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Everything posted by PurpleHays

  1. A magnetic bottle opener. It's on my fridge and I used it a few hours ago.
  2. I've used (and reused) ziplock bags for years. I can double-bag toiletries and the alcohol I always bring back and not worry about leakage. When I get where I'm going, I shove the bags back in the luggage until it's time to go home. I designate one as "dirty" clothes to keep them separate from the clean clothes. As a plus, I can see everything and fill in all the crevices.
  3. Not quite sewing, but we did have fun. I made two shirts and this is my favorite of the two. I think it will definitely make the packing list for our upcoming TA. You can sort of see the other one--it's bronze and purple stripes.
  4. @sjb317 I once cut about 8" from my hair. (Now ex) husband didn't notice. Younger daughter walked in, noticed, started playing with it and asked "where did it all go?? Men. @Lois R We bought two of these before our last cruise (waaaaay back in Jan 2020) and love them. If it's the same ones we go, it will fit under your seat. It cooled off significantly today, from the stupid-humid mid 90s to under 80 with low humidity today. It's supposed to be about the same today. We opened the windows and spent most of the day outside. We will have to close back up Tuesday morning, but have loved the coolness. It's such a rare June gift. OOTD: Never-leave-the-house shorts, DSG tank, REI sleeves and OR wide-brimmed hat while I worked in the yard.
  5. @Globalizer Thank you! this is exactly what I was looking for and Trafalger Square is on our list to visit.
  6. This is my plan too. I'm not worrying about the app until closer to departure. Then I'll take all my documents as backup. If the app doesn't work, I don't care, as long as I can get on the ship, get in to my cabin, and pay for drinks. Anything beyond that is icing on the cake. I did order the Medallions for port pickup, but that's it. I'm not even loading it on my husband's phone until we're under 60 days. He'll stress too much about it and it just ain't worth it to me.
  7. We'll be doing a TA this fall. I prefer books over e-books, but they take up a lot of room in suitcases. Is there a bookstore near the Westminster area or on the bus line that would be easy for me to access? Thanks!
  8. I take something nice for formal night, but only one outfit instead of something different for each night. Hubby says he's only taking jeans for dinner, but I'm gonna push for slacks for formal night. Since we've started cruising Princess, we take fewer clothes--I don't mind washing if I can take less and have more return space for new purchases. I also take fewer books--I have an e-reader--but at least one or two giant books for balcony reading. I do take more sunscreen and protective clothing. What I *don't* take anymore? Textbooks! I finished two degrees between starting in 2007 and finishing in 2020. One cruise, I took 33 papers and wrote an annotated bibliography. No more. I take my wedding set, silicone rings, and a few necklaces and earrings. Nothing expensive. And, as a nurse with 33+ years under my belt, basic OTC meds/bandaids/minor first aid supplies. First cruise in 2001, right after 9/11.
  9. It has to be enough to feel like I get a benefit. I have refared several times on my upcoming cruise. I watch the price and notify my TA when it's enough to make a difference. The first one was about $1200, the most recent was an upgrade (only one category) that listed for about $300 more, but my TA made the call and got the upgrade for $56 more. Said it was the best thing she'd done all day (she'd been dealing with a very unhappy client most of the day, not her fault). With airfare included, we're still below our original quote.
  10. @slidergirl That sounds exhausting. You're gonna need a vacation from your vacations. I just got over covid. I've been extremely careful in public because of my chronic lung disease. When I first became symptomatic, I immediately narrowed my two public maskless places to the (socially distanced) rink and my work "employee appreciation event" the day before skating. After 2.5 years, I caught covid *at freaking work*. We had 25% of the OR staff out across two weeks post-event. No idea how the numbers were across the building. And yep, I'm vaccinated X3. Plan the second booster in July. My symptoms weren't terrible--low grade fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and a wicked cough. I only felt bad for a couple of days. I feel completely healed now. Luckily, my husband did not catch it. Coincidentally, I had a pre-scheduled appointment with my pulmonologist a week after I tested positive. My lungs are functioning as well as they were pre-pandemic. I feel pretty lucky.
  11. There's a special place in the deepest darkest level of h*** for murderers of innocent, defenseless children. I hope the suspect's stay there is long and miserable. Those sweet kids were halfway between my grands in age and grade, so it touched me a bit more than the others have.. I just cannot imagine what those parents are going through. I want--no, I demand--that our lawmakers that we voted to send to DC (and Raleigh/Sacramento/Atlanta/Austin, etc) to do the effing jobs we sent them to do and ACT. Now. No more innocent children need to die. Sorry, jumps off soapbox, runs, ducks, and hides. Sorry about the politics, even though I didn't list a party.
  12. And then I have hubby get around all the edges too. And wear a rash guard. And stay out of the sun. I'm almost paranoid now.
  13. I heard that years ago, but never thought about it until this happened. I expected my left arm to be worse-I mean, it faces the sun when I drive home--but was floored when the right was far worse. It ha huge lesions and my hand swelled up like a balloon. Then I was at work one day, looked down at my crossed arms, and noticed the right was on top. 💡 Thirty plus years of crossing right over left caused the damage. Now, I either use sunscreen or a jacket, depending on my assignment. Wear sunscreen, folks.
  14. As a redhead, I can relate. After precancer treatment in February on both my arms, I don't go out without either long sleeves or sunscreen (SPF 9000). I even protect my arms at work--fluorescent lights caused more damage than the sun did. OOTD #1: Never to be seen out of the house cheer shorts, socks, Keen hiking boots, and a Bass Pro fishing shirt to protect my arms for yard work. I also had OR wide brimmed hat for part of the time until I went inside bushes. I got a lot done, but have more to go. OOTD #2: Clean never to be seen out of the hours cheer shorts and an Athleta tank top. No shoes as I prefer to be barefoot inside.
  15. Funny enough, that's the lens that's marked on the list of "best Sony a7III lenses" that I culled from somewhere on the internet. I have it both circled *and* highlighted. I must have read multiple reviews about it.
  16. I did have that problem with the 18-135 and it p***** me off because only *one* lens transferred. However, I did spend some $$ and get a user's guide. I was going page by page and learning all the (gazillion new) functions and found a setting that converts the APS-C to full-frame. Well, technically I think it crops it down, but it eliminates the black corners. That one find alone made up for the cost of the book. $40 book vs $1300 lens. I still want to buy an actual lens that doesn't need to use the adapter, but that will be the end-of-year OT at work.
  17. I have a Sony A7III with an 18-135 lens right now. This lens, along with an 18-55 kit lens were the only ones that made the transition from my A37. I will get lots of play with it on our fall TA. Next goal: to save up and purchase more lenses, especially a telephoto.
  18. I made a shrimp and orzo dish for dinner this evening. It called for three cloves of minced garlic. I halved the recipe, but still used three cloves of garlic. I love garlic too.
  19. You could use medically exempt. He's not old enough for the vaccine, so in my opinion (with 30+ years of nursing behind me), that's a medical reason. Princess might not agree.
  20. We had three consecutive days of lots of thunder and lightning, but very little rain. There was a tornado in the next county over, but only property damage, thank goodness. It's still overcast today and much cooler. Got some sun yesterday, but not enough for me.
  21. A bit high for my wallet and sewing skills.
  22. I was at the fabric store this afternoon getting fabric (duh) to make a couple of outfits for our fall TA. While I was at the cutting counter, a woman asked me if I sewed--I said yes. She then asked if I sewed for other people. Nope, only relatives (I didn't tell her that--she might try to claim to be my long lost aunt), but I do know folks that do. I called one friend and connected them. She had a 22 year old dress that was falling apart and she wanted to replicate it. That's beyond my skill set. I got fabric to make some travel leggings/joggers, a coordinating top, and a lightweight dress. I may need to line the dress if the white background is too thin once I hold it up over something bright.
  23. I saw the same (nurse-midwife) gyn provider for more than 20 years. Took both my daughters to see her. I followed her to multiple practices. I was talking to my younger daughter about scheduling a visit and she said "you know J***** retired, don't you?" Uh, no. Thanks for breaking my heart. I went to the one the daughter was seeing and I like her too. Almost as much. Same Family Practice group for over 30 years, mostly the same doc. I live 45 minutes away now and tried a doc closer. Didn't like her (she didn't listen to me at all) so I went back to Dr. S. I usually only go once a year, so it's not bad. Same with the dentist, also 30+ years. My favorite hygienist retired, so there's that, but why fix what ain't broke.
  24. Hubby is downstairs sleeping off his anxiety post-varicose vein surgery. His leg is swollen and sore. I actually thought it was both legs, but it's only the right. Thank goodness we don't have to do that again. He does have to go back a few times for sclerotherapy. I'm just glad he did all this before we attempt a flight across the Atlantic. Daughter texted me that she's home and is going to sleep the rest of the day. Other daughter is somewhere over the Atlantic on her way to Italy. I am jealous. It's overcast and stormy today. Lovely lightning display earlier.
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