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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. SMH as usual over trivial IT bugs that never seem to go away. I don't have any bookings right now but have opened the App after some updates from Play Store and I can see a blue Seawitch logo and just know it is trouble. Perhaps if I were to make a booking, it would self-correct since the booking contains CC Member number.
  2. If all check-in information is considered complete and guest is in Green Lane or Blue Lane status, a new boarding pass page should appear in the App which includes Name, Departure Date, Ship, perhaps cabin (I forget) and there is a QR, but it is not at all necessary. The BP page is really for guest convenience and info.
  3. What I do is purchase the FCD's as one of the LAST things on a voyage in order to maximize the run time. It only makes sense. ๐Ÿ˜
  4. Although, I have not tuned into a PCL Sales Webinar for many months now, I do recall Carmen Roig mentioning that HQ was going to look into doing something about the 2-meal limit for longer voyages. Of course, she is a good talker, but obviously not much action going on.
  5. Do you actually mean a Suite level cabin? I had not read that that Category was affected by the marketing restriction to force booking a 3rd person.
  6. I thought the call center was for general assistance, but if a guest was booking a new cruise and elected that option in the phone tree when calling in, that you would get a US-based agent. Has that changed as well? No way I would want to book a cruise with the overseas call center where I would not trust their knowledge and use of POLAR.
  7. It seems like to latched on to a good one. I might have mentioned in my post above that what I do works quite well if one is travel-savvy and can handle a lot independently and not looking for extra help or hand-holding from an agent.
  8. I always use a discount TA and save more than 8%.. For me, a CVP is not going to cut it, because they cannot discount like the independents. Sure, they can help avoid phone queues at times, but I don't really need to call in to PCL all that much and pick my times to avoid busiest hours.
  9. Covid doesn't generally/mostly transmit via objects - that would be Noro that transmits via hand contact and from there to an oriface.
  10. There should be ZERO issue with boarding from a port visit with a bottle of wine and taking it along to your cabin. If you being it to a restaurant/MDR for dinner, be prepared to pay a corkage fee of $20/btl.
  11. This behavior has been going on for several months now. It is plain ridiculous. Shop for a cruise using 3 guest occupancy and you will see all those "missing" cabins. Either book with a CVP (Princess) or a TA (independent) and they can get it done. Otherwise, book with 3 people yourself, put cabin on hold, call in to drop the third person. Or, just pay the 3rd person deposit with cash and then cancel them later and get a refund. Just stooopid, IMO, PCL!!!
  12. Has anyone got a CVP or higher up at PCL to explain exactly WHY they changed the booking system to prevent guests from booking Deluxe Balconies that can hold up to three people when the typical majority guest is booking for two? I agree with the insanity term in some posts above. No matter that a CVP or TA can accomplish it, it is just plain stupid. They are also doing the workaround in some manner in POLAR to get it done. I think it was documented that it also affects Minis???
  13. True enough, but with good planning, we are normally going to go for the small group experience for better tour experience and better value. Chances are pretty low for a catastrophic event and both examples given so far in this thread have been in that nature. I know it isn't for everyone, but we will continue to go independent where it makes sense.
  14. Sorry, but this story sounds like the reverse to me. A small group in a van would not likely have had the breakdown (low probability) and been out of options.
  15. Hope you are not losing sleep over this mystery. It will get solved one day!
  16. You are wrong above. Platinums and Elites always get (and got) the 50% discount whether purchased on board or in advance. It used to be cheaper to book it in advance, but the new pricing is identical for advance purchase or on board.
  17. There is a budget level. So, if there was top-shelf in a mini-bottle, you wouldn't get it. But they probably don't even have it. I can equate with beer. I swap all 10 alcohol for preferred beer label(s). I have been able to get some beer that is more cost on the menus than the base included beer. I have been told on a previous ship that I needed to pick from certain labels and not just anything on the menu. Ask nicely and see what happens. They will be able to inform you of available and eligible choices. I swap all our non-alcohol for Perrier - generally.
  18. Were they any better than the Drop 'N' Go's?
  19. If you booked a SD and decided to cancel it on board, should be no issue to keep "your table" or another one in the MDR. Let them know ASAP - it won't be a problem if you have also arranged to be at the same table with same waiters each night.
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