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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Today's maps. Lot of bunching in the Caribbean today: Roy
  2. Disappointing coverage of Zaandam today: Thanks Leanne, Dave, and fellow addicts. 2 Pinnacles tomorrow. Roy
  3. Parade has started in Miami with Carnival Horizon leaving. Independence OTS and Zaandam are also scheduled for 4PM, not sure which will be first. Got a glimpse of Zaandam as Horizon went past till they zoomed in on Horizon's upper decks. Roy
  4. Nice toots from Nieuw Amsterdam. Time for me to go over to the Miami cam. Roy
  5. I think you asked why. Fort Lauderdale is pretty much full with a total of 7 ships in port. I think it's theoretically possible to dock at pier 4 but Disney is now using it. It could be that their use is really exclusive or it could be that there is no room for Zaandam when she returns from her cruise. I think either of these is possible but I'm not sure. Roy
  6. Today's sunrise is from mu 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America and Antarctica cruise. On February 3 I watched the sun come above Brabant Island near Paradise Harbor: Roy
  7. Today's sunrise is from mu 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America and Antarctica cruise. On February 3 I watched the sun come above Brabant Island near Paradise Harbor: Roy
  8. MS Zaandam today at the unusual port of Miami: Roy
  9. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Paul, Ann, and Eva. I assume National Painters Day is for those who paint on canvas but I'll also celebrate those who keep our buildings and ships spiffy. I'll pass on the other 2 days. I like the quote. I have sailed Puget Sound on Crystal Symphony and on ferries but never on a BHB. 2 interesting days in Iowa history, one happy and the other sad. The meal sounds interesting. My alternative is Canaletto Salad, Spaghetti Pomodoro, Chicken Parmigiano, and Pistachio Gelato as served in MS Prinsendam's Caneletto February 3. 2019. We are coming into a string of cold mornings but warming up nicely in the afternoon. Roy
  10. A busy day in South Florida. We also have Zaandam in Miami. Roy
  11. Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise. February 2 Crystal Serenity was at sea from Honolulu to Pago Pago: Roy
  12. Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise. February 2 Crystal Serenity was at sea from Honolulu to Pago Pago: Roy
  13. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Ann, Eva, and Paul for the TGIF report. Four interesting days although I don't plan to celebrate any of them. I have not been to Paamiut although I have been to a few ports in Greenland. Three interesting days. I'll celebrate the founding of Nieuw Amsterdam. My memory is a bit hit or miss. The meal looks interesting. My alternative is Chilled Cherry Sour Soup, Classic Caesar Salad, and Broiled New York Striploin as served on MS Maasdam Groundhog Day of 2015. A chilly start to the day. It will get warmer but I've had my walk and visit to Wegmans so I think I'm inside the rest of the day. Roy
  14. I think there are about 68 calendar days I have not been on a BHB including 31 i have not been on any ship: For HAL 2/29 5/6 to 5/14 6/18 to 7/1 7/7 to7/11 7/22 to 7/24 8/16 8/25-9/24 11/25 12/24-12/27 Not on any ship: 6/18-629 7/7 to 7/11 7/22-7/24 9/18-9/24 12/24-12/27 I usually can fill in the shorter gaps with special lunches, etc or meals on the way to or from the ships but there will definitely be a hiatus in August/September. Roy
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