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Everything posted by Drazil65

  1. We are partial to booking port side, just our thing for some reason and after so many years it just feels right to choose that side.
  2. Think of it this way with tropical storms and hurricanes, its not their first rodeo. As the previous posters have said they sail around, reverse ports, skip/change ports and do what it takes to avoid the storms. Just be prepared for some possible rough seas for a day/night or 2 and wind (could mean things will be shut down on upper decks). We have sailed through some rough weather with many things falling in the MDR or the bar (glasses, bottles etc.) but the cruise lines do a pretty good job of staying away from a storms path for the most part.
  3. I just hate that there isn’t a package that includes all non alcoholic beverages. RCL allows exemptions by requiring the non drinker to get their refreshments package. I’m not a big soda drinker and certainly won’t drink 15 alcoholic drinks in a day. So only having bubbles and cheers just doesn’t sit well with me. Then this is really simple, sail with RCCL so you can get what you want. This is how it has been with cheers for a very long time, not quite sure why it is still being debated. Dead Horse...it is what it is...period...
  4. You will be fine and figure out what works best for you in the inside cabin. Many people like the insides for several reasons (cheaper, dark, cozy etc.) and you may find you are one of them by the end of cruise. Have fun either way!
  5. It would probably save me from having to pull out my passport. Nope...used verifly and still had to show our passports (which was fine as I had all the paperwork with me just as I have done for 20 years of cruising). Verifly seemed to have more to do with being vax and the testing requirement and not used as identity.
  6. Easy, turn the wifi off and enjoy your cruise disconnected! Problem solved, easy peasy! THIS...Thank you!
  7. I'm guessing, but it may have something to do with Carnival's liability if they serve a pregnant person. The person in question must have been far enough along in her pregnancy to be showing so that it would be noticed by staff. Under those circumstances no matter what the reason was (and let face it, the reason given is not common), the ship could have a liability issue should something happen to her aboard while drinking. They reserve the right to cut anyone off at any time and its a chance the passengers take I guess. People that want to purchase cheers but are in a cabin with someone that shouldn't or cant drink should just buy their drinks outright. Unless the one person wants to be the drinker of both packages, yikes!!!
  8. We were not fans of the deal or no deal (watched and played along on the purchased cards in the audience) show and definitely would rather do family feud (play or just watch).
  9. (I know 18 year old's do not need baby sitting) I know plenty of 18 yr old's that need more babysitting than 4 yr olds!!! Nothing good ever happens after midnight, especially for teens...
  10. They still had cranberry juice on lido during breakfast this past May on the Sunshine. I always grab some cranberry and some orange juice (or the guava/passion fruit) for the cabin (take 2 tumblers to lido to fill) as mixers.
  11. 12oz are $22. I priced for 8 and they charge $7.56 for room delivery. I will buy when on board as per one of the above helpful tips on this thread. Our last cruise was the last week of May this year on the Sunshine, we always order ahead, before cruise so the items are in our cabin before we check in. We have never been charged a room delivery fee for this service, I went back to double check my CC statements from this last trip in May (and account statement from CCL to make sure they did not sneak anything in last minute). Also, I just preordered our items for our Mardi Gras cruise this December (this past week) and was not charged a room delivery fee as well. Also note, the preorder price for Mardi Gras for the beer items are $21 (4-12 oz) and $24 (4-16 oz) as of when I ordered earlier this week.
  12. $21-$24 (before fees) depending on what type of beer. I believe the $21 pack are 12 oz bottles and the $24 pack are 16oz cans...DH loves having some cold beers in the fridge also, at the ready to drink on the balcony and chill...
  13. OP, ignore the naysayers and those that have a need to put other people down (or dispute decisions made by others for vacations) as a way to make themselves feel better I guess. The most important thing is that you will be on a cruise vacation (finally) with the people you choose as your nearest and dearest. I am sure you would not have it any other way and after all this covid stuff the last couple of years we should all be grateful that we can make it on a vacation with our healthy family (many families dont have that choice any longer unfortunately). The kids will have a blast regardless and the adults should just enjoy the company and whatever libation suits them! Have fun and look up videos on you tube for your ship and possibly one out there for your cabin numbers. Many people do a ship/cabin walk through so you have some idea what things look like and how to navigate.
  14. I have never found it difficult to find items more on the healthy side when cruising. I agree with all posts about fresh creations, was a really nice go to when on serenity. I tend to eat the same on a cruise as I would in every day life (I dont eat things like red meat (I dont care for it), fried foods, most pasta (I dont care for it), not a big dessert fan for the most part etc.). Love Mexican and Mediterranean types of food and the veggie plate (Indian) in MDR but will stick with chicken or seafood for meat/protein sources. I do not have any issues finding chicken breast, seafood, veggie and salad choices. I eat like this normally and it doesnt bother me to skip the not so healthy things on a cruise. Congrats on your weight loss and you can do this!
  15. 100% book yourselves and give the booking info to others and let them handle their own cruise bookings if they still want to go. Speaking from a one and done experience many years ago, you don't want to go there. Lets just say you find out a lot about people you thought you knew when you take on booking someone else's vacation details (you just would not believe the issues including those that are kind of late with payments etc.). Good Luck!
  16. DH has pretty intense motion sickness issues (not just on ship) and the only formula that works for him (cruising 2/3x a yr for last 20 years) are motion sickness patches (RX from DR) and midship balcony (for immediate fresh air) on deck 7 for Sunshine level ships (the Sunshine is the smallest ship we sail). He only uses 2 or 3 of the patches per cruise (one starting 24 hrs before sail away so it gets into his system before we sail) and then 1 or 2 more in early days of cruise. He is usually set by then unless the weather turns ugly. We also keep ginger ale in the fridge and Bonine/Dramamine chewable (for quicker absorption) on hand just in case of rough seas later during cruise and needs something quick. Also, if swells are rough then we avoid the aft area (MDR, comedy club etc) of a ship being that is the worse place for him to feel it.
  17. Wilmington, NC would be great. THIS...I agree, we are about 2 hours from Wilmington. We have used Charleston port many times with the most recent being the last week of May this year. Charleston is one of our favorite cities to visit and go a couple times a year even when not cruising. We are trying to squeeze one more cruise in from Charleston before they close it down as well.
  18. OP, tough lesson for sure! Moving forward you could just set a reminder for 7 days ahead of final payment date on your phone. Or, if old school then actually write it on your calendar, sometimes its the only way to stay on top of things when life gets in the way! Hopefully you will find another trip that meets your needs, good luck!
  19. Last big extended family cruise we did was on Breeze 2019 before it got too hot (late spring time) and covid of course. Cruise ships are great for being with family and not being with family if you know what I mean. We generally ate dinner (YTD early so everyone could do what they wanted in evening) all together for the most part. Would discuss our days (some would do things together during day and some would do their own thing) and what was happening the next day as well. That way not too much was planned but those that wanted to plan something together could do so. We choose a bigger ship for the activities and since most of our extended family have previously cruised, the itinerary didn't matter as much for us I guess. We had a lot of fun but everyone felt they had plenty of options and control over what they did, their cabin choices, their eating habits etc. We made the ship and date choices with each family unit giving their time of year choices and majority ruled for time of year and month we chose. Then looked at the ships sailing from what ports and voted, once ship and week was decided it was up to each family unit to book their own cabins, flights (if needed) and anything else they needed to do at that point. We have found in the past that once the main decisions were made about the where and when, it is the best way to let everyone be responsible for their own bookings at that point. Family issues start when one person takes over all of the bookings and collecting money etc., so much easier to let everyone be accountable for their own family units. If they show up, great, if not, their loss...
  20. Gatorade and Pedialyte both come in powder packets (10 packet's to a box) so very easy to take on a cruise (much cheaper too). We did this on our Sunshine cruise a couple of months ago and it was great as we just brought our water bottles with us to refill.
  21. My fear exactly.... With my luck the second I moved someone's ***** they would show up and start a fight This...especially in todays world where everyone is mad about something and very quick to start something over these little life issues. If a chair is that important and you want a certain area then get up early and get your pick. If you choose to wait until later than take your chances and waste a lot of time policing and waiting on others to show up or not show up (strange way to spend your vacation imho). Its almost like there are those that go searching for a chair situation just so they CAN start something, guess they are that type and want the world to know it. Or, do what many of us do and get a balcony/or suite, guaranteed outdoor real estate with chairs/loungers...works great every time and no one can remove your stuff!!!
  22. 169 posts and you choose mine to complain about? If the shoe fits but applicable to all still whining and have nothing new to say! Just relax and enjoy a cruise cuz you can!!!
  23. So what good did any testing do? Apparently with testing, positive people are getting on the ship. So is Carnival saying if they get off before the 6th day they weren’t infectious? Only if staying on a longer cruise, even one more day, the whole ship is suddenly in danger. So the testing for any length cruise is worthless. Two years into it, sure would be nice for you all to find something else to whine about. Point is, we are now cruising, those that want to under the conditions currently set out, get over it (virus won, game, match) and move on...new subject people...
  24. Also on another note staying on deck 2 in the back of the ship, do you feel alot of rocking and get motion sickness? For my husband who has motion sickness (needs patch for cruising), ANYTHING in the aft of the ship is the worse place for motion/movement if seas are even slightly rolling more than usual. We do not even eat in MDR that night if that is the case due to a lot of rolling.
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