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Everything posted by SilvertoGold

  1. LOVE the photos, especially the lovely hotel interiors. Very elegant and spacious surroundings. This is the first blog I look at in the morning now and really appreciate your postings. Have a great day!
  2. Wonderful thread, looking forward to your informative and fun posts (loved your shoe descriptions). Our fav cruise itinerary so we are excited and will be watching for your posts. Have a safe flight and enjoy this lovely ship. Thanks also for the links to your blogs which we will be reading one by one along with this thread.
  3. The passion fruit yogurt bowl is excellent. Some granola and fruit make it delicious and a nice change for the muesli. DH loves the muesli but thought it had been changed enough on the Noordam in the spring to make it an unreliable choice.
  4. Delightful! Facts are OK, but lets have lots of opinions and critiques from the master :)
  5. I always love Victoria at Christmas! We will get online for the Butchart Garden tickets: haven't been there since I was at UVic. Will be walking a lot around town and seeing the sights, hoping some boats in the Inner Harbour are lit up, too. Have yourself a Merry Christmas!
  6. MOLAcruiser: Have a great cruise! Hope Victoria is ready for Christmas since we will be on BCFerries next week coming over for a few days for an English Christmas break!
  7. I hope at the end of your days in the Amazon the Captain will let all know how much water was saved. On one of our Amazon trips the Captain seemed quite happy with our 33% savings.
  8. Waffles and sausage! Yum! Excellent thread, Roy, most enjoyable, very readable. So happy that you got to see the new Panama locks. Have an easy trip home.
  9. I hope, hope, hope they do this for the Alaska cruises next year! Fantastic! I wonder if this is CND or USD for the $49 and taxes on the cruises out of Vancouver?
  10. Last year CND were at par on HAL for a while, excellent deals! I haven't seen anything this year to compare as far as CND go. HAL did have an excellent Alaska 14 day deal this year. even at CND pricing it was worth our booking multiple times!
  11. I hope HAL starts this type of promo for different cruise areas, starting with BC residents for Alaska :)
  12. This might depend on the cruise line, how they do the disembarkation. We sail HAL and would be leary of booking a flight until noon, even with self-dismbarkation where you carry your own bags off. It might work well, but all the little 'what ifs" could lead to a real headache.
  13. Any inside that is square is very spacious. Lots of floor space, great layout. If we book an inside again, we would book one of these. This is saying a lot since we are/were confirmed GUAR cruisers :)
  14. We had this menu in April on the NZ to Vancouver cruise for Dutch Night. Loved this and really wish HAL would use it more often.
  15. Good for HAL not allowing selling of the pins/medallions onboard. Giving them back with thanks would suffice for any awardee.
  16. Agree, but it is one way to find people who have cruised a lot and mine them for info on ports, ships, food, shorex, etc. Higher Mariners can be a gold mine of info and are always willing to talk and share, in our experience.
  17. And when you get to 5 star you can enjoy two Specialty restaurant dinners at no charge! How cheap is that??
  18. This seems to be part of the problem: not thourough training. It is not a job to just walk into and needs a rather lot of training in many repects. At least the person had the sense to ask someone more experienced/senior. We've seem pax turned away with a "no, we don't do that", when even we,as pax, knew better!
  19. No, I don't think 5 stars are so gauche, rude or silly as to make such complaints.
  20. March-April Noordam (2 B-B), the Noodam did two very nice parties and filled the BBKings Lounge both times. Definitely 4 and 5 stars, handed out several medallions. Lots of drinks, tons of appetizers (prawns, too, yum). Many officers in a line at the entrance and then some circulating for 15 minutes before the start. Almost like old times.
  21. Yes, exactly what is happening. HAL seems to want to keep these some of these parties small and I do admit they are nicely done since the ships started sailing again.
  22. I hate to read this! Nowadays, you do seem to need to be fairly high 5 star or Platinum ( maybe Gold) to be invited, for sure.
  23. I remember when we would get a phone call to see if we were planning on attending the Awards Ceremony. Long time ago! HAL used to be more serious about these parties and put on a very gracious time.
  24. Actually, what I need is info for menus for a 22 or 20 day, non-Collector, Panama.
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