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Bell Boy

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Everything posted by Bell Boy

  1. At the end of the day these are 'Only Renderings', once we experience this onboard concept it probably won't look anything like this as there will be plenty of space to shade out of the Sun. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  2. Probably a couple of years ago and certainly not in the main restaurant post pandemic. Maybe in the 'Veranda Restaurant' for that delightful Dover Sole.
  3. I took a Cunard cruise to Alaska 'when Cunard re- introduced cruises to Alaska' ( 2018/2019 ? ) The evening 'suggested dress code' was no different to any other cruise/voyage I've taken with Cunard. There are still the occasional Gala Evenings on an Alaska cruise . Keep the Standards up ....Cunard is not HAL, who have the monopoly of sailing in Alaskan waters ๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Never been given one in several years , not even recently as June 5th Britannia Club . I have two other Cunard cruises booked and will report back if I'm offered one . Having said that thy are an out of date utensil, useless when trying to cut through vegetables/potatatoes on the plate .
  5. Fish Knife ? never seen Fish Knives on Cunard since the days of the old QE2 , not even in the Grills.
  6. Thanks, I must have taken the longer journey. I remember we had to alight the train at some point and walk over to a Hut and present our passports to a very intimidating US border force officer. To be honest the border force experience spoilt the day, apparently If I remember, there was a problem with my passport due to not having an exit Stamp ( not my fault) when I passed through the immigration just before embarking the ship in Vancouver QE ( 2018 ?) Our return journey back down to the dock side was delayed for a good half hour much to the consternation of the rest of the tour passengers.
  7. And you'll need to take your passport with you , I believe they remind you in the booking procedure.
  8. There is no way one can leave luggage onboard a Cunard ship, this changed years ago possibly due to 911. There was an occasion in 2020 when the QM2 World Cruise terminated in Australia ( as result of the pandemic) when guests had to leave the ship and take flights home. On this occasion they were permitted to leave some of their luggage in stowage onboard, it was returned to them some weeks later when the ship returned to home port.
  9. Oh No, not another Glitch ! You are the 5th person I have heard who has encountered this problem when completing the online Health Questioner . Four members on my Cunard social media group have run into the same problems 'in the last week or so' causing them undue stress and anxiety. I understand they finally managed to have things rectified with help of their Cruise Specialist or contacting Cunard Line. How wise to have saved the screenshot and thank goodness Cunard Line are owning up to another glitch. Have a safe flight to the UK and wishing you a peaceful vacation .
  10. IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION ! Just to clarify and put everyones mind at rest, there will be NO 15% service added to Cunard Shoreside Tours. Yesterday I contacted a good friend of mine (Tours Manager Q.Victoria) who confirms it's a Glitch in the system. The onboard Tours Team were unaware of it until it was brought to their attention , they are taking steps to rectify the e mail that customers/guests have received. Just to add, the Glitch is from shoreside and not from the onboard tours office across the fleet. Hattie is correct, it appears the author of the E mails ( shore side) has been using the wrong Template possibly the one used for Spa appointments .
  11. You have a handbag to stuff them in , I don't want my expensive tailored suit pockets bulging.
  12. Oh no ๐Ÿคฌ. The only good thing that came out of the recent post pandemic onboard procedures was the contactless payment in the various Bars . Much quicker, done & dusted and no problems with other guests accidentally signing their drinks to another guest stateroom ,
  13. I see your Question has just been answered , however, just to confirm again, the 15% gratuity on drinks is 'already covered' in the Drinks Packages
  14. How do we contact Hattie the Moderator & will be get a reply privately .
  15. Very briefly, Queens Grill would be a waste for you, consider booking Britannia Club Dining Twin bed configuration is no problem , all staterooms can be in this configuration Afternoon Tea is available every day in the Ballroom. Breakfast in Bed is available. I don't know any cruise line who dosen't offer this. Asian food is limited ( Cunard Line caters mainly for western guests) however, occasionally Asian food is available in the Lido 'Alternative dining' area in the evenings @ us $25 pp I'll not mention dress attire, however, I'm sure you will know Cunard Line is considered premium , there is a sensible dress code after 6pm in many of the main public venues. Enjoy your cruise if you decide to sail Cunard Line. Edited to add; I have a 'wealth of cruising experience with Seabourn', I have never had a problem with poor food on Cunard Line in well over 50 cruises
  16. Yes, Club Dining .
  17. Me too, had an email to say I've an 'additional $90' OBC for my next cruise .....not too sure why, has there been some sort of early booking promotion I may have overlooked ? I'm not complaining , another couple of martinis .
  18. No one on here can answer the question. Onboard procedures ( during this present climate ) can change by itinerary to itinerary ( and Fleet) Previously, the Lido ( in the early days of Cunard return to service ) was closed and a welcome Afternoon Tea in the Britannia Restaurant was offered . For the last several months , the Lido as been opened for Lunch on embarkation day . We just have to managed EVERYTHING on the day ๐Ÿคž
  19. Shoes ๐Ÿ˜ฑ I'm afraid you will not be able to rent 'Shoes onboard Cunard', best to invest in a new pair of shoes and perhaps rent a tux. Better still , maybe visit M&S and purchase a dark suit which will always come in handy. .
  20. According to the Daily Program of 25th July (Queen Victoria) The 'Lido alternative dining' is operating for this particular itinerary . They are featuring Indian dinner $25 pp The Verandah restaurant is also open (Lunch $25 Dinner $45) I really would not bother looking on Cunard Webb sites for any information during this present climate . The onboard product ( and any procedures) can change from itinerary to itinerary across the entire fleet. At the moment , one just needs to manage things on the day, once onboard the ship. Or stay tuned to this Cunard Board where you can be sure of first hand information from those who may already be onboard .
  21. Did you manage to print off an E ticket ( not that you'll need it) However, an E ticket often states an embarkation time also. I certainly wouldn't worry about, just turn up as and when it's convenient for you .
  22. Having taken Three Cunard cruises post pandemic , 2x PG -1x Britannia Club I can't comment on the QG Menu, however, on all the three cruises I have taken recently I found the Food and the Menu selection appeared no different to pre pandemic itineraries ( I sail Cunard up to 4 cruises/voyage per year - have done for the last 25 years . Regarding a reduction in crew members -post pandemic, it has made no difference to the service delivery ( in restaurants and in public venues/bars ) as the guest capacity has been reduced to almost 50%
  23. Either way, if it's free or payable how many folks are going to honest๐Ÿค” ( if it's positive ) After they have travelled all the way from overseas and looking forward to their cruise ๐Ÿ˜‰
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