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Everything posted by Arzeena

  1. For me Deck 8 is kind of the "deck 6 of the Anthem" easy spot to go up or down. High enough and low enough to climb up from deck 2 or 3 skipping elevator rush from port days. Aft balconies...most on decks 6,7, 8, 9, 10 are connecting cabins. They are connected from outside not inside. That is what I saw on the cabin crawl, I have not personally stayed in that and would not like to. Aft 11 has a few that are not connecting. Aft 12 is right under the Windjammer open seating area. If we are going with a balcony, my first choice is always a deck 8 slant balcony, which is huge. Of course, this is personal preference, others may have different preferences. HBE are you taking notes? 😁or was it the Anthem that you were thinking of. Quizz will be given.🤣
  2. 😁Probably! They say we all have doubles somewhere in the world!🤣 We have sailed Celebrity and NCL too. Not been on Cunard. Have a lovely holiday.
  3. Aaah the Equinox......my other residence!🤣 My absolute personal favorites: Deck 8 slant balconies. AQ class cabins are not in a great locations. Do not like the aft cabins on this ship.
  4. My favorite too. I moved to an aft balcony on the Jewel, deck 8 when it became available two days ago. Was on deck 9, now on deck 8 aft. On the Anthem, staying put with deck 6 hump balcony.
  5. I hope you feel better soon and find a solution. But on the lighter side, the door knob will be cheaper than the latest guy who will be putting your dollars towards a down payment for a new yacht. 😁
  6. Not all of deck 6 cabins are obstructed. Front is clear ahead of 6160. Midship bump outs near the rear elevators all clear. Have stayed there and front deck 6. Most convenient IMHO on the Anthem. 6 starboard is a no no due to a smoking nook on deck 5. It hasn't bothered us becaue it is covered from the top like a bus stop, but it has bothered others since smoke does float up eventually. 11 is a good deck. Sandwiched with cabins. 12 even better if you (are allowed to) use the concierge lounge. 13 not so much since its under solarium and pool area. We have stayed on 13. Although close to the Solarium in the front and all, would not pick unless assigned as a GTY or had no other choice. I just prefer 6 front or 6 bump out near rear elevators. Won't mind 7 or 8 up there either, but feel 6 is so convenient to get to everything 5,4 and 3.
  7. We had issues with them. Contact issues are nothing compared to how we were conned. With the help of Celebrity, we got them removed and cruise line (Celebrity) took over, refunded the over charges, FCCs reinstated, all was made good by X.
  8. I am looking at my 11 Night Anthem Cruise on the app under day 1, 2, 3...... Populated till day 7. I don't have a 7 night cruise to look at under my reservations.
  9. You make all the UDP eligible reservations once you board the ship. If you make them from the Cruise Planner, you have to pay for them at the time and you already have paid for the UDP so that would just make a mess.
  10. On the same sailing. Some menu items seem new, or perhaps I have not seen them before. Coq Au Vin, Battered Fish and Seafood, Salmon and Shrimp Fritters. I do not remember these items before. App is being populated as we post. Day 8 onwards says venue closed. LOL!
  11. Very sorry I misread it as Port Canaveral. I apologize for the confusion. Someone went overboard there (near PC on an MSC ship) per Don's video report yesterday.
  12. Watched cruising with Don. He has explained the probable delay due to a tragic incident near Port Canaveral.
  13. I like it too. And agree about after sales service. But I never ever buy from the ship's onboard store......they quote a ridiculously high "just for you only special price smooch smooch only for you" . 😆 Island based stores are a different story (you know that😉) but many times one just cannot beat Macy's prices even with the tax.
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