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Everything posted by FangedRose

  1. Could be anytime between now and check in
  2. Nope. Only the council has changed. The county hasn't. Still in Cumbria.
  3. And binning them reduces the amount of plastic how?
  4. So, as I understand it, you are correct that shingles can't be caught from chicken pox, but contact with chicken pox can reactivate ths dormant virus and cause an 'allergic" (for want of a better word) reaction in a person previously infected, which shows itself as shingles. That is how it was explained to a relative of mine some years ago.
  5. If your phone doesn't do QR codes, it probably won't be a smart phone. Every phone I've had for the last 10 years has been able to do QR codes. If your phone is less than 10 years old you just haven't found the right button to press. You can download a free QR codereader from the Google play store (android) ot app store (iPhone).
  6. Well, the straws can't be used more than once, but who only uses a plastic duck once! But I can see them blowing (or being thrown) overboard. That would be my main concern.
  7. That's been mentioned a few times in the last few months on many ships and different cruise lines. The problem is that many crew come from places where chicken pox isn't as endemic as it is here. Consequently they don't catch it as children when it is a relatively mild disease, and in the rather cramped crew quarters it spreads easily. The vast majority of people (over 90%) have had it, so (apart from the chance of shingles) there is no great cause of concern. Most of us will have come into contact with it as an adult already via younger members of the family. They have put the warning out to warn those passengers who may be particularly susceptible for whatever reason.
  8. This topic (especially the title) reminds me of decimalisation. I was waiting in a queue with my grandma. Some older ladies were behind be grumbling about 'new money'. One of them said 'why can't they wait until us old 'uns die off''. Even as a 10 year old that had me scratching my head as to how that would work! There wasn't a huge gap of 20 years after they were born in babies arriving! New things have to be introduced at some time or other. And not all new things work at first. I'm sure that we can all think of new tech that struggled, wasn't perfect or was just downright dangerous that now works fine.
  9. I don't think doubles (one single every 15 minutes only) or large glasses of wine are allowed in the 'classic' package. That might have changed, but not all ships are offering the new packages yet (I think).
  10. I half-heartedly tried to phone intercruise to get my missing confirmation. I got a real shock when phone was answered in less than 20 minutes. Corrected my email address (using a prepared phonetic script), and asked them to stay on the line while I refreshed my email until it came through. And relax. 🙂
  11. The non app is just a Web page on the ship's intranet. Therefore, would not be accessible once off the ship.
  12. No thank goodness. I tried to decline mine last time but it was forced into my hands, I tried to leave it on the table but the waiter chased after me with it. It got dumped in the first available bin (along with many others).
  13. I used to hate it when they set up in the atrium and on the 'grand' staircase. There would be a delightful ambience with soft music, and everyone dressed up to the nines. And then, bam. A huge white reflector stopping you taking in the view, roped off sections blocking the natural flow and taking up valuable space where people were being encouraged to congregate, and people hopping about to avoid the trailing wires etc. Completely spoiled the atmosphere.
  14. Got through! Booked! But no email confirmation. Ah well. It was a bad line, and my email is rather complicated. Will wait a day or so and try to contact them again. Hopefully the other options will not be so busy.
  15. They acted no different from any other UK based cruise line. No other UK cruise company will give you any redress if the price drops after booking.
  16. A suite is an upgrade on a cabin (even a balcony cabin) so was always a possibility. That is why a lot of us pay the extra to guarantee the cabin we want (and make sure we untick the upgrade box). Most of us have been caught out before we learnt that particular lesson.
  17. That's why you untick the upgrade box.
  18. I am 'down with the kids', it's the getting back up again that's the problem.
  19. Plain black trainers with formal will be fine. If anyone comments just mumble about " foot problems ".
  20. I've tried five or six times today. Got engaged tone for about five seconds and then call ended. Better than being on hold for 20 minutes!
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