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Everything posted by Red-Sol

  1. I just wanted to take a moment to thank some people who have done live type reviews on the NCL boards over the last few months. Your opinions, experiences, pics, and videos have helped out far more people than you could ever know. I am creating this list from memory (a dangerous thing to do in my case 😉 although I can't remember why 🤣) so I apologize for anyone I may have missed...and no doubt there are some. But please be assured that all of your contributions are appreciated very much. @mking8288 @JIMESOPUS @Laszlo @cruiseny4life @BirdTravels @PistolPete13 @graphicguy Thank You All Very Much!
  2. It would be interesting to find out if the staff shortages is only due to layoffs...or if they can actually find enough workers in total.
  3. Beautiful! So nice and at least one million times better than the ice I need to shovel out of our driveway! Keep enjoying!
  4. The biggest problem with NCL and their so called "Dress Codes" (especially when it comes to shorts) is a complete lack of understanding and consistency in applying their own code. Case in point: While on a Bermuda Sailing on Breakaway while docked in Bermuda I tried to enter Le Bistro (first mistake since I don't really care for Le Bistro anyways) wearing the Bermuda Shorts I purchased that day in Hamilton. Was stopped and told I couldn't enter unless I went and changed into long pants....but could be seated outside if I wanted. We chose outside and I was amazed at the number of women they let in wearing shorts. When we were leaving I decided to go up to them and ask about why that was...and was told that the no shorts rule ony appled to men....all I could do is laugh at them and walk away shaking my head. 😮
  5. If your coffee fix is that you are looking for a boost... caffeine supplements *might* fit the bill...most are better and more mild than drinks like Red Bull...etc.
  6. At the rate NCL has been eliminating entertainment it may not be all that long before there won't be anything going on in the Atrium, Syds, the Theater or anywhere else.
  7. As another Google Pixel fan fan I know many people tend to "Poo Poo" the cameras and phones...they fail to understand the imaging quality the phones provide at significantly lower prices than many other high end phones.
  8. The hardest part of going on any cruise is leaving our dog(s) behind. Returning and being with them again is so completely satisfying!
  9. Welcome Home Laszlo and thanks very much for taking us along! Looking forward to your videos.
  10. While I am new to actually going through the upgrade process myself.... we were also able to put in a bid for a cruise approximately 4 months from now ( Prima April 30th) So my assumption would be that upgrade emails go out to some people shortly after final payment. I wouldn't think or expect to hear anything about the bid though until shortly before sailing. Wondering if anyone has had an experience where a bid was accepted more than a month or two before sailing?
  11. Thank you @European_CruiseGirl @Funky Fusion FoodsJ @All-ready2cruise That is what I assumed it meant but wasn't 100% sure.....now I can go push the button without worry!
  12. Was just about to pull the trigger on bidding for a cabin upgrade (From Balcony to Spa Balcony) on an upcoming cruise until is saw this : " I acknowledge that the upgrade does not include any additional promotions, that the cabin will be assigned based on space availability, and that once accepted, the upgrade is final and non-refundable. I confirm that I accept the full terms of service" What I don't totally understand is the bolded portion....does that mean that the upgrade doesn't carry with it any of the original free at sea perks that we recieved when booking.... and is more like a sailaway? Or does it simply mean additional promotions to what we currently have? Anyone know for sure?
  13. Beautiful Sunrise Pic Laszlo...I'm assuming water and air temperature is on the rise for you now.
  14. Sailing out of NYC is always so beautiful. It's hard to imagine any other departure being more scenic. Keep your heads down when going under Verrazzano
  15. What a beautiful January Day for you folks! Bon Voyage and wish I was there!
  16. The one thing that Covid does do to affect my cruising decision today...is that the insurance I carry might be a little bit more comprehensive...other than that not really anything.
  17. That's what we were thinking as well. The wild card though in this might be weather. It is an April 30th NYC to Bermuda Cruise....and while we are hopefully going to experience ideal weather...late April? Who knows? The suggestion previously about possibly using the Observation lounge might be a good fallback position too. Like I said this is something very informal (not like a sanctioned Meet and Greet) so we could change areas to meet easily based on weather.
  18. Putting together a very informal sailaway get together for an April cruise. In our limited knowlege of actual ship layout (we haven't been on her yet before) looking at deck plans it looks like deck 8 Aft (inside and outside Indulge) might be the best place. Anyone who has sailed on Prima have any other thoughts? Guessing maybe somewhere between 30 to 50 people may show up.
  19. Another tip regarding CAS...if you cruise frequently you can have more than 1 cruise booked using whatever comps CAS will offer based on prior play (What that is varies from cruise to cruise)
  20. There is probably some type of accounting rule as to why they don't do this but in my mind it would be a tremendous advantage to any cruise line that could do it in the following way: Abolish the entire DSC as a separate entity and roll whatever the cost might be into the base fare. That could be a huge advantage in advertising saying they don't even have a DSC so come cruise with us. The crew theoretically would be happy for a couple reasons. They would still get whatever the amount is that NCL designates...passengers would NOT be able to remove or lower the DSC because it is no longer there...plus I think some people might actually tip more than they do now (hopefully) if they don't see a DSC amount. Sure seems like everybody would win doing it that way. Edited to add...the biggest advantage might be the stopping of all the moaning and groaning about it here on CruiseCritic 🙂
  21. 😃 Actually there is an edit button. But you need to be very quick...I think you may have 10 minutes? to be able to edit a post until you are locked out.
  22. I can relate...We love cruising out of NYC for all of the reasons you mentioned and more. While we are still close to 400 miles away......not needing to fly is like a little slice of heaven.
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