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Everything posted by travelberlin

  1. Unfortunately I have lost the interest on the guest speakers. The subjects somehow repeat if the guest speakers are the same. But my main problem is that they do not visualize what they are saying. In most of the cases they just talk with very little visualization. I am hard of hearing (by the way many of Crystal clients have also this problem) and my main language is not English so I do not understand what they are saying. I have been on ships where the guest speakers are excellent on preparing their speeches. Not just like a dry lecture. First, a good visualized table of contents and then, to each point of the table of contents a summary of main statements. This mixed with videos or other interesting visuals. Nowadays there are so many possibilities to make presentations attractive and easy to follow even for the hearing impaired. I guess the Cruise Directors could look a little closer to the presentations and see if they are easy to follow and well visualized. Ivi
  2. On embarkation day Waterside is closed. But of course you can also request your real champagne at the Marketplace. I just like to arrive a little early, before lunch and first enjoy the feeling of being on a Crystal ship again with a glass of champagne. This is why I first go to the Cove before lunch. Ivi
  3. I have been in Ghana a couple of times because our ships have stopped there. For example on the World Cruise 2019 with the Serenity. It is for sure a nice country. But for me as a female solo cruiser is not an easy port to fly to and spend there some days before my cruise. Ivi
  4. I agree with you. At the day of embarkation I do not take the sparkling wine they offer on the tray. But I go to the cove and ask for a glass of champagne. Unfortunately I always have to say “the french champagne please”. I guess in Europe we would not call a sparkling wine a champagne if it does not come from the region of Champagne in France independently if it is made using the methode champenoise or not. Ivi
  5. Which port does Crystal use for New York? Is it the Cape Liberty port in New Jersey? Ivi
  6. Oh! Thanks. I do not see myself as a solo traveler traveling to Ghana to take my ship or to debark there. Not easy from where I live. Ivi
  7. I would have loved to see this musical last week while we were in New York. Maybe next time…
  8. I have not seen the new survey yet but I would be very happy if it does not take ages to fill it like the one I have received after my cruise in July this year. Ivi
  9. I have seen this but it is on selected sailings only. Not the most popular ones. I recall seeing an embarkation port called Tena. Excuse me my ignorance but after having traveled almost everywhere, I have no idea where is Tena. Is it an easy port to travel to? Ivi
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. We have got tickets for the Elbphilarmonie in Hamburg. The Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Honeck. Unfortunately we are not staying long in Hamburg this time. But I will definitely keep your suggestion in mind for the next time. Ivi
  11. Have a great cruise Keith. We are also going to be several days in Island starting at the end of this week. Our ship starts in Hamburg and we are headed to New York. It looks like there is an interesting nature show going on at the moment in Island. Ivi
  12. I am enjoying your posts Keith. Thanks for sharing. Kind regards to Anne Marie. Ivi
  13. I have used the Crystal bus transfer early this year. It was convenient for a solo passenger without much luggage. It made two stops at the airport and one of the stops seemed to be quite a walk from the terminal building. No porters available so guests with a lot of luggage were having difficulties. Ivi
  14. Yes Keith I do not use Uber. I use Welcome Pickups in Europe and it usually works fine although it has been receiving mixed reviews lately. They were reliable in Istanbul and Barcelona. With Welcome Pickups you get the information about your driver including his photo, handy number and photo of his car in advance. Does Dial7 works the same way? What is customary to tip in USA for such transfers? I am not sure if Welcome Pickups operates in New York. I will check. Thanks also Whipsnade for your recommendation for a taxi. Are taxis easily available at the port of Bayonne? Ivi
  15. I have received a quote from dial7 for a transfer for one person and one piece of luggage from the port of Bayonne to Newark Airport. They say it will cost US 89.50 plus gratuities. Will you consider this a fair price? Ivi
  16. Thanks Vince for posting your honest comments. It is refreshing. Were you sick while onboard? Are you feeling fine now? Ivi
  17. In Augsburg, near the house of Bertolt Brecht, I have found this lovely figure…
  18. In the survey at the end of the cruise. But maybe it would not be a bad idea to do it in this thread that you have started. Ivi
  19. Vince you have to book the Symphony and seat at the table where Simka is the senior waiter and Maid her assistant. Perfect service. I have never had a problem to find a nice window table on the Symphony but I was always the first and there were only about 450 passengers on board. Don’t you like the Japanese breakfast? I had it almost every second day during my cruise. Always with Salmon. Ivi
  20. Thank you again for your kind comments. I hope we meet one day onboard one of the ships. On the mean time I am sharing with you a picture of a Lamborghini as seen today in the elegant and wealthy Zürich. Some how Switzerland is the only place where I keep making pictures of cars. I wonder why 😃.
  21. It has been a wonderful cruise with many impressions. Today it was interesting at lunch time at the Market place with a nice lunch. While I was having lunch, I saw someone who looked like Elton John touching some food on the buffet (the pao de queijo, a nice cheese, casava bread). Paranoid like I am at buffets of people touching food with their bare hands, and because this gentleman looked like Elton John and we had some entertainer imitating Elton John, I thought it was him. I have said to the waiter there is this person touching the food and he said to me “he is the chef” . Upsss… I kept laughing by myself quite a while after that 😂 I had a lovely dinner at Waterside and now I am enjoying my last after dinner drink at the Cove listening to the wonderful violinist. I am alone, I think the others are still having dinner. It is such a privilege…I might even make it to the show at 9.30. I am afraid that I was not there many times. 9.30 is too late for me. The best on board the ships are the crew members. They are so special. The ones I knew from the Old Crystal and the ones who are new. Thank you to all of them! Thank you also to those of you Cruise Critic members who have accompanied me reading or commenting on this thread. I am sorry it became a monologue since no other Cruise Critic member seem to be on this cruise. All seem to be on the Serenity… I had a lovely time but now I am looking forward to my next adventure. I am flying to Switzerland, where I will meet my husband for our annual hiking in Switzerland. My husband is biking from Passau to Wien along the Donau right now. Also a great adventure. Enjoy your cruises and have a great time in whatever you are doing now. The picture is the sunset this evening. Bye, bye 👋 Ivi
  22. I recall laundry on the WC 2019 being very good. I have sent some items and I was delighted to see how nice they came back. Having said that I am happy to use the laundry rooms. Interesting discussing laundry preferences here. 😃 Ivi
  23. Looking forward to your impressions. I hope your foot improves and you enjoy your cruise. Ivi
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