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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. Yes, for some reason I'm having trouble with the transition to February although I welcome it. Roy
  2. Wishing you more help so you can get a good sleep. Nobody should be sleep deprived on an extended basis. Roy
  3. We're not celebrating Lame Ducks. As @grapau27 we are celebrating the enactment of the 20th Amendment which reduced the time politicians remained in office after their successors were elected. Roy
  4. Today's sunrise is from my 2020 World Cruise. On February 6 we visited Raiatea. Roy
  5. Today's sunrise is from my 2020 World Cruise. On February 6 we visited Raiatea. Roy
  6. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Ann, Eva, and Paul. I'll celebrate International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, especially since a member of my church hosted a Kenyan exchange student who established a charity to fight Female Circumcision in his region. It has now been abolished and has gone on to promote education and health care opportunities for girls, including a school and hospital. I should probably make a contribution to his charity this week. I'll also celebrate African American Coaches and a member of my church family is a part of the Ravens coaching staff. As @grapau27 has pointed out Lame Duck Day is a uniquely American Day worthy of celebration. Interesting quote by Guisewife. I have not been to the Phillippines, Rest in Peace Toby Keith. Great days in US and British history. Prayers for King Charles. I'll pass on the meal. My alternative is Chilled Peach and Ginger Soup, Fruit Cup au Natural and Veal Cordon Bleu as served on MS Maasdam February 6, 2015. A cold sunny morning here but I'll wait a bit before starting my errands. Roy
  7. Ouch! I was just thinking what you needed was a little rest and now this. Roy
  8. My Montreal photos won’t be about the city itself but more like background and I’ll close with a bit of a story. As indicated I’ve been there many times by ship (but no BHB), train, car and even bicycle. My parents were both born just South of Montreal and my mother’s family still owns the original homestead. I have referred before to Blount Small Ship Adventures, a niche family run cruise line that sadly did not survive Pandemic. In 2011 I did a circle, starting with Blount in New York through the Erie Canal and St. Lawrence Seaway to Montreal, spending a couple days with family, and returning to New York on the Crystal Symphony. My first photo is a bit of a size comparison from Montreal, Blount’s Grande Mariner on the left, and an Aida ship about the size of the Zaandam on the right. Next is the family homestead. My mother was born here (the brick structure, the addition with siding was added many years later). Now the little story. While Montreal is a largely bi-lingual there are many who speak only French. I visited the Expo-67 World’s Fair, and before arriving I had purchased a little tote bag with the Expo logo. A woman approached me, I had some French in high school but really didn’t remember much: Pardon, Monsieur, Ou avez vous achete le sac? In desperation I started to try to come up with an answer, perhaps “Je le achtet avant que je suis ici venue” I was stopped mid sentence: “Ah, Avant. Merci, Monseur:” Sometimes a little effort can help even without much confidence. Roy
  9. Today's sunrise is from my 2015 Maasdam cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Rio. On January 5 we crossed the Equator on the way from Devils Island to Macapa: Roy
  10. Today's sunrise is from my 2015 Maasdam cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Rio. On January 5 we crossed the Equator on the way from Devils Island to Macapa: Roy
  11. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Ann, Paul, and Eva for the Monday reports. I'll pass on the Fondue, am thankful for Adlai Stevenson, and hope for an uneventful celebration of Disaster Day. I understand it is also National Weather Person's Day. I think Martin should have taken a couple of zeroes off his statement. My, how our population has grown. My parents grew up just south of Montreal and I still have family there so I've been there many times by ship, train, car, and even bicycle, but never involving a BHB. Not convinced on the meal. My alternative is Chilled Pear, Cucumber, and Melon Gazpacho, Fresh Fruit Medley, and Parmesan Crusted Veal Loin as served on MS Zaandam February 5, 2012, A cold start to the morning but it will warm up nicely, and a rain free week coming. Roy
  12. Great toots from our middle Pinnacle. That's it for me today. Thanks Leanne, Dave, and fellow addicts. Have a great week. Roy
  13. I was in Alesund just once in 2011, and want to post just a couple of photos. We shared the port with the Ryndam and here is what may be my first ever photo of 3 BHB together, taken after a climb I would not be doing today: We all are familiar with the modern lifeboat. On display at the Alesund museum is a replica of the first modern style lifeboat, dating to about 1906. While much of it was modern it was sail powered and the prototype made a transatlantic journey in 5 months proving the ability of the tiny craft to keep people safe in the open ocean: Today's original days did not resonate with me. Sandi mentioned Scout Sunday and I want to wish a Happy Heavenly Birthday to Rosa Parks. It is also Transit Equity day in many states and in much of Maryland transit on all levels is free. I celebrated Scout Sunday by wearing a scout vest while worshiping from home today. On a Blount Cruise from Rhode Island to Chicago in 2008 we stopped at Detroit and visited the Henry Ford Museum where we saw the bus where Parks made history and I may even have boarded it. Roy
  14. Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise. On February 4 Crystal Serenity was at sea from Honolulu to Pago Pago. Roy
  15. Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Crystal World Cruise. On February 4 Crystal Serenity was at sea from Honolulu to Pago Pago. Roy
  16. I will do cruiser names once or twice a week but not every day. Roy
  17. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Paul, Ann, Eva, and Graham for the heads up on Father David. I'll pass on all 3 of today's days but like the quote. Been to Alesund on the Prinsendam in 2011 and will post a couple of photos but online church starts soon. I'll celebrate the finding of the ancient bible but pass on Zuckerberg. Best wishes for Paul as he grieves the loss of Julia. I'll pass on the meal. My alternative is Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho,Tropical Fruit Medley, and English Roast Beef as served on MS Maasdam February 4, 2015. More this afternoon in a few hours. Roy
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