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Everything posted by NCteacherlovescruising

  1. I intentionally picked a cruise that has a couple sea days, days 2 and 8 of 9, so we would have time to relax as well. We aren’t the type that would want to walk around all day! My neuropathy and plantar fasciitis would act up. However, I wouldn’t want to sit in our hotel for hours either. I’m thinking long leisurely meals where we can people watch or have a beautiful view would be perfect, then back to it again. I’ll also want to do some shopping for sure! And eat gelato!! She has this tour that includes Palatine Hill with them. Do you think we should switch? https://www.romewithmarisa.com/tour-item/ancient-rome-extensive-tour/ She has several others as well, including full day tours but I thought a full day walking tour might be a bit too much. I just picked two that had the main things I was interested in seeing. We started watching YouTube videos to get a better idea of what we want to see and so while there. As for Trastevere, we had considered staying in an apartment there but someone (don’t recall who) made it sound too far to walk to the sites so we decided to stay at a hotel instead. What type of budget would we be looking at to do 2 days in Barcelona, 3 in Rome and 2 in Venice, including premium economy flights? I believe the hotel (Hotel Jazz) in Barcelona is comparably priced to Albergo del Senato. I have no idea how much we will spend on food and transportation. I also heard Venice is expensive but haven’t even begun to research anything there yet. I think we’re also getting a hotel for our overnight in Florence, based on feedback about the distance from the port. I greatly appreciate all your help! You have been one of the most valuable resources I’ve had on Cruise Critic.
  2. I was just in aqua class on the Reflection. I told them once I don’t do dairy and they were very careful not to serve me any.
  3. It’s a long way off, June 2024, so plenty of time for tweaking. We will debark the Celebrity Equinox on Saturday, June 22. No idea when we will get to Rome. Day 1 in Rome- taxi to Albergo del Senato hotel. Leave luggage with hotel if we can’t checkin early. Visit the Pantheon, Trevi fountain, and Spanish steps- self guided Day 2 (Sunday) - 3 hour Tour with Marisa- Colosseum and Forum https://www.romewithmarisa.com/tour-item/ancient-rome-basic-tour/ Day 3 (Monday) - 3 hour Tour with Marisa - Vatican/Sistine Chapel https://www.romewithmarisa.com/tour-item/private-tour-of-the-vatican-museums-and-sistine-chapel/ These are the main attractions we’d like to visit. Or could we do this over Saturday and Sunday, then head to Venice for a couple days Monday morning? I believe the Vatican Museum tour would have to be either Saturday or Monday, due to them being closed on Sunday. Not sure if we will make it to Rome and drop off our luggage off in time to do it Saturday, but the tours are only 3 hours. It seems like we could squeeze it all into 2 days, but I could be wrong. That would be perfect so we could also visit Venice. Thoughts? I’d love input from those that have been there.
  4. What about 1663? I thought the balcony looked a little bigger on this one.
  5. I did reach out to them today to see when booking would be available. I plan to book a superior double which states Pantheon view. We plan to stay 3 nights post cruise. We’ll book as soon as possible so we can get what we want.
  6. After finally reading through all 25 pages, we have decided to go with Albergo del Senato. Our cruise isn't for 529 more days so bookings haven't opened yet. When should we start looking or can I email them now to secure a room?
  7. Good to hear this! We were on the Reflection earlier this month and our next cruise is on the Equinox.
  8. That’s what I’m thinking. I’m going to create a binder of what all I’d like to do pre-cruise, at the various ports, and post cruise, and share it with my husband. He seems perfectly content to let me do all the research and planning. I guess he’ll just have to ok the budget.
  9. We just did a 5 night on the Reflection and it was our sea day, day 3.
  10. Our cruise ends in Rome (June 2024) and we plan on staying there a few days. I don’t know if we’ll ever get back to Europe, because we’ve never taken a vacation with a long flight before. Aruba is the farthest we flown for a vacation. I see we can get to Venice by train in about 4 hours. Should we plan a day trip there or just focus on Rome and the surrounding area? Besides hitting the typical highlights in Rome, I’d also like to visit a beautiful winery. We’re still undecided how many days we will spend there post cruise. It’s nearly impossible for us to figure out a budget this far in advance because it’s too soon to book anything. He hasn’t set a limit yet, I’m sure because he has no idea what things will cost. How many days would we need in Rome to see the major highlights-Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Colosseum, Forum, the fountain and do a winery tour? Or should we do the winey tour while in Florence overnight? We would also possibly add a day in Venice? Or if we add Venice, should we add that to the end and fly out of there? What do you typically plan per day for touring and food there? We need an idea of how much money to exchange before leaving or should we plan to use a credit card for most purchases? So many unknowns! I believe I’ve read that you do not tip in Europe. Is this correct? Will the ship (Celebrity) have their standard food or will it be European since the cruise is in Europe?
  11. How long did it take to get there? What time of year? How much per night? Was it city center?
  12. Don't want to stay somewhere too expensive. The place you linked looks fine. We wouldn't rent a car. lol
  13. That's a big difference! However, we do have all that OBC to use. Good to know language shouldn't be much of an issue. I have heard this before! We wouldn't be able to vacation as much if we had to stay in suites though, at least not until I retire. Being a teacher, we always have to cruise during peak seasons.
  14. I will screenshot that then. It's good to know many restaurants will offer menus in English. You have been a great recourse! Now I see why. I love Italian food so I'm looking forward to experiencing the real thing!! Thanks for the blog suggestion and the info on touring the Vatican.
  15. The carbonara had something called cheek pork or something like that. I don’t like meatballs or meatloaf’s. If I have meat in pasta, I usually get Italian sausage or chicken, or sometimes bolognese. Our cruise is over a year out, but I will start making reservations when possible. Is amatriciama similar to our red sauces? How does the Roman way differ? I’m thinking of booking a private tour to the Vatican and Sistine Chapel. We have a lunch break but no idea where she will take us.
  16. The restaurant. I looked at their menu and didn't see anything I'd normally order. The second restaurant had things more my taste, like spaghetti carbonara. I don't eat mushrooms, anchovies, or raw meat. I don't recall what else was in their dishes I don't care for. My husband, on the other hand, eats everything! How far in advance should we reserve? Thank you! Will they have English translations or should I screenshot this? By the way, where do you live? I see you either live there or have spend quite a bit of time there. That's not that late. We normally eat around 6:30, but in bed by 9:30. lol I'm sure we'll adjust our schedules while on vacation.
  17. You are the second person to recommend staying overnight in Florence. I told my husband how far from the port it is and he agrees. What part of the city should we book? Marriott properties would be preferred, but not required. I did look at that hotel thread briefly. I need to go back and pay more attention to location. Based on recommendations, I do believe we will overnight in Florence. Again, where should we look? We need to do some ship excursions to utilize some of our OBC. I booked while on the ship so we have $1350. Which ports would you think would be best for ship excursions? We will decide on how many days, once we figure out how much of our budget will be used for accommodations and plane tickets. He hasn't even set a budget yet, which is a good sign! We like lots of wines, especially big, bold reds. More earthy, less fruit forward. We tend to buy more Napa Cabs and French Bordeaux's, but also enjoy some Italian and Spanish wines. If we visit a winery, we would want to go to one that is beautiful. I can drink good wine anywhere, I want the experience of a beautiful winery with a nice glass of wine. We've all been there! lol
  18. I'm sure we will do some ship excursions because we have $1350 in OBC. I do plan on some salon visits for blow-outs, but the rest we could use for excursions. I don't see us booking specialty dining this time because most of our meals will be on land and we booked a suite so I want to dine in Luminae. I've heard such great things about it! IYO, which ports would be the hardest to navigate on our own?
  19. Thank you! This is very helpful, thanks! It sounds like BC will be too expensive. I'd rather save my money to be able to more time in Rome.
  20. Good to know! Signage will be in their language though, correct? My husband can only get so much time off work and Italy has always been at the top of my list so I would like to spend more time there. I always join roll calls, both on here and FB. Our cruise is so far out I had to start one myself yesterday. I made some great friends on a roll call right before covid hit. We still keep in touch. One another, I figured out I had went to school with someone on there and we ended up hanging out together the entire cruise. Thanks so much! This is extremely helpful! I will check out your thread and Marisa as well. We will have a few days in Rome and a private tour guide would be perfect! I didn't know about a multi-city ticket. I didn't see it while searching on my phone, but I just looked n my laptop and see that option. We aren't familiar with google flights either. We typically drive to our ports and I've only been on a plane a few times in my life. I'm terrified of heights and flying and have to be medicated. You seem so calm about this. I would think since you booked through Celebrity, they would have to absorb the extra cost. I'm so sorry this happened to you! That's something to consider. My friend does the same. We don't fly much, so I have no idea what FBC and BC are. Can you explain? Is business class the same as first class? I would be willing to pay more to be comfortable enough to sleep on such a long flight. The Ativan I will have to take to fly will make sleeping easier too. $1200 is quite the savings! I always join roll calls. Our cruise isn't until 2024 so I ended up creating one yesterday. I'm planning early. I am going to create a binder with everything I might want to do in each of the ports, so it's all in one place and easy for us to plan.
  21. If you can’t get pepperoni and sausage (that or meat lovers is my go to!), what should someone that likes meat on their pizza order?
  22. I may have a hard time eating at the first place, not sure. However, the second looks really good! What time do they start serving dinner?
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