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Everything posted by wcook

  1. Side note: Good idea to travel with a written list of any drugs you take, allergies, significant Mexican* conditions, etc. Very easy to fill this out in your iPhone in the basic health app (I assume Android has something similar.) * er, make that significant medical conditions. Though if you have significant Mexican conditions I guess you can list those as well. Loves tacos. Do not serve rice and beans if sharing a room with others, etc.
  2. I’ve never actually sailed in the Pacific, but if Ferdinand Magellan says it’s the Peaceful Ocean, that’s good enough for me. I predict smooth sailing the whole way. Have a great trip.
  3. Note that those are the Caribbean prices; prices are different in the rest of the world (often cheaper) and just for fun are priced in pounds or euros to make things a shade more complicated for Americans to think about. But whatever you do, pre book. If nothing else you won’t have to pay the 15% service charge.
  4. I find Gary’s videos to be very entertaining. But you gotta be careful with his advice (or anybody’s advice for that matter.) Gary just did a video on Alaska where he bragged about his travel agent for being so smart and “finding” him a train that goes from Anchorage to Whittier. 30 seconds of Google time will find you dozens of articles on how to make the trip. Every one of them mentioning the train. There’s only a couple ways to make the journey. Also, keep in mind Gary spends a ton of money on luxury cruises. Because commissions are higher, TA’s have a lot more they can do for you when booking expensive cruises or suites. When it comes to run of the mill cruises, an individual who like to research and plan can do everything a TA can. And by booking everything direct, you’ll never have a problem when you want to change something and the cruise line says “we can’t talk to you, you have to talk to your TA. Keep in mind you are on a forum where most of us not only can research and plan, that’s part of the fun. Where a TA really helps us when you don’t want to have to deal with all the minutia - you just want to tell somebody that you want to take a cruise in October, have them ask you a few questions and get to work for you.
  5. That’s why I drink alone, yeah With nobody else Yeah, you know when I drink alone I prefer to be by myself
  6. Would have been funny if they’d taken the packages and left the ladies.
  7. Both your spouse and the person you are cheating on them with. It’s one or the other.
  8. The only statistic that might make sense - and I’m just guessing here - is that 20% of the people who are getting tested because they have possible symptoms are positive.
  9. I forget which ship, but I distinctly remember my first sail out of Barcelona when “early” dinner was 7:00.
  10. Great song. I was humming it as soon as I saw the thread title. I just hope the next post isn’t “Sorry folks, San Juan is closed. Moose out front should have told you.”
  11. No no no. Us normal folks sail Bella. The pampered and entitled said Fantastica 🙂 Confession time: I’ve booked Fantastica for my next cruise. I’m (cue music) Movin’ on Up. To the port side. To a deluxe apartm… er, to a inside cabin on the 10th deck. Yeah I’m movin’ on up
  12. No one knows. But I recently cancelled a land trip to Japan scheduled for October 22. I see little reason to hope for change anytime soon.
  13. The dress code on gala night is…. whatever the hell you want to wear. Dressy is good, sparkly is better, but whatever makes you feel dressed up and looking fabulous
  14. This is just me, but I wouldn’t sail in the Gulf during hurricane season. If a storm comes while you are there, you are screwed. But I’d have zero problem sailing in the Atlantic or Caribbean. If a storm is coming, there are a ton of options. Just be prepared to be flexible.
  15. How cool would that be? Cutting things a bit too close for my anxiety, but for other people, talk about having a great story to tell…
  16. I’ve often suspected that the cruise lines themselves are behind all the “pier runner” videos. I should point out, however, that I have an official diagnosis as paranoid, so maybe I’m not the best source on these issues.
  17. Andales (Andale Andale) is fine, but I prefer Arriba Arriba.
  18. Imagine you are hanging out at Señor Frogs when you spot the ships captain downing a Devil’s Margarita.
  19. On July 4th I booked a cruise leaving Cairo November 2022. The booking engine said travel insurance was mandatory for my cruise (US resident leaving out of non-US port.) Of course, this is MSC we are talking about. The rule could have changed and nobody bothered to update the booking engine.
  20. This brings up a philosophical question. I just booked a cruise leaving from Cairo, Egypt. Now I’m obviously also going to explore Cairo while I’m there. So am I traveling all the way to Cairo from New England for my cruise? Or am I traveling to Cairo for its own sake, then traveling the 100 miles to the actual port for my cruise?
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