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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. Welcome to Cruise Critic. Another cruiser @ccm1281 just posted a long redemption post in February. They do sound like a pain to use. But maybe you can use them on a future cruise. Link:
  2. No. You might want to pack your own. They have loaners in Central Park on the big ships. And we won once at trivia. I have heard that Celebrity might provide them for use during the cruise. But Royal Caribbean does not.
  3. Roatan is a docked port, not tendered, so you should be able to roll off. Belize is tendered, but I don't know what the logistics would be for you and your chair. Enjoy your cruise.
  4. That is very sad. I don't really know what to think about it.
  5. I enjoyed everything about Crystal. Her trip reports and photos are fabulous. Life changes probably, and she deleted her profile, at least on here.
  6. I'm not sure who has spreadsheets on here. You might ask @harryfat1 for a copy of his. He is the king of spreadsheets. Crystal was the queen, but she doesn't post anymore. (I don't use them. I dislike working with spreadsheets)
  7. They are covered. May is nothing to worry about hurricane wise. It would mess up their summer season. πŸ˜… Now, if you were cruising in September/October, it would be more of a concern.
  8. We were thinking about that too. The logistics are what is mind boggling. Get more stuff removed from the other house. Hire movers to take pared down furniture and many, many boxes to other house. Come back down and maybe stay at hotel or residence inn while the interior painting, new carpets, mulch and other items are going on. I believe the realtor and their work crews will take care of most of that. It is still a lot of moving pieces.
  9. Just keep telling yourself that it will work out Jane. And it will, it is just the process that is stressful, what with packing to move, taxes, and juggling doctor's appointments. You will get there. ☺️ And it is a nuisance and difficult when the other property is some distance away. Yours is farther away. But the house we are moving to, is 2 and a half hours away, so it is not like we can pop over there through the current snow. But you do have one major advantage, your new condo is empty! Mom's house where we are moving, is still full of stuff! πŸ˜„
  10. It was a female truck driver. That would have been terrifying. I'm glad they were able to rescue her. There were other injuries on the bridge, from a driver that crossed over into the opposing lanes.
  11. Amazon had this cool thing briefly, when we had the Camry. You could purchase your tires (w/installation included) on Amazon. And then go to the Sears Auto Center and they would be there, ready for installation and balancing. Bill said it was cheaper than other places. We were only able to use it one time. 😊
  12. There is one left in SF Bay Area. It is quite a way aways, though. We used to have an Outlet store, too. It was great for appliances. I miss Sears, but not enough to drive some distance to get there. I wonder if JC Penney will be next.
  13. That makes sense. And good to know. Not...that I think I will be trying it. 😊 I would probably try it at IFly in Union City, before I would try it on ship.
  14. Beautiful! We are really enjoying all of the photos! Thank you. ☺️
  15. Thanks Greg. I am terrible at selling things. At this point, around $3000 would be acceptable, even if that was the value from (1998) 25 years ago. The software had plans to update, but they went out of business. I look at so many things that we don't want to have to move with. I might keep the file cabinet, though. ☺️
  16. I have lived in this same house since I was 12. I am 65 now. It has been interesting to see what we have come across, but it has been slowing down the process. Some things, have value, because I was very careful with my toys. I remember my mom holding on to her LIFE magazines. While I really wanted to hold on to my comic books, from the early 60's and early 70's. In 1998, a software program came out that allowed me to inventory them, and I bagged, informally graded, and put them on acid free boards. And stored them in a file cabinet. They were worth about (there are about 691 of them) $3000 then. I am curious if I can find a comic store buyer or send them to an auction house (more work) to see what they are worth now. ☺️ Sorry, off topic sort of, but it has been on my mind, as we prepare for a major move.
  17. I love these overly dramatic headlines. LOL. This would be a warning for the other house, not the one in the Bay Area. We will watch it on the cameras, and maybe post photos! In other news, I packed an extra-large U-Haul box today. And realized that I should have purchased more medium and large boxes. The extra-large are way too heavy, even for movers. I have never actually packed a house to move before. πŸ™„ Pretty much mom's has just been trash, donate, donate. "Crippling Blizzard' For Sierra As 10 Feet Of Snow Forecast" πŸ™„
  18. I don't have any food allergies, but I am super picky. It does look like fun. I can fill up on deviled eggs or chicken, if there is nothing else, I want to eat. We have yet to experience a ship with Wonderland.
  19. We did the same thing! ☺️ It just kept getting more awesome.
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