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the penguins

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Everything posted by the penguins

  1. Hadn't noticed the TV being bigger but we only use it for checking our onboard account. The boss commented on the shelves but then we thought you only got the shelves in the "bed near the bathroom" layout and not in the cabin we had (prefer) of "bed next to the window" - seems we were wrong. Biggest disappointment was the continued lack of some usb points especially next to the bed. We had the same cabin pre and post revolution and the broken sliders to the shower doors had not been fixed. Pre we were told "will be fixed during the revolution" post "couldn't be fixed as the spares are no longer available". Frankly the only meaningfull changes are to the suites and the suite facilities including the conversion of the top sun deck to suite guests only. Cellar Masters has changed to Craft Social (now more of a sports bar). The Internet lounge has been moved to allow for a few extra cabins.
  2. Perhaps you should give your DH the choice of: storing things under the bed or in the overhead lockers and see which he prefers.
  3. Even better as the Poster is doing 3xB2B most of the passengers will have gone after the first 10 days and again after 20 so they will never know how many times you have reworn anything - just avoid other B2B's. 😂
  4. Keep half your clothes in your cases under the bed and swop them after 15 days. Assuming you are Elite use your full free laundry allowance. We did 60 days (5xB2B) on Solstice and the boss (Anita) is not a light packer. Never understood cubes, hangers or folding bins as they just seem to compound the problem by adding to the weight.
  5. Good news, unless you are talking suites, the overhead lockers remain in the cabins after the revolution. In fact, excluding suites, everything remains except for the "soft" furnishings and general colour scheme. No new electrics, no usb points, no power by the beds, no shower cubicles. New mattresses (very comfy).
  6. Just curious? What are you planning to store in them that is so critical? Our grandson wouldn't fit😂
  7. If you are Elite the free minutes you each get are Premium. Try that with one package and see how you get on. Once you have used your free minutes you can use your other minutes as a discount on Premium or standard for the remainder of the cruise.
  8. We never assume anything - especially post Covid. On our last visit we used 2 different companies to give us a unique day out. We were travelling as a party of 4 one of whom uses a wheelchair. We had a limo from the ship to St Peters Station in Rome. At the station we met our private guide who had a 6 person golf buggy (the wheelchair fitted on one of the rear facing seats). The buggy got us everywhere and gave us access to places that a limo just couldn't reach. We had time to go inside the Colluseum and to have 2 coffee/cake breaks. Our tour ended back at the station where our Limo picked us up for the journey back to the ship. St Peters also has the most amazing restrooms - well worth the fee. Not cheap but the perfect solution for us and especially our disabled friend
  9. I think this is just badly worded and actually means: if you want to make a reservation to call. We prebook for every night but provided you accept there may be a wait if you don't it's not compolsary. It's just like any restaurant in that if lots of people turn up at the sametime you or someone else will have to wait. Being prepared to share will often reduce the wait time. You may also be offered a "pager" enabling you to wait in the bar of your choice.
  10. For Rome make sure your operator has access to the dock (not all do) otherwise it's a long way for you to get from the ship to the port entrance.
  11. Just completed a Transatlantic on Sky Princess. Apart from the 2 days before reaching Madeira and the day docked there the internet worked fine. The IT people explained that we would suffer the loss for the 3 days because only one satellite covered the area. They correctly forcast that when we left Madeira internet would be ok and it was. To summarise 15 day cruise - 3 days mid Atlantic with no service and the world didn't come to an end. Relax and enjoy the cruise.
  12. Craft Social is the new name for Cellar Masters so basically the same thing.
  13. If you want a table for 2 follow davekathy's advice (post 3 above.) However please note that you are not guaranteed to get a table for 2. The Host will do their best but clearly if everyone who selected the same time as you asked for a table for 2 it would be impossible for the Host to do that. However if, like us you want to share on arrival each night simply say " sharing please table of 6 if possible" or whatever your reference is - again no guarantees but the Host will always do their best. Our policy is to be polite, friendly and not demanding which usually results in the outcome we want. Above all enjoy.
  14. Most but not any bar - excludes world class and MDR. There may be others. I am sure someone will have the full list.
  15. Sorry partly misread your post. However you still don't appear to carry the emergency number for the ship nor a physical copy of your medical insurance details. I assume you would carry your passports in destinations where it was compolsary.
  16. Until you lose your phone ( a particular target for thieves) and/or you at a port where there are physical checks as detailed by several other posters. We have trousers/pants and shirts with security pockets in which we carry a minimum of: 1) one piece of official identity - usually driving licence and, when compolsary, passports. 2) travel insurance card (medical emergency number) - we had to produce this evidence at a hospital before they would let us in for emergency treatment. 3) the phone number of the ships agent in that port. We also have a money belt with emergency dollars to ensure that we can always get back to the ship. We don't worry about taxis not accepting dollars as in an emergency we would only tell the driver that we didn't have local currency when we were back at the port. Once there we would be able resolve any currency issues.
  17. As do some South America ports and I think China. We always carry our real driving licences and copies of our passports. Only take original passports if the port specifically requires it - the ship will make it clear when this applies.
  18. When did you last use promotional chips to bet on red or black? On our last 4 cruises on Silhouette (2021 and 2022) promotional chips could only be played on the inside numbers I e. not on Red/Black, odds/evens etc. You can however easily (with a very small risk), convert your OBC into cold hard cash and have fun at the same time by playing corners - 5 chips gives you practically an even bet. We use this system on every cruise and have only lost once. Just returned from our latest cruise where we played 2 sessions of around 20 minutes each during which we converted our 150 promtotional dollars into 155 real dollars and gave the croupier 9 dollars tip.
  19. varies by port, the reason for the miss and how the fees are charged. In the US your port fees are shown as "Govt taxes and fees" with no breakdown between the individual ports. Book in the UK and it is illegal to have this type of "extra cost" and the fees are just part of the cruise fare. On HAL we have always had the fees refunded. On Celebrity US passengers have had automatic refunds whereas we had to ask for ours. Lat year on Celebrity we missed 1 port out of 2 in Denmark - no refunds as the X said Denmark charged a single fee for the 2 stops with no refunds if one port was missed. The variations seem to be endless
  20. Because you and others who are not on the ship are stirring the pot. Whereas we are on the ship and know the truth.
  21. In which case you have totally misunderstood the situation. From the outset the Captain made it clear that the circumstances did not constitute a reason for compensation but the company would be making a gesture. The offer has generally been accepted by the vast majority of the passengers - unlike on other cruises when passengers ( including ourselves) have been involved in a mass protest. The Roll Call of the sailing itself provides a more balanced review. The other examples quoted were without content - I.e. were the circumstances weather related, ship failure, etc all of which have a bearing on the amount offered. We are now in the theatre for the final show of the cruise and I can assure you that the matter under discussion here is a complete "non issue".
  22. Interestingly texasjones nor yourself or any other passenger raised any of these issues at the Q and A session held by the Captain in the main theatre. Indeed the response at that event was 100% in support of the actions taken by the Captain. As I write this there are still no lines of passengers at Guest Relations demanding further action and nor have there been any on any of last few days when I have visited GR on other matters.
  23. Where is the evidence that Princess has charged for the extra night in Southampton ? I have seen nothing to support this. The only things we have seen are the refunds and the free all day shuttle in Southampton. If any of the posters have the proof let them post it.
  24. Depends on your math. You are assuming per cabin would be $200. What happens when there are 3 or 4 in a cabin? Bearing in mind the payment was not compulsory per person seems the simplest solution.
  25. Has it? we managed to spend our goodwill gesture payment without difficulty. It was made very clear when the shops and casino would be closed. no one is trapped on the ship - Princess are providing a free all day shuttle service into the town. Where is the evidence of the extra port tax? Whatever price you paid we all suffered the same changes and received the same “gesture”. We have suffered no really bad weather and with exception of yesterday have used our balcony every day.
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