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Everything posted by NCteacherlovescruising

  1. It's SO cheap though!! Only $1500 for both of us flying from Charlotte, NC.
  2. This was in response to someone that didn't like the same itineraries. My comment had nothing to do with current pricing.
  3. The 11 night Italy, Greece & Turkey is at the top of my list. I'm trying to get my friends to take a look at it. Not only do I love the itinerary, but an overnight in Turkey is a huge bonus! I wish they did this in more ports. So do I! As I mentioned above, it's at the top of my list.
  4. I agree that 2 days isn't enough time. If we reschedule with them, I do think I we will book air on our own so we can come and go as we please.
  5. We'll be on the Reflection, so S-class. What do you mean about it being restrictive?
  6. We are planning to fly in at least 2-3 days early and stay at least 2-3 after so we can see some other places, especially in Italy! The cruise we currently have booked starts in Athens and ends in Venice. Not sure if we're keeping that one or switching to Celebrity. Greece and Barcelona both sound fabulous! We are thinking about doing a land vacation in Iceland next year. I'll keep this in mind, thanks! Hopefully my husband will want to return to see other places. So far all our cruises have been in the Caribbean. While we'd rather start seeing some other places, it's quite a bit more expensive when these long flights are involved. Our current itinerary does not include Rome. The only stop in Italy in Venice, which is where it ends. We have the NCL air promo, which only allows us to come 2 days early and fly out 2 days after. That's one of the reasons I'm not sold on them. I'd rather see more of Italy and fly in earlier than 2 days so we can see as much as possible. Overall, I think it's a pretty good itinerary. Athens (Piraeus)Greece SantoriniGreece MykonosGreece ZakynthosGreece CorfuGreece KotorMontenegro DubrovnikCroatia SplitCroatia VeniceItaly Venice (Trieste)Italy The cruise we currently have booked is only going to Venice. It's primarily focused on Greece. We are talking about doing a land vacation in Iceland next year. It looks like if we keep our current cruise (would have to switch dates though), we'd be better off buying our own tickets so we could fly in early to explore Italy pre-cruise (or post cruise, whichever way it works out).
  7. That one's on my list, but one of my friends can't go in June. That only leaves July for me and that's not an option then. I also want a sunset veranda. Hopefully they still have them Sunday when I'm onboard.
  8. I've never traveled solo so I have never heard of this. How can you tell when that's available?
  9. I have never been to Europe. We are planning a cruise there in 2024. We currently have a cruise booked with NCL, but am considering jumping ship. Our school changed our calendar so I will have to change the dates with NCL, even if we stick with them. Celebrity released so many, I feel a bit overwhelmed. Which ports would you consider "must see" for someone that hasn't been to any of them? Do any ships or itineraries seem to have a better value right now? My friends want to focus on Greece and Italy. Italy has always been at the top of my bucket list, so it's a must for me. I also want to begin or end there because I want to go to Tuscany. However, would it be a mistake to see Greece before France or Spain? I will be on the Reflection Sunday and would like to book while onboard, if we switch to Celebrity.
  10. For someone that's never been to Europe, I think they look fabulous!
  11. I found some that look more appealing to me, but my friends seem set on the NCL itinerary. However, I'm a teacher and our school district just changed our school calendar, having us begin and end 3 weeks earlier. Assuming they will stick with the new calendar, I will be back to work at the time we have our cruise booked. With August out for me, and June out for one of my friends, we only have July. Which itinerary did you go with? The Ascent has some fantastic itineraries! I have never been anywhere in Europe. Why would you call those 3 "cruise highlights" over the ones we chose? Again, since I've never been there I don't know. We plan to spend 2 days pre and post cruise on land. I will put that on my to do list. I'm not at all familiar with Oceania.
  12. All the good deals are making my anxiety skyrocket! I'm cruising with friends on the 2024 trip and they are in no hurry to book.
  13. It's been a few years. What do you pay for these certificates? Whatever you pay for them is your deposit? So you just get some onboard credit for the amount listed above, depending on room category and number of nights? I will be onboard Sunday! Is this the same if we just book onboard?
  14. They don't want Aqua or suites. They said this cruise is about the itinerary, not the ship, and aren't interested in paying for anything extra.
  15. We're planning a group trip and one of our friends will be traveling solo. Do any Celebrity ships offer solo cabins? I know some NCL ships do.
  16. I plan on booking after I board the Reflection Sunday and I have a TA.
  17. What is the max time allowed for a courtesy hold? Just wondering because I will be on the Reflection this Sunday. I assume that's too long to hold it.
  18. What spa treatments have you received on Celebrity that you would recommend? I get monthly massages so that’s not at the top of my list, but would consider it since mine are therapeutic. They aren’t relaxing or comfortable but I’m a mess without them. Facials are what I’m drawn to, but not sure which one to get and worried about some sort of reaction. Just something relaxing to kick start our cruise. Of course, if it made my skin look better in any way, that would be a major plus.
  19. We will be on the Reflection. I will be sure to check out their breakfast, thanks! So we should try to get there a little before 7? Do you know if it’s possible on the Reflection? I’m with you. I don’t really care where we sit, although I’d prefer not being right on top of another group.
  20. Thanks for letting me know, so we won't be surprised. Hopefully the wait won't be too bad. What's the best time? I doubt we will come when they open. I guess if the line is too long we could always hit the buffet unless there is something on the menu one of us really wants. This will be my first time cruising with my two friends, so I don't know when they will want to eat. I doubt we will get there when they open though. Typically on land, we don't eat early. While I would prefer the same waiter each night, it won't stop me from enjoying dinner and having a great time.
  21. Thank you all for your input. We decided to upgrade to Aquaclass.
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