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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. No doubt a WIP. I note also that both Cove and regular Deluxe Balconies on Sun are both listed as 236 sq ft. I realize PCL has often used one generic sq ft value for a class of cabins, even though size can vary somewhat (or rather they give a range and not specific for the cabin involved). It seems to me they are giving disabled guests who want a regular balcony style a nice break by offering a value at the lowest category. Clearly, they aren't going to place able guests into one of only four DF's which are all for disabled (unless sail date is nigh and no requests for that cabin setup). If I was in the situation, I'd pay the extra $25/pp and pick a cabin and not sweat the situation.
  2. Look at the alpha's being used. It is not an upgrade from DF, DE, etc to DG & DH. Won't happen - unless given a downgrade and that isn't supposed to happen in any category, but at least one member here reported a fiasco where it happened to her (I suspect a 1-off issue there).
  3. Yes, I do. However, as indicated previously, changing number of guests to 3 can reveal more inventory on princess.com and it does show some cabins on those decks. However, I see more in third-party booking engine. I think guests who are actively looking to book need to quiz PCL through their TA or CVP and try and get to the bottom of this. Of course, a TA may think nothing is wrong since they have the visibility in POLAR - just as a CVP would. Is this a system bug? Is it Princess trying to protect and promote usage of CVP's (of course TA's by extension)? Who knows? My recommendation would be for members here to get access to their TA booking engine, or find another reliable third-party engine and do some investigative shopping before speaking with CVP or TA, so you know what's what and can intelligently request cabin you want. IMO, this is a major fail or screw-up by PCL and doesn't look good with guest viewpoint. SMH once again.
  4. Sun Class is a deviation from the norm of previous ships and I would suggest PCL has this screwed up if it is literally what you state. I would like to think that the new DH is the "lead in" category and guests who elect the minimum are actually assigned to DH pending cabin assignment. But, I guess not, since Princess.com separates them as Cove Balconies, albeit they are a Class D cabin. It appears that DH is GTY only and you get to select a cabin for booking DG. Standard pricing for the cruise you mentioned is $884 (DH) and $880 (DG) - a trivial difference IMO. There must be some other way to handle DF for those who need/request them (such as the flag for needing a cabin for disabled guest). I'd like to know if someone today tried to book that what intervention is required. One might think the lead-in be adjusted to DE since only DF seems to be those 4 disability cabins. But the Deluxe lead-in price is $898 which aligns with DF. DE's are $923 - again a trivial increase in order to have a "better" cabin and a selection. This seems to be a question for Princess sales mgmt team and IDK if it has been discussed at those online meetings with TA's that Carmen Roag (sp?) hosts as I have not followed them for many months now. It would certainly help TA's and guests if it was better understood WTH they are doing with the cabin marketing. ETA: I did note that at least on the voyage in question, PCL is indicating Refundable Deposits on all Balcony bookings - unlike many legacy ship bookings. I also noted Ref Dep booking notes on 3rd party engine.
  5. I would say that PCL considers DG & DH lower (the Cove Balconies). This is based on location. They are considered Deluxe (Sun Class doesn't have any regular Balconies).
  6. NOT TRUE!! We just cannot seem to convince you of any of this.
  7. I found at least one example of a voyage not showing me a mini to pick unless I setup the search for 3 guests.
  8. I concur with what PCL shows in that specific section. There are a lot of other DB category cabins, however. Using other booking engine, I was being shown the tons of cabins on Deck 16 and it caps out at showing 19 of however many there are in the category. There is no deck plan option and IDK if that just isn't setup for this new ship, so all I see is a list. I see lots of D1, DA, DB, DC. 13 D2. GTY only for DC, DD, DE, DF, DH. I see 8 DG. DF will always only be GTY. IDK what PCL is doing with the DG and DH Cove Balconies. Such as, is DH always GTY or not? Anyway, I left it at just checking the numbers. On Princess.com, using 2 or 3 guests and selecting mid-ship section, I saw the same availability with LOTS of cabins on almost every deck. On other booking engine, even though it only listed Deck 16 and ran out at 19, I could enter a cabin number I saw on Princess.com for Deck 11 or 12 and it would take it. So, I don't see any big difference in the case of SUN.
  9. I'd say this only applies to Mini's when looking for 2 or less guests. I say it is a booking engine bug that has popped up and needs fixing. Seems eerily like the DB complaint.
  10. OUTSIDE BOOKING ENGINE M1 = 8 M6 = W/L only MA = W/L only MB = >= 5 on Aloha >= 3 on Baja >= 8 on Caribe >= 3 on Riviera MC = >= 6 on LIdo >= 13 on Marina MD - Category not on the ship ME = W/L only MF - GTY only (but this is the lead-in and only ever GTY possible now) PRINCESS.COM No available or GTY only. But this was doing a normal search for 2 Guests. If you search for 3 Guests, all of the above shows up available. There are TONS more Mini's than the minimums above as outside booking engine just shows a selection of 19 at a time of the best supposedly. IMO, Princess has a bug in the cruise search where using 2 Guests hides all the mini-suites.
  11. How are you looking these up? I see TONS of Balcony cabins (they are selling BE thru BA all at the same price). Okay, so didn't see any on Deck 8. However, the only REGULAR Balcony cabins on this deck are BF's which are indeed GTY only bookings now. I see a lot of cabin choice using outside booking engine which only shows a selection of 19 at a time. There is TONS of choice on this voyage and you should be seeing it on Princess.com. Cannot explain why you wouldn't. ETA: If you want an Obstructed (Full or Partial), then those are on Deck 8 as Category DW.
  12. Mini-Suites are also rated for >2 people. Why aren't you suggesting a guest ought to be paying extra for those as well? Why should a couple be forced to jump a category and be excluded from an entire category of cabins on the ship? It has also been stated on here in various historical posts, that PCL cannot fill every berth possible due to lifeboat limitations. (Although I have always thought to myself "Why have the extra berths if they cannot all be used"?) I wouldn't want to be on a ship maxed out, but of course have no control over that as never know what happens until aboard the ship.
  13. There are Inside quads as well and perhaps a guest booking either only has that choice or do not like the location of available 2-person cabins.
  14. What is the date of your planned voyage on Regal? I'd like to look on Princess.com and compare to what shows on my agencies booking engines. Thanks. Also, what Category(ies) are you interested in? Inside and Balcony? I am curious to see if I do see more availability outside of Princess.com. IDK why they are throttling cabin choice.
  15. See Post #31. There is a baked in SC for all SD guest fees. There is bar gratuity baked into the Plus/Premier packages, but we customers have no idea what that might be.
  16. The 18% is baked in there. However, we are not privy to how much of a PLUS fare of $60, PCL allocates to Crew Appreciation, MedallionNet and the beverages. I think I would be safe to state that the full amount ($16 typically) for CA gets removed and allocated to the pool. That leaves $44. I would hazard a guess that they devalue the amount for MedallionNet, but I have no earthly idea. Anyway, they could be backing out 18% from approximately $40 beverage package allocation. If they were generous to the max, they would use the regular bar price for every beverage ordered by a Plus package holder and allocate the 18% to the pool. In this case, they would be allocating a LOT to the pool for many guests and probably destroying any profit margin. Perhaps, they expect regular drinkers to tip an extra dollar or two for the bar staff. Otherwise, the bar staff are better off if guests didn't have a package. But that is just wild speculation as we don't know the calculations and such (not our business). But PCL will be donating a certain amount for each Plus and Premier package to the bar pool as well as the CA pool.
  17. Geez, are you suggesting a guest who ends up booking an Inside with bunkies on the side walls should be paying for 3rd & 4th persons, even though they never wanted the things hanging there in the first place?
  18. I doubt anyone at Princess is going to reveal to you number of teens booked into cabins - nor would the rep do the research. The youth clubs are always there, so have your teen show up on Day 1 as advertised in the Princess Events (a.k.a. Patter). Bound to be some others.
  19. While we should not have to resort to work-arounds, I do disagree with your basic premise. Ever since Princess introduced the Deluxe Balcony cabin, they have been available to all guests. They are all rated for more than two people, whether guests decide to put more in the cabin or not. I am unaware of any policy change where PCL would completely want to restrict couples from booking this category of cabin. (I do realize, they wouldn't exactly trumpet it out in a press release, but by now some folks would be in-the-know). There is something else afoot here, and it seems we regular customers don't know what is going on exactly, but what is wrong is the booking algorithm on Princess.com. Clearly agents are able to book such cabins using POLAR and if the customer base access other 3rd party booking engines (i.e. various agencies), it can be seen that there are cabins to select in my recent experience.
  20. If the stock is in both names, then whichever spouse submits the claim gets the credit and either is allowed to make the claim.
  21. If your investment provider will do this for you, or even just transfer from his account to yours, you have a tax situation. IMO, in the first case, you will have acquired a 50% stake in the shares at the current value on the day the ownership change was made. This sets a base cost for establishing future capital gain or loss on your part for 50% of the value of a future sale. Hubby has sold a 50% stake in the shares to you at the same value and hence has a capital gain/loss on half of the shares. When shares are sold, he will have a capital gain/loss on his half based on the original purchase price. In the second case, hubby is deemed to have sold his shares on the day they are transferred to you at some determined price (say opening, closing of mid-day average). He will be filing a capital gain or loss for that tax year. You acquire the shares at the same value used to set his sale price and you have an established cost base for the shares now in your name and again subject to future capital gain/loss when you sell or transfer them.
  22. Surely you have read on here that a GTY may get a cabin assignment a couple of days later up to as late as seeing it day before sailing in the Personalizer or the App. Also, it has been reported here that guests with GTY have also received bid upgrade invitations.
  23. If you wait that long, they won't be able to schedule the guest in.
  24. I mention it because I recently (4 wks) got a pair and they are amazing so far (but I only have partial loss in the high ranges).
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