents.



    • Like 12
  7. 4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

    @Seasick Sailor , Joy, thank you so much for the recipe link. The teenager requested this earlier in the week. I have the beans soaking so we could try it together tomorrow. If it is your husband’s favorite that means a lot!


    Terri, when the beans are done, I mash some of them up to make it a bit thicker. Sometimes Ill add a ham hock and do without the sausage. Now Allen wants me to make it. LOL. 

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  8. Good morning Dailyites. A lazy morning here, Oliver and MSH are still napping and I'm enjoying my coffee and Daily.


    Many thanks to all who offer input to make this my 1st go-to spot of the day.

    Rich, Debbie, Dixie, Ann, Sandi, Roy, Graham and our famous carelist and celebration writer... Vanessa!


    We had a fun game night. We ordered delivery from our local restaurant. Fried shrimp, fries, and salads. I won the game too.


    I would like to have Roy's alternative meal please. I love veal piccata!


    My ankle feels so much better today. Thanks to all for thinking of me.



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  9. Although I have been on antibiotics the past few days, I'm pretty sure I have an infection in my ankle. It is oozing yellow-orange and is swelling like a gigantic mosquito bite. Back to clinic in the morning. 


    My sister called to tell me a good friend of hers died yesterday. She told her husband she had pressure in her chest. Off to ER. EEG, blood work, all looked good. Back towards home when Jim said she "passed out" Drove like a maniac back to the hospital and she was DOA. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

    Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news!  Pat leaves this afternoon, so today will be busy, but I just wanted to mention urinary crystals to @Sharon in AZ - as a reason for incontinence in cats - it can be terribly painful for them.  I wonder if a new vet might not have checked that?  Blue is a cat, right?  In dogs it might be that their anal glands need expressing... (TMI?)


    Blue is an adorable little DOG.

    • Like 20
  11. 2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

    You could replace the bookmark w/a $12 bill and take the coupon on your next cruise. 😉


    Except we have the HIA.. LOL. I did not realize we could gift it to others. I have 16 coupons for our next cruise.  

    • Like 2
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  12. Good morning Dailyites


    Already 80 at 7:45 with a high due at 95.


    Sandi, thinking of your sister and her Grand-twins in heaven. Happy anniversary to your DS and his wife.


    Prayers lifted for all on the cares list. Thank you Vanessa for keeping up with everyone. 


    Not much on the agenda. I'll be making turkey tetrazzini with a garden salad tonight. I have half a baguette left from last night and will toast it. 


    Cheers to all our cruisers and those celebrating. 


    Blessings to you.

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  13. 2 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:



    Today is your day to celebrate!!



    Dear Joy,

    First and foremost I hope your shoulder and ankle are doing better with not a lot of swelling or bruising. Allen is so right with his quote! We tend to always do more than we should at times!

    Hugs to you and Allen and so happy of your upcoming trip for your special birthday cruise to Japan!




    Thank you so much sister mine! I know, coming up on 70... I should not be doing ALOT of things I still think I'm capable of..


    I decided to stop by the clinic this morning. My ankle was still oozing looking red and orange. I have a deep hole and it looked weird. That's because it is on the bone. No stitches, but I'm taking antibiotics for the next week. Given a pressure pad and I should be back to 100% soon!


    Love you sister a bunch!!

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  14. Good morning Dailyites 


    High of 94 today. Possible thunderstorms later. Same-same.


    Terry, happy you had a nice trip and made it home safely. What a godsend Tana's friends can help.


    Terri, safe travels today. Enjoy your trip. I have done all our packing for the last 33 years. 


    Prayers said for our care list. Cheers to our celebrations!


    Today is a run to market for a few ingredients I'm needing for a pork tenderloin dish. I like the dump method from Debbie's recipes and may try one this week. Thanks!


    Vanessa thank you for being the Wonder Woman keeper of the lists. Thanks to Ann, Dixie, Debbie, Graham, Roy, and Rich. 


    Have a blessed day. Please be kind!



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