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Everything posted by Laszlo

  1. IDK about Travis but Jason is a nice guy
  2. Taylor Swift can sit on my lap and serenade all she wants LOL
  3. These adapters work great. Been using them for years on cruises and when we travel abroad https://amzn.to/4aLecEj
  4. We ran into the same issue in St Lucia on the Getaway. We were there with the Epic and a Carnival ship. All of us docked about the same time. We made the mistake of signing up for a beach excursion. The beach was 5 miles away. It took us over 90 minutes to get to the beach with traffic, this after the busses were already 45 minutes wait due to traffic. So our excursion which was supposed to give us 4 hours on the beach turned into less than two hours. While back on the ship so many people complained about it we all got a full refund
  5. Thats strange, the Sun is older but still a nice ship. Alaska cruises seem to book 100% months out
  6. Ugh.... sucks about the car. Thanks, we absolutely adore my new soon to be daughter in law
  7. Busy is good, I have a bad fault of getting things together too early. I already have our snorkeling gear / beach stuff packed. I will most likely end up going back in a few weeks to check on it, did I pack this or that Lol. My son just got engaged over the weekend and we were down in Alexandria for that this weekend
  8. I have a half dozen backpacks, however my go to the last few years has been this one. If fits my MBP and most of my camera gear, best its pretty comfortable https://amzn.to/45730AJ
  9. Condolences to you and your family This could be a great way to honor your wife and enjoy time with your daughter. A very similar thing happened with a friend of mine
  10. Unfortunately sometimes you just need to bang on the right doors. A number of years back my wife and I were on the Dawn for a 7 day cruise. Day one our room steward tells us the refrigerator is not working. Not a huge problem but I do like keeping drinks in there. Before we left port I went to guest services, told them the issue and I got a lot of nods. One day later nothing has happened so I go back down to GS. Now they tell me it can't be fixed and they don't have any replacements, OK.... guess will have to live with it. We receive a cheap bottle of wine. Later that afternoon we are invited in the Captains cocktail party which we attend. While standing around with a drink in our hands who comes over to us and ask how our cruise is going? The Captain and maybe even better yet the hotel director. I give the hotel director the cliff notes version of the story, the Captain doesn't look too pleased. He asked for our names and cabin number. I kid you not, by the time we got back to our cabin 20 minutes later not only was the fridge fixed.... it was brand new Lol
  11. One of the reasons I carry a tube of 3M 5200 Lol
  12. Unless you have them dangling outside of your suitcase nobody is going to care about gummies. Security is looking for bags of weed and unless a dog picks up on it or if you smoking on your balcony
  13. Wow, didn't realize it was that late. Will be on the Gem in 30 days, I'll be curious how it is. Our friends are right down the hall from us in a standard balcony
  14. Have not, it started right after our last cruise. We sail in 30 days however we have a suite so we still get service twice a day as far as I know
  15. Our last few cruises our cabins have been ready before we got done lunch which was about 12:30pm. Our bags.... we have seen them at 3pm we have seen them at 8pm and all times in between
  16. Woohoo..... must be getting close. Our luggage tags arrived today
  17. Maybe... didn't even know about EU261 in 2018. The business / first class seats made up for it
  18. My wife and I gave up our plane seats once at the boarding get. We were flying from Frankfurt to Newark and they oversold the plane. I family of 6 would have been split up. They started asking people if they wanted to give up their seat. I stepped forward and seat if I do give up two seats what do we get. It turned out pretty good, we got $1000 to use on our next flights, and will get two business class seats on the next flight that was leaving in three hours.... I said heck yes
  19. You will fine, if you are really concerned do what I do. Bring a zip lock bag, put your valuables in the bag and bury them in the sand under your chair, leave the book on your chair
  20. Its the same guarantee for a car rental or hotel room Lol
  21. There is no question I would pay for expedited turn around. At the moment I have three friends, for three different parts of the US who are all waiting for their passport renewals. Two are going on almost 5 months and one is just over 6 months
  22. It's sickening the amount of food I have seen people throw out. IDK who is the worst, kids are adults
  23. Great article.... I forget what cruise line it was, I was watching a show about different cruise lines and how things work. Anyway they had a number of people behind the scenes who sole job it was to see what people ate and what percentage of food was wasted (trash). It was pretty astounding the amount of food that literally just goes in the trash, something like 25-30%. They then work on doing smaller portions, especially at the buffet and also cutting back on things which people don't eat
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