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Everything posted by kalos

  1. You never know ? Could have been testing you to see if you were just a phone call away and you would still come and see her ? I'ts all new to her at the moment🙂 Morning all, just 1.c here and will get to about 3.c so a day staying warm and cosy. Have a good day .🙂
  2. Ah kids you can't beat em ,or can you ? 🤔🙃
  3. How to make your moggy really hard ? Shake some cat treats and they come bursting through your living room walls ? Why not have a cat flap like everyone else ? Maybe buying these moggy treats the should give you a discount on polly filler 🤔
  4. Should be able to ask DR for Movicol or equivalent and use as required ?
  5. On The Beach advert is a weird one ? Maybe they are trying to capture those supposedly family's we read about on here who's kids run mayhem around the ship ,whilst Mum and partner maybe dad gets drunk in a bar ,before heading off to the buffet and seeing who can make and eat the most chip butty's in ten minutes. They say there's a holiday for everyone ? As for the the ships being called "Butlins at sea" ? Can anyone tell me the boarding times at Skeggy and where they sail to ? 🤔 Thought not .🙂
  6. Be nice for him to wake up in his own bed without the commotion of the Hozzie 😃
  7. Hope things are getting better for you looking after your mum .
  8. On our last cruise the couple in the cabin next to us .they guy had just had recent major heart surgery and wanted a few hours not far from the ship but without the big tourist crowds . I suggested a favourite of mine ..Jump in a taxi for a 15 minute run to the Beatriz player hotel and go to the beach and watch the planes land really close up and have a drink or two in the seafront bars . They loved it and said they would do it again ,so when in Lanzarote that could be an inexpensive option ?
  9. What a horrible situation to be in hope they pull their finger out and sort you ASAP and then you can travel and relax on the Azura . Morning everyone , 2.c here , Hope you all have a great day whatever you do .🙂
  10. Avril & Frank, it is music to our ears that you are back home together where you belong. Glad to see you only needed an iron tablet and the need to dodge the salt and steady with the liquids ,Oh and the Vape in the bin ,your doing well, keep the good work up .. Best wishes to the both of you Mr & Mrs Kalos 😃
  11. Before you fly get your self some breakfast ,may I suggest a Beer-Can sandwich ?🙃 Have a great cruise 🙂
  12. @Eddie99 Have a great time ,we are all sure you will 🙂 @Ardennais We have happy memories of Queen Vic as well and glad you and your family also had a good time 🙂
  13. Regarding bread I eat brown bread which is amber 0.35g or sometimes a 50/50 loaf 0.4g but am not a very big bread eater but for those who are making your own bread is a viable option. When making Yorkshire puds we simply omit the salt . Things like pizzas ,Mrs K will make her own using wraps as a base , things like crisp are far to high in salt apart from the ones with the blue bag as you throw the salt away but personally only as a treat every so often , Another one is if we decide on a chippy ,we ask for a thin batter on the fish and some places will steam the fish for you . @Adawn47 Hope Frank gets good news today I think he's due some 🙂
  14. Morning 4.c and dull here ,nothing much doing today. Yesterday we decided to go out and check the car tyre pressure for the first time this year . The air machine is now card only and as you swipe your card it says .. "Thankyou for using me "🙂 Then charge you .50p and to think I keep a couple of .20ps in my wallet for such things . It's a £1 on some of them .😲 Inflations gone mad ! Never the less they needed checking with all the bad winter weather that they say could hit us next week . I wonder how many will be running around trying to find an air line that has not frozen if the temps really dip ?🤔 Take care 🙂
  15. Just asked Mrs K Salt .. Anything under 0.5g is green and good and 0.9g is amber . Some foods we go to 06;g at a push . I will put the light system below for you to read ,hope it helps . https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-hygiene/check-the-label
  16. @Adawn47 Hope things go well for Frank tomorrow Avril. I think Frank will be ok giving up the Vape and the salt ,lets face it with HF you have little choice if you want to improve as their is no cure . Just read out your post to Mrs K and she remembers doing exactly the same as you . Clearing out the freezer and fridge of anything that had a "Red" on the traffic light system on food packages . Lots of stuff she will make herself as I am low sugar too. Can be a pain but Frank will get there as he has a woman called Avril looking out for him 🙂 Onwards and upwards , take care .🙂
  17. Looks like it's going to be nice when finished. Hope you have many years of happiness in your new home 🙂 @Adawn47 What Michelle said above .. Take care 🙂
  18. I had that happen to one of my bank cards which I did not use much. They froze it due to no activity as a safeguard but they don't tell you this . Got them to reactivate it and now will use it at least once a year even if it's to buy a bottle of milk from shop .
  19. Black n White night of the future ? Wicked or wot ?😉 Plus Vape night cos we don't do cocktails 🙃
  20. If your ship is calling at Gran Canaria there is a big shopping centre opposite where you normally dock called "Centro Comercial El Muelle" On the ground floor of the complex is a big supermarket we use. I am limited to zero sugar soft drinks ,so grab a few cans for use on the balcony and had no probs taking them onboard with security .
  21. It's the fear of the unknown Avril and we understand how your feeling. Mrs K saying you will be fine and me telling Mrs K the same . Truth was we were worried others on the Cardio unit were getting told your going for a stent or a valve or pacemaker fitted at Sheffield and will soon be home.All I got was the cardio specialists are going to have meetings about your condition but no fix or answers for me. I was also pining for my own bed ,not much fun when alarms are going through out the night and the nurses change over from night to day shift , So Frank wanting his own bed is very understandable . Getting back home felt emotional but that was just the start as I would be sent between Rotherham and Sheffield outpatient hospitals for even more scans but was worth it as it lead to a bit of normality in our lives as they will for you and Frank Avril. Long way to go yet. Just hang in there, your doing fine Avril and so is Frank .. Chin up lass 🙂
  22. Morning still a cool 2,c this morning .Next doors flew back from Tenerife yesterday morning and said it came as a bit of a shock when they landed . On these dark mornings we must remember to switch the lights off when it becomes light Have a good day 🙂
  23. I was a bit bored and decided to Google, look up ..Err put politely some poor chimps looking for parts of their anatomy that had fallen off their body . I am now a bit wiser after looking up the brass monkey and cold origins .. Seems it is a load of balls..Cannon balls to be precise stacked on an old battle ship . I never knew this ,we live and learn .. Mr Google says ... Used to describe cold weather, this saying derives from the traditional Navy phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey". This references the brass structure or 'monkey' where cannon balls were stacked
  24. Morning 1.c here .Managed to wake myself up with a freezing arm ,I must have stuck it out from under the duvet and when I pulled it back in and it came into contact with the rest of me ..Guess you could call that a rude awakening 🤣 Have good day everyone 🙂
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