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Everything posted by NutsAboutGolf

  1. Reports are coming out from former employees saying the casinos are hacked all the time this the scope of these attacks has been the largest. It was recently publicly released that Caesars paid a massive partial ransom
  2. Both. In order to get it pre-sail you cannot book online with the discount so you have to call them and ask for it
  3. The majority of my posts were before the cutbacks and therefore were positive. Rather than write a BS novel, you could press the ignore for all those that both you
  4. They disappeared from my iPhone, closed the app, reopenned and after what seemed like 2mins, they all appeared
  5. What exactly is hogwash? I was saying there are other food options. I agree that a typical Caribbean AI prob won't have good food however one does not need to stay in an AI or can stay at one and have dinners outside the resort. Yet if you want great food, for most that requires an off-the ship experience
  6. We're a year and a half away, perhaps ask again when you're within a few months of your sailing for the most up to date info
  7. Well said and the cheerleaders can't forget that complaining about complainers makes one a complainer
  8. IMO it should just be deleted however I reported it with a request to change the title so the OP gets some value of this. "New CC benefits added a year ago still not appearing in benefits PDF"
  9. This is an example of what us non-cheerleaders have had to listen to..."cut in food quality doesn't affect us, don't be so negative!", "glad they got rid of the pillow chocolates, too many calories, great move celebrity!", "happy for the additional lobster tail fee, once saw someone order 7 tails", etc
  10. Your point was a topic of conversation when the info was released over a year ago. X's Marketing dept (the nice emails they send us three times a day) seems to "steal" most of X's IT's budget
  11. Nothing new, folks...All this info is over a year old as it talks about the Infinity returning to service in June 2022
  12. Since it's coming up in a few days, it should be in the app
  13. Or a different cruise line, or a land based vacation or don't cruise and go to nice land restaurant if "more selection" is the goal
  14. Awesome for the OP and anyone who receives a free upgrade. However, for the 99% of who aren't receiving a free upgrade, this is just another "cutback" for us as they're taking a cheaper room and making it expensive
  15. They'll just trash your unwanted food and grab you another one
  16. I haven't seen it on X but have on other cruise lines and on land resorts. So one problem is the crew member who has to get them off, rarely does a belligerent drunk person take the rejection well so you probably do want to be proactive and have security nearby It sounds counterintuitive that for some, the lesser of all evils is to give them MORE alcohol so they'll pass out sooner as long as a friend is watching over them. Then when you talk to them the next day and they're super hungover, you can share how much fun the group had and wish they were there
  17. For the overwhelming majority, that's just their excuse they tell themselves for being drunk all the time regardless of the cost of the alcohol package
  18. It's pretty easy to make, just use your fav cookie recipe (or even the pre-made) and ice cream. Unfortunately, GA doesn't have the LIFE-CHANGING best ice cream in the world, McConnell's 😞 Perhaps that's a good thing because once you have it, it ruins all other ice creams 🙃 https://mcconnellsfineicecreams.olo.com/
  19. The cookie used the same cookie dough as the free Buffet/Cafe chocolate chip cookies, if you're a fan of them you'll like it
  20. I 100% agree as this is FLL where the airport is right by the port. With the transfer, you may need to wait a bit for it to fill up before it leaves and once at the airport, you have to get off and wait for the luggage to be unloaded. All and all it COULD add 20mins but a taxi is from point A to point B. Also, while it is around $15, those cabbies will expect you to pay in cash and add a tip. Bring a $20 to the casino cashier on a sea day as they'll probably be no one where and ask for a $10, a $5 and 5 $1s or just give the cabbie a $20. Yet you should talk to the driver before getting in to ask "this is a metered fare that should be around $15, correct?" You risk having unneeded debate with the driver at the airport otherwise To the OP, have made this trip I'd guess a half dozen times since the pandemic, I ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP PLAN IN CASE I CANNOT MAKE THE FLIGHT All time record for arriving at the airport was 7:40 am and that was even with Ms. Nuts. I have made a 843am flight but have airline status, clear and pre-check
  21. Thanks again. Just a FYI, called three times as there wasn't a wait, and they were all consistent in saying you have to email carnival care, you cannot talk to them on the phone and also they do not have a direct email. They also were clueless to what the "compliance" was but understood when I said legal. I made the mistake on the first one by answering their question of why I was calling. Received the response "oh no, you can't do that, you have to continue on to Sydney" (lol). I guess I'll email Carnival Care asking for legal's email because I know if I ask to get off early carnival care will just say "you can't" without ever involving legal
  22. When your job position (not the person) is funded by the Gov't there are requirements including the number of vacation days. There are exceptions like maternal, medical, bereavement, etc., yet they all require supporting documentation. Yes, we are required to submit bereavement supporting documentation as evidence of a loss; while this may sound unusual, some airlines also require documentation to receive the discounted bereavement fare. Of course, if you have enough vacation days, you could use them on these exceptions and wouldn't need to submit documentation
  23. Haven't been on the magic but have been on six ships and they always played it on the outdoor screen
  24. Thanks! I did see this page but thought I was covered as the flight departs before the ship. A visa's only $11 USD so we'll just apply for one. While I don't think this makes any difference, the flight has two segments, a connecting domestic of NZ to NZ and then NZ to the US
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