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Everything posted by FangedRose

  1. I didn't see anyone wearing a mask on intercruise coach last July.
  2. To me picking the phone up, dialling the number, waiting for an answer, explaining what I want, waiting for the reply etc is 'not doing anything' certainly a lot more effort than clicking a few buttons whilst brushing my teeth. And as for making a special journey, wait in a queue to speak to someone to make a reservation, that's a lot more effort than I want on holiday. And, no, I didn't grow up with technology!
  3. No mention was made of how to dispose of my self administered positive test last July. I used my common sense and put it into the sanitary/medical bin in my bathroom, as per the signs on said bin.
  4. You state a preference when asking for fixed dining, and for table size. As such, no request can be guaranteed. They reserve that right. That said, I've always got what I requested. But I've never asked for a table for two.
  5. With only three weeks to go I can't imagine there is much choice left.
  6. They wouldn't use a suite for isolation. There simply aren't enough of them.
  7. There is a separate bin in the cabin bathrooms for medical and sanitary items.
  8. I used my passport photo from five years ago, that is three change of glasses, and they accepted it. Or, do you mean one of the photos had you wearing glasses and the other didn’t?
  9. I would add that there is no extra charge for drinks on top of those shown. (That is illegal here, the price shown is the price paid). But, more importantly, there are numerous restrictions on the drinks included in the package. Only certain beers, very few cocktails included under the price cap, no sharing, only small glasses of wine, and a 15min 'cool down between orders. Anything ordered outside of the package is charged at full prce (with asmall discount), not just the difference. That's only a few of the restrictions that come to mind. I'm sure others will have more.
  10. If he is young looking he might get away with it. Otherwise I would say yes.
  11. I'm guessing, with your reference to tipping, that you are new to P&O. Drink price are much lower than other cruise lines. I'm told that it's on par with London bar prices (but as I've never had a drink in a London bar I can't verify).
  12. If there is any that you particularly want to do I would pre book. Popular trips often sell out before sailing.
  13. And those travelling by coach, or other prebooked modes, would be stuck.
  14. Never seen any such signs on my many cruises on P&O. I have seen many asking guests to cover up when eating in the buffet. Nothing saying that they can't wear more. As others have said the signs are indicating a minimum dress code, not the maximum.
  15. You do realise that everything that is in a sale has (by law) been on sale at full price beforehand. Your statement means you will never buy anything fron anywhere again.
  16. No, you will do it through the 'app'. Which is not an app but a section of the ship's intranet, which doesn’t require WiFi to connect to.
  17. It always puzzles me when people say that shorts should be allowed in the mdr when cruising in hot climates. I have done warm cruises and cold cruises. The temperature in the mdr, and the rest of the inside of the ship, is the same.
  18. (Normal, cloth, blue) Masks protect others not you. Unless you were wearing medical grade masks you were lucky, or were infected but not show symptoms.
  19. I've tried it twice. Both times was driven out before the end of the meal by the smoke, streaming eyes, and smell of grease. Both times felt distinctly queasy all evening after and well into the next day. Will never go again.
  20. PCR testing before my cruise in July didn't stop some 300 passengers being isolated in their cabins. And those who were the ones who admitted to having symptoms, and submitted to testing. Total numbers were probably double that. Testing was a waste of time and money, and added stress.
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