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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. Does your invoice say you purchased Club Orange? I would worry that something went wrong.
  2. Good morning all, There is rain in the forecast today. I will be forced to stay home and get organized. Things are scattered everywhere with my packing and unpacking. I am taking the larger suitcase. I had planned on bringing a second suitcase anyway. It will just be a larger one. I get in my head thinking I only need a carryon. I don’t enjoy washing out clothes daily on my cruise. My sister is one of them that does. I think she could travel with a ziplock bag. DGS did ok after extra tooth pulled yesterday. It was the strangest looking tooth. He cried a bit when he started getting feeling back in his mouth. He did not like the nerve zings as it woke up. Gma spoiled him and we had a great day. Prayers and Happy Sailings. Have a great day.
  3. Good morning, I am waiting for DGS to show up after his dentist visit to pull an extra tooth he has. He will spend a grandma day and miss preschool. Thanks for all that contribute and thanks for the feedback from those cruising. It is easy to go down the rabbit hole of negative posts. I am glad to see that others are enjoying their cruises. I am struggling trying to decide what to bring. I have packed and repacked 3 times. I have decided on bringing a larger checked bag and not stress about it. With the new attachable luggage it will not matter. This will allow my carryon to be lighter and easier for me to handle with my bad hands. My toe is probable 50% better. The fracture area does not bother me just the infected area. Thanks for checking back with us Jacqui so we know how you are doing. Fingers crossed that it is much better by tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing better too. Continued prayers for those on care list. Happy travels for those on the high seas. Have a great day.
  4. Forgot to wish Debbie Happy Birthday. You do so much to add to the Daily. @cruzn singleso sorry to hear about your long day. I would have opted to go back a second day too. I am sure the Plastic surgeon will do a great job. Good luck today.
  5. Good morning, I am up early and gathering things to pack. First round is always to much so I will thin it out as the week goes on. It will be partly cloudy and high sixties. DGS has a soccer game later today. At least the wind has died down. Pretzels have always been a family favorite. I don’t think you can dress up tofu enough for me to like it. I hope to get to todays port some day. Prayers for those going into surgery today and others on the care list. Have a great day!
  6. Good morning, I love the dog toys! I hope he does too! Good luck on your surgery tomorrow Jacqui. I hope it brings you the relief you need. Funny thing happened at the gas station 2 weeks ago (not really). I dropped the gas nozzle (weak hands) on my right foot hitting the 4th and 5th toe. It bruised a little and hurt for a few days and then I kind of forgot about it until Sunday when the baby toe swelled and turned red and painful. Long story short it is fractured and infected. Oh well, I have a week before I leave and I am sure it will food to go. I have been to Manta and visited a fish market. It was smelly and creepy. I have attached a few pictures. Have a great day.
  7. Glad to hear you are going. My husband traveled and cruised all through his cancer treatments and as close as 4 months before he died. We were cautious, he rested when needed and he never got sick on a trip. He got sick in other places so go figure. The beauty of the cruise is you can do as much or as little as you want and your partner go and do things without you. Life is full of curve balls and we need to go with the flow.
  8. Good morning, Thanks again to all that make this thread possible. It is a lot of work to keep it going for us to enjoy. Yesterday was very difficult. I was unable to stay for the whole service. Luckily my DS and DDIL were there and took me home. I had my very first anxiety/ panic attack. I started to feel it when I entered the building and by the time I went through the line of family members I was shaking and felt a weight on my chest. The grief was palpable and I felt awful. It was just too soon from DH and DS death to experience this. I felt guilty leaving but I did not want anyone to focus on me when it needed to be about them. My hopes is getting away and focusing on something else will continue to help the healing process. I really am looking forward to seeing Norway. My DGS and I watch Ice Road Rescue which takes place in Norway. He wants me to go find them. I don’t have the heart to tell him I will not be near where they live. I will pick up some Norway souvenirs for him. Have a great day.
  9. My experience is limited to two times I had priority boarding on other cruise lines and I could show up when I wanted. I was in suites those two times so that may be different.
  10. I sailed on Edge in December. Wherever I ate they knew my allergies before I told them. They are loaded into the computer with your reservation so each server can see it. It was the best experience I had.
  11. My boarding time showed up in the middle of the night. It is for 1:00. It says Group A whatever that means and it also has priority on the boarding pass. I am a little leary of showing up before 1:00 if Barcelona port crew does not know what Club orange is. Does anyone know what time boarding starts in Barcelona?
  12. Good morning all, it is getting real, my boarding time showed up in the middle of the night for my May 6 cruise on N S (please add me to the list @superoma). The time is 1:00. I do have Club Orange so have priority boarding but am a little hesitant to show up earlier if they don’t know what to do with it and I have to wait around for my time. This one is tough to pack for since there will be at least 2 different weather patterns. Time to test the new luggage if I can get the Velcro apart! I love English muffins and Mac n cheese. Many times in my life I felt my body was carrying brain around. Too cold for a picnic but the wind has died down so I will take Molly for a walk today. Today is the celebration of life for my friends son. It will be very difficult but I will be there for her. Prayers for those on the prayer list. Happy Birthday @marshhawk and @cunnorl . Happy travels for those lucky ones sailing away.
  13. There are multiple studies that show admitting guilt and offering empathy actually results in less lawsuits. Hospitals have gone to admitting fault and even the worse clinicians get sued less if they are nice over excellent clinicians with bad bedside manners.
  14. Thank you, I too have extra medical coverage and evacuation insurance. I am glad you made it home ok.
  15. Mine just popped up today. I checked yesterday and there was nothing. Sounds like 2 weeks before boarding you will get it. Makes sense that there is no boarding time if we can come whenever. I will report back if I get a boarding time assigned.
  16. Second omicron booster just approved if it has been 4 months since last booster or sick with COVID. I got mine last week in preparation for my cruise on the 6th. I will be gone a total of 26 days in Europe. I will also bring paxlovid
  17. This is very sad to read. What a disappointment especially for those cruising this fall who have air and hotels booked. What is being offered is not much but I bet the number of affected cruisers is huge and they are pinching their pennies. This is not fair to those that are cancelled and downgraded.
  18. I was able to pull up my boarding pass for May 6th. No time listed but it says Priority. We will see what that means.
  19. Some of us may be shy and more introverted and it takes more time to warm up to others. My two sons were polar opposites. One made friends at the grocery store the other was shy but once he made one it was for life. As a mom I learned what worked well for each. So there is no one answer and I have enjoyed reading all of the advice. I personally am an introverted extrovert who enjoys company but am slow to engage. There are times I like being alone and other times I want company. I will embrace this new adventure and see how it goes.
  20. I would love to know that answer too since I am boarding in Barcelona in 2 weeks. My luggage take does say priority and has orange stripe. I do not have a boarding pass yet to see if it says that too.
  21. Good late morning, It is windy cold day. I love the meal choice and quote. I am not a big jelly bean fan until I recently tasted the best jelly beans I have ever had in Tucson. They are round like sour balls so I did not try them until the hostess said they were jelly beans. It is good we were only there a few days. Bon voyage to all our travelers and good sailing to those who are already on their ships. Happy birthday and belated Happy anniversary. Prayers to those on the prayer list. I had better go the grands are way to quiet!
  22. Good morning, Thanks for the great start for today. I am off to see the surgeon this morning. I will find out if I need more therapy. The weather will be sunny but colder. Freeze warning tonight. My cruise will interfere with prime planting time so I will scale back what I will do for flowers this year. I am contemplating having my DIL get me a couple of pretty pots of flowers while I am gone that I can stick in my front garden that the sprinklers reach and call it done. I believe we visit todays port on the GA cruise next winter. I will have to check the itinerary. So many of you are so well traveled I don’t think I will ever catch up. I look to you for advice and really appreciate it. Prayers to those on the care list. My hats off to @dobiemom I don’t know how you get any sleep! Have a great day.
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