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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. I have to go to work in 10 minutes, but wanted to respond to @RMLincoln-how do I manage the constant ups and downs? If life was all ups, then we wouldn't know that it was. If there are downs, then we can appreciate the ups, and we understand others who are "down" If it was all downs, then we wouldn't think that life can be different at any moment. The goal is to accept them, the ups the downs as they come along. And to remember, that life is good, but it is always changing. And now off to sell tickets!
  2. @Nickelpenny WOW! Martina is sending blessings! Enjoy those winnings!
  3. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I have a zillion errands to do this morning, and until 12 minutes ago they all ran around walking the neighbors dog. But she is still ill, and is home today, so I don't have to walk the dog. (she was going to work wat the St. Patrick's day parade in Atlanta). Last nights chorale concert was very interesting. The conductor announced that there will be a contest sent out to all composers to write a 6-7 minute piece of chorale music, and submit. He will chose the best one (the one he likes best) and the Atlanta Chorale will perform it and produce it (guess meaning it gets printed and out to the chorale world). And then they performed. The major piece was written by an Indian woman, and it included a small orchestra and the tabla (drums) and a sitar. She wrote the piece about not the differences of people's religions in India, but what they have in common. The conductor said that he hoped that it would make us talk about it after the performance. Well, I loved it. Overall, we are all brothers and sisters, and we should acknowledge that while there is bad in humans, that we should "Concentrate on the Light". We all shine and while the light comes from different lamps, just concentrate on the light. Before the concert, there was a gospel chorale from a college in Mississippi singing outside the hall. I dont think that Emory knew this would happen, because they did not announce it (we always get notice before the concert) but they were great Turns out there was a singing competition at Spellman this weekend. I think ? i mentioned we moved Tigger into the house. He chased Furnando, furnando chased him. Bob swatted at him several times, and last night while watching tv, Bob was on the back of the sofa, and his eyes were wide open. I think Tigger will learn so much! I may have not been "here" on day one, but to all of you, regardless of when you became a dailyite-
  4. ill be brief off to a chorale concert- I had a sale, and a good one at 2400.00 yeah! what is 3 percent of that?
  5. Good Friday morning Dailyites! Im late today because DH needed to pick up his meds, and I figured since now there is no breakfast food, i would get breakfast and then walk the dog. Got home just in time, and noticed my neighbor was home. Was she home when I left? I have no idea. But I called, she is home with a headache, but could I walk the dog tomorrow while she is working at the St. Paddy's day parade. Yup. I mean what else would I want to do at 10 am on a Saturday. We opened the screen and let Tigger in this morning. He has found all left over food, has been chased by Furnando, he chased Furnando, and Bobagingee is just watching it all unravel around him. @NickelpennyCongratulations on your big win! Was it enough to stay on board for the next cruise?
  6. @Haljo1935I have my trolls from my childhood, they are in the kitchen, protecting any one who eats my cooking! If your boss get all wacky again, just address what you think is going on. They are putting you through stress, with their on and off and inability to get something said. I got a text today from my boss. Campaign really ends this Saturday, and in 5 weeks, I have had no sales. He asked me if I wanted to go back to CTG for two more weeks, and then I am off for a month. And then go back to selling next season of CTG. I like the product, I like the patrons, so I have no problem with coming back to a good campaign. I do have a problem with no job for a month. Sweet dreams friends.
  7. Ok I promised pictures. I went outside yesterday and noticed for the first time since I moved in 20 years ago that my Holly tree was in bloom, and the bees were having a field day! I got pictures of the bloom, but not the bees. And yesterday I bought two more gnomes and brought them home. I told DH I was going to take them to the bedroom to meet the other gnomes, (he does think I'm wacky) and I set up a circle of gnomes. The girl gnomes The boy gnomes My bigger gnomes and the lighted gnome DH's bigger gnomes- I collected guitars for a long time, but you just cant cuddle one, and my wrist and voice dont play any more. But, gnomes? and cats? They are taking over the house.......to gnome me is to love me. LOL
  8. Ok. @RMLincoln I am now going to start saving my dog walking money for gas, to drive up to NJ and get muffins and pie.
  9. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I have been having a bad last 24 hours. I sat down to pay bills, and found I was out of checks. I knew I had ordered some, a while back, I knew I had received them, but they were nowhere to be found, so I got on line and ordered more. And then DH found them. Oops. I wonder if I can use them, and when the new ones come in, I can shred them? So there are no duplicates. ?? Any one know the answer to that? Meds and pain affect people a lot, and yesterday DH had me in tears. His meds really affect his personality. Donna told me that she got her phone bill, and they only credited her 8 out of the 12 days that we had no phone service last month. I noticed that when I called in last month to pay, they had covered the entire bill, but I had over payed the month before. Now since the new phone bill is higher than it has been, I need to call. It is 51 degrees and when the sun comes up over the hill, it will be clear and sunny. Rain expected tomorrow. Working today noon to 5. I will eventually cook those shrimp! I was full all afternoon after my chef salad lunch, and ended up making cheese burgers with leftover meatloaf, on tortillas Not bad. I made beef stew last week, from scratch, with no recipe, just brain work and it was really good. But no stew this week. @StLouisCruisersI love your photos of Shetland, if you have Britbox, you can watch Shetland, so many scenes are filmed where your pictures were taken. When I did my ancestry test, it showed that someone in the family was there. There, and the Isle of Skye. We watched Somebody Feed Phil last night, when he was in Iceland, and I got to see in film all the places that you Dailyites had posted as photographs. I need DH to help me load some pictures that I took yesterday, and I hope provide some giggles later today.
  10. @DeeniEncinitasI love the painting, but I have loved all the paintings you have shown me since I dailyized. I now want muffins, and I may drive all the way to NJ to get some of @RMLincoln's. For my night time snack I had half an Opal apple and a baby gouda. Today was the fourth day that I have kept my blood sugars under 250 in months. OMG. Since November when I got sick. Our neighbors got back from Vietnam last night. What english he knew, he apparently forgot. And I guess he was a bit upset that the hole is still in our driveway. And we are still using theirs to get down the hill. We got home from Chuck's early appointment around 3, and while I wanted to go back out, since the neighbors work truck was where I back up, I decided to stay home. We closed the screen to the porch and opened the sliding glass doors and Tigger got to smell and touch noses through the screen with Furnando and Bob. They got bored with him, and since his door to the world was open, he went back out. Until Collard Greens showed up and screamed at him, and he ran right back on the porch. When Collard first showed up I could get two fingers between her and the collar. Two days ago I couldnt put my pinky finger in, so I guess her eating here two, three, four times a day has put some weight on her.
  11. @Denise Tprayers for you and kitty Fiona. @grapau27You cant tell me that you and Pauline arent Sarah's parents. Family looks are strong! Also tell Pauline Happy Birthday early, in case I dont get on in the morning! @fruitmachineWelcome to a new family! Tomorrow DH has an immunotherapy at 10:40. Which means leave here at 9:40, which means walk the neighbors dog at 9:25, which means get up early! So early to bed tonight!
  12. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It is sunny (sunshine coming down into the "hollar") 42 degrees. On the agenda today, walk the neighbors dog, and work. I am supposed to make garlic ginger shrimp with bok choy for dinner tonight, but I am desperate for a sale, and a patron asked if i could call her back at 3:30, and I said yes. But that is 6:30 my time, so DH might have to do the major prep for the shrimp. Or we can have tuna for lunch, and leftover meatloaf for dinner. @bennybearYou asked me about how DH's surgery turned out. Again, they were unable to unplug the artery. But I would like to talk to the doc, as they simply wheeled him out to the car, and I had no chance to talk with anyone. Since then, we had the usual couple of days when he was a bit fuzzy and and then he ran out of his pain pills for his cancer, and we had fuzzy and angry. I wish the doc would tell him to stop eating what he is eating and see if a dietary change would help, but then because his oncologist tells him to eat what he wants, that's pretty much what he does. He is losing weight at a drastic pace, he is 6'1" and is losing about 5 pounds a week. His last weigh in, he was down to 166. None of his clothes fit anymore. They are all falling off of him. Since I wrote a novel last night on the Daily, I will stop for the day. I probably was inappropriate again. Oh well. Hugs to all!
  13. I told DH he could watch whatever he wants tonight, I had to be with my Dailies. After I watched the last show of the season on Drive to Survive. And this post may take a while. LA.I was there in January 1977. The year I graduated from college. I was doing a month long study of the Native Americans of the Southwest. It was in January, and it felt good to get out of MN for a while. This was also the year my dad got laid off from his job of a gazillion years, so I applied for a scholarship for the bus trip from Hades. The college I went to was a Presbyterian school, and churches across the Southwest agreed to "adopt" us as we did our travels. Different families would take in 2-3 students for the night. Get a shower and a good nights sleep. Fed, etc. It didnt really turn out that way. When some of the churches found out we were not all Presbyterian, they decided that those who were not, could not stay with a family, and the college said, if a few cannot go, then none will go to the families. I slept on a lot of floors of churches during that month. I mean how many people can say they slept on the floor of the Mormon Tabernacle? But, in LA all the families wanted the kids, so I was farmed out to a family with another girl who was from Sweden. Our host Dad went out of his way to show us all the things in the LA area that we wanted to see. I wanted to go see Johnny Carson at the tonight show. And the other girl wanted to see San Juan Capistrano. He accommodated both of us, we went to the show, (Johnny was not hosting that night) and then he tried to get us to scale the walls at the Capistrano. at midnight. We did go see the Queen Mary (the ship of my very first cruise) And then he asked us for sex. In fact he said we owed him. I turned him down, and that night I got to sleep on a pool table in a room with no windows, and got my very first migraine. I don't know about the other girl, she got a bedroom. But for some reason we ended up together again in San Francisco. And that was worse. The host family, not the girl. I never ended up with my bestie, we were chosen in pairs based on our race and age and personal history. That was my trip to LA. In 2022 and 2023 I worked under my boss Lisa (the boss who got laid off this year) with another woman who I had worked in the office with in Atlanta pre covid. Her name was Fern, and she was always appearing a bit above the rest of us, but when we worked from home, and there were only two of us in the department, we got along fine. She loved the jackie lawson cards I would send, and we would laugh at Lisa's post, referring to her as our mom, and we the wayward children. Our contract was with Arizona Opera. When we were not working the opera, we still chatted amongst the three of us. And then we heard that she had passed out and fallen, and was in a coma. That was in the middle of 23. I called our boss from Atlanta and told him that she had a cat, and that someone had to take care of the cat. He got in touch with the HR department and they located her sister in Savannah and she came and got the cat. Time went on, and Fern came out of the coma, but could not walk. I asked her if she needed anything, and where was she? She was in a nursing home, somewhere in my county, but she did not know where she was. I sent get well cards, she responded via text. We texted on and off all summer, and when I got back from the Rome and home trip, she asked me one question-where have I been she wanted to know, and I told her. ( I told her about the trip before we left) And then there was the Thanksgiving ecard, and there was no response. The Christmas card, and no response, the New Years card and no response. No reply to texts that Lisa and I were sending. Today the boss who was our boss years ago before we all started working from home, sent me a text that Fern had passed away. She was two months younger than me. It really broke my heart. This was a woman who sky dived on her 65th birthday. She knew a lot of famous people in the African American Political world. She was a beautiful woman. She was going to live with her sister and brother in law, and she never left the nursing home. She was 69 years old. So hug your friends, and your enemies, who might turn out to be your best friend later. Tigger survived the trip to the vets. I had no problem putting him in the cage, or picking up the cage and putting him in the car. It was when the car moved that the problem started. He started screaming! Meow, meow, meow, and all while DH was calling the power company to let them know that the power had gone off. The more DH tried to give the computer our phone number, the louder Tigger cried, and the automated machine kept saying, I'm sorry I cant understand you, please give me the number again. He finally had to put in in manually. The new vet put us in a room with the cat. We put the cat on the table in the cage, and we sat on one little bench and both stared at him. A woman came in after 20 minutes and did a chip scan. No chip. She asked us what we wanted done to the cat. A physical, tests for aids, or any other infectious disease, and we want him to get neutered, and bring him in to be an indoor cat. She picked him up and took him to another room to see the vet. (gosh I thought she was the vet) and then he was gone for about 30 minutes. The VET brought him back, and said the same thing everyone does, he is a beautiful and sweet cat. And he can move in once he starts using the litter box on the porch. Either way, I guess pictures should be taken soon. And then back home, MEOW MEOW MEOW! They gave him a treat before he left, and he really loved it! Something in a tube called Churra. hmmmm. Positive reinforcement. @Cruzin TerriI am sorry to read about your friend. One of my favorite bosses had a kidney transplant this week. (he lives in NY, and I am not on his campaigns now) I am glad you got the tests done early. @dfishTell your sister to enjoy the last hours of her big day, but to celebrate all week! @HogladyriderWelcome to the best place on CC. They let me join...giggle. I love being here. I need to write down something when I am reading, soI can remember what I want to post, but by this time of day, all I can say is hugs, and
  14. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I did wake up thinking it was Sunday, but i think that was because of the time change. This morning we take Tigger to the vets, so a lot to do this morning before we go. Its somewhat sunny, and 37 degrees. We watched the Holdovers last night. And we really enjoyed it. @Denise TI hope your cat feels better soon. Debunking news? There is a lot to debunk, mainly because the news started reporting things out of context and wants to make that the news. Have you not lost someone due to Covid? COVID-19 global excess mortality While 1,813,188 COVID-19 deaths were reported in 2020, recent WHO estimates suggest an excess mortality of at least 3,000,000.
  15. @smitty34877I hope that you are being financially compensated for the inconvenience of the filming on your street. @SusieKIslandGirl I am sorry about the fridge. I would probably wait until my return to get another one. Because with my luck, I would order one and they would deliver during my vacation. And it gives you time to procrastinate making a major decision.😸 I wish we could stay in this permanent time. The kids here are out in the dark now when they go to school, and they dont get much time outside in the light when they get home. I love the being light later. Cuts down on the bill. One of the strays that has shown up and tries to fight with everyone has a collar on it. I call him/her Collard Greens. It seems to know its name now. But it goes after Tigger when he is off the porch, it chases Chumley (a stray that has been with us for about 5 months) it goes after Clown, a really large very scaredy cat cat. Terrified of everything. I now take a tray of paper plates out at meal time as I can no longer carry them all. Clown eats in the back to the right, Chumley eats under the shrubbery, Tigger gets fed on the porch, and Collard Greens now sleeps at night in the box, that we put out months ago for poor old Bubbles. Pleasant dreams every one. @JazzyVSpeaking of dreams, I cant sleep on my back anymore, my sinuses will drown me. I cant sleep on my left side anymore either, I cough all the time,. I'm good sleeping on my right side only. with one leg out from the covers, a cat on my head, and a teddy bear holding up my left arm ( i broke the tip off the elbow May 2020) After the surgery I got used to either sleeping sitting up or on my left side. And that's about it. I do understand.
  16. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I did not spring forward. Well the clocks did, but I think I found the mystery of waking up earlier and earlier. DH has begun talking in his sleep. After he yelled Annie! I woke and said-what? And then he mumbled something about the guy from TX that I was texting to, has gone. They are all gone... zzzzz zzzzz..The only guy I was texting with in Texas was my old boss, who was a girl anyway, and she didnt live in TX anymore, so I have no idea what is going on in his head, so I didn't spring forward, I was pushed. Honest. Dinner with Debbie was fun last night. But while I love the food at this restaurant, there is nothing for a diabetic to eat. They do have salads, with raw beef. Not for me. I dont eat raw things. Reminds me of survival tv shows. I used to eat raw oysters, but found out I like them smoked better. @grapau27 I am sorry of the lost friendship with your brother in law, that was not resolved before his death, and was sorry for Sarah on losing her birth father. Seems to me that you and Pauline have been the better parents to her, but loss is still loss. I too hope that Pauline and her sister can become closer. Hugs to you all. @kazuRelax today, and I hope you feel better soon. @JazzyVYou are always in @catmando's and my prayers, especially when you were living off of 2-3 hours of sleep a night. You are amazing! I am so glad to read that you are sleeping better. Sleep is a healer, unless it hurts to sleep. @AroundWithMAPTravels I love your meme today, it was a coffee spewing moment! @RMLincolnIt sounds like you are adjusting to your new home and life. I think at your new home with all they offer, you could be busy 24/7! If you wanted to be. You are much better at getting your health checked than I am, and you are in a new "country". The minute a Doctor wants to send me north of town, I refuse, due to the drive. I need to learn from you. from one of my favorite movies- The Princess Bride Sunday-the day we go with thousands of other people to purchase food at the Dekalb Farmers Market, watch an INDY car race, and -
  17. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Thanks everyone who got involved with my medical conundrum yesterday. An interesting discussion about medicine in America. Which as we all know -sucks. But apparently the Krogers pharmacy was giving me a discount, because they were giving me 90 days at 675. When I was first given the drug, I didnt always take it, so I have a months worth in the cupboard still. But that was at 1 a day, now I am taking 2 a day. This should last until my next pay day which is the 23rd. so enough about my problem, but if I didnt work part time, I would really not be able to afford it at all. I tell people who say they were retired, that I was too, but it didnt work out that well. The computer says it mostly sunny and 54. I look out, and it is cloudy! 100%. Cloudy. It's weird, three weeks ago I was sleeping until 9, then two weeks ago it was waking up at 8, and this past week, I was wide awake at 7. The last two days I was up at 6:45. We did have a really big thunderstorm last night that woke me up! And there was an owl hooting at 7 this morning. But I am not sure what is waking me up earlier each week. Of course when I was sleeping until 9 I was confused. They have extended our calling campaign for another week, they have changed who I am calling there is hope for a sale in a week. We made an appointment for Tigger for Monday morning at the vet. We are trying a new vet service as we are so unhappy with the offices we have used for years. New vet, new cat. Work today, and then meeting up with our friend Debbie at Vietvana for dinner. I will then be stupid and have the coffee and stay up too late, and watch the F1 race tonight.
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