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Everything posted by clo

  1. From the unknowing like I: What is the meaning of coulibiac? noun. , French-Russian Cooking. a fish pie usually made with salmon or sturgeon combined with buckwheat, hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms, scallions, wine, herbs, and spices, and served in a brioche or puff pastry. COULIBIAC Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com dictionary.com https://www.dictionary.com › browse › coulibiac
  2. I agree. And, honestly, we just enjoy each other's remote company 🙂
  3. Okay, That's not how I read it but honestly too tired to reread.
  4. And how does any of that mean that they can 'fix' system/company wide problems? I think people are looking to complain. Who has contacted Mr. Del Rio? I'm a firm believer of going to the top when my first method doesn't work.
  5. If you do it now - five months ahead of time - seems like you'd have plenty of time. One thing I don't know about cruise lines is there mail sent non-air mail?
  6. Why? Doesn't everything get controlled by the people in home office? If some piece of equipment fails I'd think they'd have to have 'spares."
  7. I don't care enough to be SHOCKED but why would a single cruise ship have a true IT person on board????
  8. This looks super easy. https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/absentee-ballot/
  9. As the OP I thought it was odd, about six weeks out, that there was nothing else in the envelope
  10. Totally no biggie. And page 18 is the GDR with Baristas on the facing page.
  11. That guy you mention may well live in Seattle! Seattle-ites, maybe just a man. My 8 year old grandson refuses to change out of them until it's snowing and his mother makes him. https://www.seattletimes.com/pacific-nw-magazine/in-the-pacific-northwest-its-shorts-weather-all-year-long/
  12. I'm with you. I have NO desire to spend the whole trip in the same few places and dare I say 'ambiance'?
  13. Again, nope. And again, I'm guessing it's the suite that does it. I wonder, six weeks out, will I get anything else in print? Emails are fine too.
  14. Nothing at all but you're in a suite. That must make the difference.
  15. We made the mistake - or were brilliant enough - a few years ago to meet with a financial planner. One of the things we discussed was senior living places. And not the crumb-bum ones. One we especially like is $7k+ a month and that's if you don't need ANY care!!!! And on-topic we're not sure how much more 'foreign travel we really want to do. I've been to six continents and Bob's been to seven. But we'll see. xoc
  16. I truly have nothing that I care enough to hide so don't care....but yeah.
  17. Not my guy - an undergrad degree in accounting and MBA finance. WE (not just he) would be putting that extra money away for something else.
  18. That is HILARIOUS!!!! And I (used to ) consider myself a Queen of Google. Thanks and it will be handled that way in the future.
  19. I suck at searching on this site. It's no "Google." 🙂 So thanks.
  20. No joke. I would far rather have dinner with the food and beverage person. That's where my interests lie and I'd love to see how it's managed at that level.
  21. We sale 7/4 so that seemed like good timing. But in it was a letter that, except for our names, was completely boilerplate. We also got luggage tags with name inserts. (Great looking!) And a generic Nautica brochure. Should there be something else? TIA
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