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Everything posted by SilvertoGold

  1. With those kinds of offerings you can sail to some very nice places! Take these while you can: actually paying is quite a bore
  2. Yes, tips included on this 7 day promo. 1039 + tax of 390 CND. If air wasn't so ridiculously priced, we would book this without a thought. An interesting itinerary, great for sea day lovers. Been to all these ports, but see the 39 day with addition of NZ is not badly priced, not as good, but still very reasonable. We will be booking one or the other.
  3. Looking at air Vancouver one way economy to Sydney. Decent flights are pp1300 and up CND. Maybe that is why HAL is selling so low. Wonder what Fight Ease is selling for.
  4. The prices in the original psot are what I am seeing: 5 Star, Canadian dollars. Did the 39 day this year. The pricing for that on this promo is higher per diem but good.
  5. Well, just keep booking any local casino offers and you won't have to worry about pricing ;). I hope you keep receiving these offers and realize how great that is! Take me with you, please?!
  6. Having spent over 50 days on this ship recently I think the staterooms certainly need updating. The ship otherwise is very nicely furnished, not flashy, just very comfortable.
  7. There is always a difference when I look up without logging in and then logging in under our Mariner numbers. That said, sometimes my number gets a better pricing than DH's number, although our cruise history is identical. Hmm? I have noticed with HAL emails of promos and such, my number shows better rates sometimes. I agree that you do not really know how much until you go through the booking process which is a pain to have to do just to get the actual pricing.
  8. Welcome back to Vancouver. We hope it will be a good day for you here. Interesting about the decks being roped off. We have noticed since the ships returned to sailing after Covid that HAL is roping off at the slightest problem. We think wet decks trigger this now, plus the wind is a factor. Previously it took quite a bit of bad weather before HAL would close the decks. It is such a negative not to be able to walk the deck, but safety is important, of course. Thanks so much for you time and efforts to write this blog and post photos. Much anticipated each day and enjoyed.
  9. Enjoy your day, fantastic views and you may see a bit of wildlife! Thanks for all your posts: all is fun to read and informative!
  10. On the topic of commisions: I know a lady who cruised a lot before Covid and used a friend who was a TA. She somehow manages to get her what sounds like Casino Rates but aren't, in fact. I was encouraged to contact this TA , so I did. She works for one of the large Canadian agencies. Very nice, pricing identical to HAL's website but not our 5 star pricing. Having given her our Mariner numbers in advance, I pointed that out. Oh. Came back with our Mariner pricing. Any perks? No. Any OBC.? No. We asked why we should book with her: she whined about how with all her overhead she would end up with enough commission to buy a couple of cups of coffee.This was a 48 day cruise we were booking! End of that asociation.
  11. Is the area immediately besides the Casino bar (towards aft) open now?
  12. Tupper10: this is a wonderful cruise, on a lovely ship! Enjoy and know that many will be grateful to be able to follow along
  13. I don't know who is employing your husband but you have that company and/or HAL to talk to about this. Obviously they want you on the ship, so they can do something. I can't imagine that this situation has never happened before! Let us know how this turns out!
  14. Excellent choices! A Transatlantic would be perfect, sea and port days. If you want to see a lot of ports, your could go with a Collector's European (b-b). Add in Spain for me! If you are going to fly all that way, make it worthwhile and go long. Australia: maybe a NZ and Australia? Or a Transpacific? Enjoy the planning and keep in touch !
  15. So, Mr M, where are you planning to cruise? Good that you are getting a passport. We use ours all the time at home for various ID requirements. Drivers Licences are OK but passports are the gold standard. However, we take our DL with us in ports instead of the passport as it is fine for ID at the dock and easier to replace if lost or stolen. Good luck and keep us informed on how it goes.
  16. So glad you saw mountain goats on Gloomy Knob and the sea lions on the Marble Islands! These are our two fav sights in Glacier Bay! As always, your excellent commentary is such a delight to read and we never miss a post.
  17. Mushroom caps, crab cakes, lamb and the wine pairings. Thanks, Lisa, for a wonderful thread;
  18. I have loved the Alaskan Cod Benny, the Mushroom Crepes ( although very small servings), the Crab and Salmon Cakes and the Halibut Sandwich. The best Alaska menu !
  19. I am glad staff took this attitude. LIfe vest aren't play things. Nice if pax would take this seriously.
  20. For us : 2 meatballs, lasagna and scallopini, two tiramisu. Disappointed this ship does not have the new menu!
  21. I have seen a few wear lifejackets and that was not considered the thing to do. The shops on board now have a large supply of wearable orange items, so you can go as orange as funds allow!
  22. Very enjoyable thread. Hope you will have good memories of this cruise;
  23. Hey! I had that cat toy and it was superb; Glad you enjoyed Sel!
  24. My husband likes the apple tart but suggests two scoops of gelato. These thin tarts can be a bit dry, unlike thick slices of pie. BTW: I love your idea of joke of the day. Have a great cruise!
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