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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Yes, I have read about this recently - the escorting to a Suite. Now my vivid image has been thinking of me in that situation at T2 in Port Everglades about to depart for the Caribbean, and someone from the ship wants to do this. I'd be like "Here, you escort my wife wherever, but I am off to the Sanctuary at double-time and I don’t think you will keep up." In reality, this will never happen as we do not book Suites. Ha ha. The last time we were on a ship (2019) we were finally Elite, so I was actually the first person on board and did not need to hustle as much as in the Platinum days when I could out hustle most of the Elites up there even though they had a head start. Never ran over anyone, but I used to run up the stairs instead of trusting an elevator. Last time I could "stroll" up the elevator. LOL. Okay, so yes plenty of personnel in the terminal as outside help, but there is also personnel from the ship in the terminal, such as the fellow who was your escort. It is pretty easy to spot ship personnel versus others.
  2. I have commented on this back near the beginning of this thread. A lot of folks are either in for a surprise or have to be accommodated otherwise. I do think a lot of port departures are not very compatible with a 5:00pm dinner time. I have booked us in for 6:00pm all nights come October and know there is some flexibility because a table booked at 6:00pm cannot be used from 5:00pm onwards since it would not be free in time. Perhaps they found most people weren't showing up early on these Med itineraries. Also, I think I read that they actually open at least one DR by 5:30pm. I am sure Ken will remind us.
  3. Thanks for this. Now I know we will have someone different in October. Could be Aaron Hawkins returns.
  4. I will be interested to read what's up in Kotor the following day. We have no plans other than do some walking around on our own.
  5. Alfredo's has been a good option for us. Recently have done the DR lunch a couple of times, but never used to go in our early years with Princess.
  6. Thanks. I will lay odds they are going to tell me they are checking IP addresses and filtering out non-USA. Grrrr..
  7. This has been my experience the couple of times we did this. Once was with daughter and SIL and once with our friends who were not yet Platinum (that was a long time ago in a port far, far away). I had also read of others having the same experience. In reality, there probably aren't that many on any given cruise, but Princess has the option to handle it how they wish.
  8. For me, I guess it would depend who it was. After all, we got onto our first Princess ship all by ourselves. If Princess didn't want the other couple with us (we have asked before and they have said no problem in Port Everglades), I would split up such that myself and one of the other couple are together in Elite boarding and the other two in regular. If I was sailing on a Caribbean itinerary and wanted Sanctuary, no way would I give up my first on the ship position. LOL.
  9. Actually, most airlines do allow a +1, but they reserve right to say no based on capacity limits. ETA: That is not to say that PCL should expand CC footprint in the DR so that +1's can be included.
  10. Personally, I could care less if a couple asks their two friends to the PES. We rarely go and when I have gone, it is sparsely attended relative to the number of PES on board.
  11. Hmm. took me about 10-15 seconds to find 1-877-872-6728 (1-877-TRANSAT).
  12. Hmm... I was posting at the same time. Your info is accurate. As for the discounted price on Day 1, I did not indicate that to @drowelf because it does seem that policy has lapsed. It was primarily done because of difficulties ordering MedallionNet in advance and also that the discount was not applied at point of purchase. Now that we do get the discount when ordering, I can understand them removing the Day 1 exception case.
  13. Yes (and it irks me when this question keeps coming up because Princess does not publish their complete internet pricing policy). Rant over ... now to help you. The pre-cruise pricing is $10/day for a single device access and $20/day for 4-device access. If you want to connect with more than one device (say a couple sharing, or you have both a phone and a PC like me), then when you go to login the second device, you are warned the first one is connected and you can knock it off and proceed - or not. Same thing with the 4-device package if you attempt to connect a 5th device it will ask you which one of the other four to bump. On board, the above prices become $15/day and $25/day. Individual days purchased on board cost $20/day for single device. A very casual user who only needs internet less than half the days of the cruise might elect to buy each day as needed. If you are Platinum or Elite in Captain's Circle, then you get 50% off all of the prices mentioned.
  14. Gotcha. Then I would call Air Transat and give them the booking number and ask what the problem is. Surely their reps can block you into a seat. Just two rows, so if you are used to them and have a face location, you might want to pursue this as best you can. It look more like Premium Economy to me and they call it Club Class I gather. Good luck.
  15. As for AARP Rewards, I enrolled earlier today and my membership was confirmed via a phone call. I used our FL Zip and I later updated my profile with the complete FL address. I also found they did not accept my Cdn Cell number, so I changed it to my US Vonage line which also rings on my Cdn cell. Good trick to receive calls from USA on my Cdn Cell. I was then able to enter the 6-digit affirmation code and my sign-up was complete. However, when I login to AARP Rewards, I cannot see or do anything and keep getting pushed back to the marketing splash page with the video. Cannot find a link, nor get to the Princess Gift Cards. I am thinking these guys are way over the top and are sensing my location (even though I did not give permission) and they are checking IP address. Arrrgh!! I know I need to select and install a US VPN (Mr Procrastination on that front). I will call them when open on Monday and see if I can find this out. So, if true, that means any American out of country would not be able to access AARP Rewards.
  16. I do not fly Air Transat. But, I suspect they are not going to allow seat selection until you are ticketed? (Air Canada is that way - except for Signature Business Class and Premium Economy which can be selected in EZ-Air). You do mention ticket numbers, so it seems you are ticketed now. Of course by this time you should be, but there have been reports of EZ-Air not ticketing until "the last minute" so to speak. You need to talk to Air Transat as you should be able to pull up your flight there. Are you sure you are using the Air Transit booking code from EZ-Air and not the EZ-Air master file booking code? You need the airline-specific booking code which is shown in the flight information area, whereas the EZ-Air code is prominent at the top of the screens.
  17. You can try logging in to Princess.com and then pull up the list of your Upcoming Cruises. How does that look? Select any of your cruises and on the main page, use the nearly hidden link to the web version of MC App. Login there and see what you see for voyages. You may have to use the login with Booking Number/Name/Birthdate to access the voyage you want. If that works, update any data you want. Otherwise, you will likely have to wait until the team at Princess fixes the System data. Of course they are making a poor impression because we customers should not have to put up with bad system data. Someone did a lousy job of syncing MC App when a cruise voyage is deleted in POLAR (PCL's main reservation system - or at least the external user name for it).
  18. Personal items like Name and Birthdate cannot be changed online (same as previously). Need to speak to a Princess rep to change these items.
  19. It's also a pain if that FCC doesn't show up before the next cruise.
  20. I think most of the regulars on here realize by now that calling PCL early is a good way to beat the long hold times. Yes, of course address any dining/food/drink issues on board. And @CineGraphic did so. I am sure it was an exception mistake as I have not heard of this before. On its own, it could be seen as a "small stuff", but seems to be just another in a line of issues that were off-base from prior cruising experiences with PCL for @CineGraphic. I do notice at times, you seem to be more apologetic for Princess. We have liked Princess as well for a long time and I am very saddened and disappointed in the Princess of 2021 and 2022 (thus far). The following are not "small stuff" things: Not meeting marketing hype over the MedallionClass App and DineMyWay. Saying one thing and it not at all being the case on the ships. Leaving many people up in the air with no access to cruise registration for months on end until releasing a web version of part of MedallionClass App. Endless System and data integrity errors and still some persist over a year after launch. Inability to staff and train to meet renewed cruise demand (granted this is an industry-wide issue, but PCL is particularly hampered by all kinds of issue calls due to their failed systems implementations). Lack of documentation and clear publishing of policies and procedures around things like MedallionNet, Dining reservations, OBC as refundable or not. I could probably go on, but all of the above have been addressed in innumerable threads on the Princess board here on CC. Not to mention thousands of posts on DMW and MedallionClass App. Don't get me wrong completely here. I am also a CCL shareholder and I want PCL to succeed. I fear they are going to bleed customers. IDK how many. It does seem that recent voyages are going off not badly, so there is some hope. I still think we need to see what happens after we regular long-time customers have exhausted our Covid-19 FCC's.
  21. Another many folks constantly overlook is the other section on clothing that Princess publishes on their website under "What to Pack". There is a pop-up screen of more details and in there is a much more loose (for lack of a better word) description of what can be suitable for dining than what is on the Dress Recommendations page. It has been copy/pasted dozens of times by various CC posters. Hardly needs to be done again. And, we are now at the point in this thread where it is likely to be locked and deleted like so many of its predecessors. Perhaps if one or two of these were left just locked, we wouldn't be doing this over and over and over again.
  22. This could well be the best post I have ever read on the topic of formal/non-formal dress on Princess. Well done, sir. 🍷
  23. Okay, you have jogged my memory. I can tell you that I had a series of emails with Princess (a CR contact) way back when DMW was first released. You raise a good point from this perspective (Captain's Circle Benefits). A question back then was would Princess open up DMW (and Arrival Groups) some days ahead of the rest of the folks so that we would have first access. One example of this process is when new voyages are released for sale, Elites have a 1 day jump on everyone else. So, would DMW open up some days prior for Elites and Platinum? I do think the biggest question for this approach was for Arrival Groups and would Princess open those up earlier for Elites, then Platinums, etc? (That has never happened to my knowledge). The true approach to DMW is indicated on the Princess.com Dining page. Go to this page on Princess.com: https://www.princess.com/ships-and-experience/food-and-dining/dine-my-way/ Look down at the first section "Access Dine My Way". Here you will read: Most guests will be able to access once your cruise is paid in full. Early access for Captain's Circle Platinum and Elite members as well as guests booked in Club Class and Suites. The second bullet indicates that only Platinum and Elite members (plus anyone in Club Class or a Suite who is not already at those member levels) can access DMW once they have a booking. All others are supposedly waiting until they have made Final Payment (which can be done anytime they want prior to the due date). Certainly not everyone is getting early access to DMW, You are some sort of exception situation and I cannot explain it. I will just note again that no one in CC or a Suite needs to make a DR reservation. In fact, a message pops up informing the guest they have CC dining as a reminder. The only need for DMW for those folks is if they wish to book Specialty Dining. And this is not the only situation where documentation for Captain's Circle Member benefits is vague and not spelled out. They used to have other old and outdated info before the new set of benefits was released. Bottom line is you got lucky and we have no idea how many others are in the same situation.
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