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Everything posted by cublet

  1. Hello, Be fair, it was a bit long for the poor dear. Regards, Cublet
  2. Hello, I'll have to ask all the people I gave mine away to! Regards, Cublet
  3. Hello, I waited until page 23 before I even opened this thread so sorry if this has already been said. If you chop off the legs mid-thigh of the people wearing the shorts, then they would not be shorts any more would they. Regards, Cublet
  4. Hello, This side of the pond, the offer is "UP TO 40% off" (my emphasis). Regards, Cublet
  5. Hello, It is a doom-merchant's life's work to make everybody miserable even if there's nothing to be miserable about. Regards, Cublet
  6. Hello, I was on Silhouette in June and both Murano and Tuscan grill were up to their usual standard of excellence. Regards, Cublet
  7. Hello, Answering the topic's subject line, it has to be the Champagne Bar (other sources of 'bubbles' are available). And not exclusively because it had Champagne, but because it was a 'bar'. Anthem, that I cannot wait to see the back of, has 'pubs' galore (some with and some without the spit and sawdust) but no 'bar' like the Champagne Bar on Voyager or Freedom class. And another thing (warming to my theme), if I ask for either Champagne or Prosecco on MSC, that's what I served and not the all-purpose swill served on Royal. Regards, Cublet
  8. Hello, Something MSC had on Virtuosa in May was a list of 'Always available' items on the MDR menu that I thought I read RCI were no longer doing (but I will find out for myself in September). Regards, Cublet
  9. Hello, What I didn't like in the old days when the squeezing machines were placed at the entrance to the WJ was the muppets operating the machines were putting the juice into boiling hot glasses fresh from the dishwasher. This spoiled both the OJ and the enjoyment too. Regards, Cublet
  10. Hello, This is what ABP sent: SPRING2023*. However I doubt if the * was actually part of it. If you are doing a B2B then you need to ring to get the B2B discount: 02380 488870. Regards, Cublet
  11. Hello, I think the UK office will be the second from last to know! Regards, Cublet
  12. Hello, I think Royal will turn off the engines and offer additional C&A points to those that were prepared to enter and turn a gigantic wheel to generate electricity. Regards, Cublet
  13. Hello, In July the UK T&Cs were: Buy it at standard deposit rate; six months in which to make a booking and get the booking-on-board OBC; after six months the OBC 'offer' is lost and the certificate can only be used as a pre-paid deposit and if not used after 12 months the thing is lost. Regards, Cublet
  14. Hello, You can buy a NextCruise open booking certificate for the ordinary $100 non suite deposit and only when you later decide to book (and saved your pennies) will you have to stump-up the extra suite deposit and you will still get your booking onboard OBC. Regards, Cublet
  15. Hello, I'm sorry to say that there are some (many?) that don't want to be fulfilled or are afraid of such. Regards, Cublet
  16. Hello, Someone on another thread said that they had to put 'half-and-half' into coffee otherwise it was just an undrinkable brown something - I cannot remember the word used and cannot be arsed to find it. Well that my friend is COFFEE and what you are saying is you don't like coffee and would prefer to have a slightly brown coloured milky cream drink. I think coffee as dispensed on Royal and X, even with a double shot, is tasteless and the very first thing I do when I get home from a cruise is to get my coffee machine going. On Silhouette I was sat next to a young American who ordered a double (black) espresso and drank it with gusto (that's means enjoyment, not something you put in coffee!). I said to him that he was the first American I had ever seen drink a strong coffee and 'hats off to you'. Regards, Cublet
  17. Hello, Thank you. In the early part of June we had *three* threads running concurrently on flannels! I think the argument about 'rudeness' is not to understand the culture and/or mode of central European speaking. My Spanish teacher of Spanish was married to an Englishman. His parents said to him that they thought she, my teacher, was rude. It is simply the fact that in the normal course of speaking both 'please' and 'thank-you' are not oft repeated nor used as 'fillers' even in polite conversation. Regards, Cublet
  18. Hello, Twenty seven postings and no-one has mentioned either 'half-and-half' or 'wash cloths'. Some people are shirking. Regards, Cublet
  19. Hello, The problem with the concentrated orange juice is the ratio of water to concentrate. It used to be 7:1 and counting to 7 was obviously difficult for some as some days the 'juice' was lightly coloured water and others the 'juice' could strip paint. Regards, Cublet
  20. Hello, The most frequent complaint I hear about MSC MDR food is: No lobster and few filet mignon offerings. Well that's less to do with MSC in particular, that's more to do with Italian cuisine in general. If you don't like it then the solution is simple. Regards, Cublet
  21. Hello, Are you looking at these? https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/crown-and-anchor-society-benefit-grid.pdf https://www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/cas-amenities-feb-2023.pdf?ecid=em_12591335&rid=569792499&rcid=48653446&empc=RCIN_CAS_722_TACTICAL_LOY&emsc=RCIN_CAS_722_DA_US&empf=&emct=DIAMOND&lnkid=full_amenities_list&ect=TAC&ecv=DA The wine amenity is still there. The 'Cheers with an Officer' was (officially) brought-in during covid as a social distancing measure. My unofficial view is the staff, rarely and officer, got fed-up listening to complaints from the passengers that, being D+ or Pin, had cruised a lot and had long memories! Regards, Cublet
  22. Hello, This is either the pedant in me or the retired accountant in me but a word of clarification on the cruise discounts. You get an extra 5% off the 95% so 9.75% in total and not 10%. I am pleased to say that the OBCs are given as shown above to solo travellers and not pro-rated. Regards, Cublet
  23. Hello, "Robust food" describes my steak on Silhouette earlier this month. Regards, Cublet
  24. Hello, I don't know the place but is it big enough to be divided into a Celebrity area and a Royal area? Or will the lines be there on different days? I ask because the conversation between adjacent sun loungers could be quite interesting when one occupant says to another "You came here for how much?!" Regards, Cublet
  25. Hello, Re Prices: OK so I normally book ASAP and 2024 itineraries came out at the same time as Black Friday but my 2023 Norway and Canaries cruises are dearer than 2024. Regards, Cublet
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